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Diagnosing Water Problem for Asmari Reservoir in Abu Ghirab Oilfield Using Analytical and Numerical Approaches
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Asmari is the main productive reservoir in Abu Ghirab oilfield in the south-east part of Iraq. It has history production extends from 1976 up to now with several close periods. Recently, the reservoir suffers some problems in production, which are abstracted as water production rising with oil production declining in most wells. The water problem type of the field and wells is identified by using Chan's diagnostic plots (water oil ratio (WOR) and derivative water oil ratio (WOR') against time). The analytical results show that water problem is caused by the channeling due to high permeability zones, high water saturation zones, and faults or fracturing. The numerical approach is also used to study the water movement inside the reservoir. A three dimensional geological and a three phase reservoir model was constructed for Asmari reservoir. The simulation model was used to visualize the water front advance in order to evaluate the water production structurally. The numerical results also show that the channeling is the main cause of water production, as well as, oil-water contact advance problem was noted due to fault sealing behavior effects.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Computers In Biology And Medicine
Model based smooth super-twisting control of cancer chemotherapy treatment
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Chemotherapy is one of the most efficient methods for treating cancer patients. Chemotherapy aims to eliminate cancer cells as thoroughly as possible. Delivering medications to patients’ bodies through various methods, either oral or intravenous is part of the chemotherapy process. Different cell-kill hypotheses take into account the interactions of the expansion of the tumor volume, external drugs, and the rate of their eradication. For the control of drug usage and tumor volume, a model based smooth super-twisting control (MBSSTC) is proposed in this paper. Firstly, three nonlinear cell-kill mathematical models are considered in this work, including the log-kill, Norton-Simon, and hypotheses subject to parametric uncertainties and exo

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
أنموذج مقترح لتقييم أداء العاملين " دراسة تطبيقية في ديوان الرقابة المالية الاتحادي"
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يعد تقييم اداء العاملين احد اهم الركائز الاساسية التي يتوقف عليها نجاح أي منظمة تسعى بأن تتطور وتتميز بأنشطتها واداءها وبالأخص المنظمات التي لها خصوصية في عملها كالأجهزة الرقابية التي تعتمد في اداء انشطتها ومسؤولياتها على كفاءة مواردها البشرية, ومن هذا المنطلق يهدف هذا البحث الى تصميم انموذج ثلاثي المحاور (المؤهلات والقدرات، الاداء والانجاز، التعاون والالتزام الوظيفي) ثُماني المستويات

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Publication Date
Sun May 17 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Multicomponent Inverse Lomax Stress-Strength Reliability
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In this article we derive two reliability mathematical expressions of two kinds of s-out of -k stress-strength model systems; and . Both stress and strength are assumed to have an Inverse Lomax distribution with unknown shape parameters and a common known scale parameter. The increase and decrease in the real values of the two reliabilities are studied according to the increase and decrease in the distribution parameters. Two estimation methods are used to estimate the distribution parameters and the reliabilities, which are Maximum Likelihood and Regression. A comparison is made between the estimators based on a simulation study by the mean squared error criteria, which revealed that the maximum likelihood estimator works the best.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Mathematical Modelling of a Plant-Herbivore Community with Additional Effects of Food on the Environment
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     By taking into account various food components in the ecosystem, the research intends to develop a set of difference equations to simulate a plant-herbivore interaction of Holling Type II. We determine the local stability of the equilibrium points for the scenarios of extinction, semi-extinction (extinction for one species), and coexistence using the Linearized Stability Theorem. For a suitable Lyapunov function, we investigate theoretical findings to determine the global stability of the coexisting equilibrium point. It is clear that the system exhibits both Flip and Neimark-Sacker bifurcation under particular circumstances using the central manifold theorem and the bifurcation theory. Numerical simulations are

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Selection of variables Affecting Red Blood Cell by Firefly Algorithm
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Some maps of the chaotic firefly algorithm were selected to select variables for data on blood diseases and blood vessels obtained from Nasiriyah General Hospital where the data were tested and tracking the distribution of Gamma and it was concluded that a Chebyshevmap method is more efficient than a Sinusoidal map method through mean square error criterion.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
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color methodology to Re-reading the musical notes
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many painters tried to mix colors with Music by direct employment through colorful musical pieces or the use of multiple instruments and techniques , or vice versa, including the French artist )Robert Stroben(, he transferred the piece of music to be depicted on the painting and worked on the tones of music (Johann Sebastian Bach) by dropping the color on the lines of the musical scale, for example (the C tone) ranging from brown to red ( Tone La A) from gray to orange, and so on, the presence of links and similarity factors between the world of music and the world of colors facilitated the process of linking musical notes with colors, the most famous of which was presented by the world (Newton) in the circle of basic colors and linking

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 12 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Model Reference Adaptive Control based on a Self-Recurrent Wavelet Neural Network Utilizing Micro Artificial Immune Systems
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This paper presents an intelligent model reference adaptive control (MRAC) utilizing a self-recurrent wavelet neural network (SRWNN) to control nonlinear systems. The proposed SRWNN is an improved version of a previously reported wavelet neural network (WNN). In particular, this improvement was achieved by adopting two modifications to the original WNN structure. These modifications include, firstly, the utilization of a specific initialization phase to improve the convergence to the optimal weight values, and secondly, the inclusion of self-feedback weights to the wavelons of the wavelet layer. Furthermore, an on-line training procedure was proposed to enhance the control per

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Mean Latin Hypercube Runge-Kutta Method to Solve the Influenza Model
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     In this study, we propose a suitable solution for a non-linear system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) of the first order with the initial value problems (IVP) that contains multi variables and multi-parameters with missing real data. To solve the mentioned system, a new modified numerical simulation method is created for the first time which is called Mean Latin Hypercube Runge-Kutta (MLHRK). This method can be obtained by combining the Runge-Kutta (RK) method with the statistical simulation procedure which is the Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) method. The present work is applied to the influenza epidemic model in Australia in 1919  for a previous study. The comparison between the numerical and numerical simulation res

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 27 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
تأثير علاقة النمط الحضري مع النموذج المعماري في تكاملية البنية الشكلية للمراكز الحضرية
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هناك عوامل عديدة تؤثر في البنية الشكلية للم ا ركز الحضرية التي تشهد تحولات وبصورة مستمرة ومع
توسع المدينة ونموها تفقد هذه الم ا ركز لمقومات بنيتها الحضرية المتكاملة بسبب تلك التحولات الحاصلة
ضمنه وبصورة ديناميكية من اضافات وتغيرات في النمط الحضري الذي يتشكل من عدة نماذج معمارية
جديدة مؤثرة ولأجل ذلك جاء البحث لايضاح اثر هذه العلاقة بين النمط الحضري والنموذج المعماري
وتحولاته في تكاملية البنية ا

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications (ijnaa)
Applying a suitable approximate-simulation technique of an epidemic model with random parameters
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Because the Coronavirus epidemic spread in Iraq, the COVID-19 epidemic of people quarantined due to infection is our application in this work. The numerical simulation methods used in this research are more suitable than other analytical and numerical methods because they solve random systems. Since the Covid-19 epidemic system has random variables coefficients, these methods are used. Suitable numerical simulation methods have been applied to solve the COVID-19 epidemic model in Iraq. The analytical results of the Variation iteration method (VIM) are executed to compare the results. One numerical method which is the Finite difference method (FD) has been used to solve the Coronavirus model and for comparison purposes. The numerical simulat

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