This study was conducted to examine the discharge capacity of the reach of the Tigris River between Kut and Amarah Barrages of 250km in length. The examination includes simulation the current capacity of the reach by using HEC-RAS model. 247cross sections surveyed in 2012 were used in the simulation. The model was calibrated using observed discharges of 533, 800, 1025 and 3000m3/s discharged at Kut Barrage during 2013, 1995, 1995 and 1988, respectively, and its related water level at three gauge stations located along the reach. The result of calibration process indicated that the lowest Root Mean Square Error of 0.095 can be obtained when using Manning’s n coefficient of 0.026, 0.03 for the Kut- Ali Al Garbi and Ali Al Garbi- Amarah reaches respectively, and 0.03 for the flood plain of the whole reach under study. The reach under study has two lateral inflow streams, UmAljury, which joins Tigris River at station 51km, and Aljabab, which joins Tigris River at station 57km. The discharge of Aljabab varies between 0 and 400m3/s and the discharge of UmAljury varies between 0 and 50m3/s. The results showed that the current capacity of the main channel of the reach of the Tigris River between Kut and Amarah Barrages is 400m3/s. The water levels kept less 1m than both levees in case of discharging 1800m3/s from Kut Barrage, with no lateral inflows, and 1700m3/s with lateral inflow. The reach of Tigris River fails to accommodate the flood discharge of 3300m3/s which is the discharge of the flood of 1988 measured at Kut Barage. It can be concluded that the reach had large amount of sediment for the period from 1988 to 2012 and the reach capacity reduced to about half its capacity of 1988 during this period. The results of removing 12 islands and 2 sidebars by reshaping the current condition into trapezoidal cross-section will decrease the surface water levels by 20cm and flow of 1900m3/s can be discharged safely at Kut Barrage without any lateral inflow and 1800m3/s with lateral inflow from the tributaries. While, expand 58 narrow cross-sections that choking the flow, the water levels along the reach are lowered by an average of 20cm in addition to that 20cm when modifying the cross-sections at the islands and sidebars. In this case, flow of 2100m3/s can safely be discharged from Kut Barrage without any lateral inflow and 1900m3/s with lateral inflow. The result when modifying additional 111 cross-sections showed that the reach can safely accommodate a flood wave of 3300m3/s from Kut Barrage without any lateral inflow and 3000m3/s with lateral inflow.
Euphrates River extends about 125 km within the study area located in Annassiriyah City, Dhi Qar Governorate, Iraq. The impact of the seven hydraulic structures on the discharge capacity of the Euphrates River needs to be considered. The main objectives of this research are to increase the discharge capacity of Euphrates River within Annassiriyah City during flood seasons and study the impact of these hydraulic structures on the river capacity by using HEC-RAS 5.0.3 software. Five scenarios were simulated to study the different current condition of Euphrates River within Annassiriyah City. Other additional four scenarios were implemented through river training to increase the river capacity to 1300 m³/s; it is the flood
... Show MoreThis study aims to assess the water quality index (WQI) according to the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment's Water Quality Index method (CCME WQI). Four locations (measurement stations) are selected along the Tigris River, in Iraq. Two of them are located in the north near Mosul City, (Mosul Dam and Mosul city), and the other two are located in the south near Al-Amarah city, (Ali Garbi and Al-Amarah). The water data collected is for the period 2011 to 2013, including eleven water quality parameters. These are magnesium (Mg+2), calcium (Ca2+), potassium (K+), sodium (Na+), sulfate (SO42-), chloride (Cl-), nitrate (NO3<
... Show MoreThe physical and chemical parameters of Tigris River water in AL- Kut City have been studied. Three stations have been chosen. . The sampling of study was made monthly and for six months from September 2014 until February 2015.The result of turbidity values showed height mean in summer 84 NTU, The decrease of turbidity was one of the positive results to the effect of AL-Kut Dam on the Tigris River after the Dam and on the total suspended solids. The electrical conductivity was 1340 µs/cm in winter that may be due to the existence of the polluted elements. The river water was fresh (0.48‰ semiebrachish) with a good aerated water and the height of the dissolved oxygen mean value has been noticed 13.1mg/L at many times. Over satura
... Show MoreDiyala Governorate was recently exposed to high flood waves discharged from Hemrin Dam. Since the dam was at its full capacity during the flood period, these waves were discharged to the Diyala River. Because of the reduction in Diyala River capacity to 750m3/s, the cities and villages on both sides of the river banks were inundated. Thus, the study's objective is to design a flood escape out of the Diyala River, to discharge the flood wave through it. The flood escape simulation was done by using HEC- RAS software. Two hundred twenty-three cross sections for the escape and 30 cross-sections of the Diyala River were used as geometric data. Depending on the geological formation that the escape passed t
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One and two-dimensional hydraulic models simulations are important to specify the hydraulic characteristics of unsteady flow in Al-Gharraf River in order to define the locations that facing problems and suggesting the necessary treatments. The reach in the present study is 58200m long and lies between Kut and Hai Cities. Both numerical models were simulated using HEC-RAS software, 5.0.4, with flow rates ranging from 100 to 350 m3/s. Multi-scenarios of gates openings of Hai Regulator were applied. While the openings of Al-Gharraf Head Regulator were ranged between 60cm to fully opened. The suitable manning roughness for the unsteady state was
... Show MoreAbstract. Shatt Al-Arab River was the most important tide river in Iraq, it suffered from neglect and lack of maintenance in the past decades. The river embankment is constantly exposed to erosion processes due to several factors, one of the most important of these factors is the movement of water currents due to the tidal energy coming from the Arabian Gulf. In this study, one dimension unsteady-state model was implemented to study river flood capacity simulation by using HEC-RAS (5.0.7) software in Shatt Al Arab River and its tributaries. The data included flow rate, water level records were collected daily from 2018 to 2020 at different stations along the mentioned river and its feeders, additionally, the considered flood discharge data
... Show MoreAccurate computation of the roughness coefficient is important in the studies of open channel flow. To measure and identify the hydraulic characteristics of the flow system, the model simulation is necessary to study and get the results of the hydraulic properties to specify Manning coefficient of the Euphrates River. In this study, the reach is extended along the Euphrates River from Haditha Dam to Ramadi Barrage with a distance of 169km. The HEC-RAS model was implemented to simulate the flow within the study reach. The geometry of the river was represented by more than two hundred cross-sections surveyed in 2013 and 2021. The model was calibrated using some observed discharges at the Heet gage station for records of th
... Show MoreThe concerns about water contaminants affect most developing countries bypassing rivers over them. The issue is challenging to introduce water quality within the allowed limits for drinking, industrial and agricultural purposes. In the present study, physical-chemical parameters measurements of water samples taken from eleven stations were collected during six months in 2020 through flow path along the whole length of Tigris River inside AL Kut city (center of Wassit government) were investigated for six parameters are total hardness TH, hydrogen ion pH, biological oxygen demand BOD5, total dissolved solids TDS, nitrate NO3, and sulfate SO4. The water quality analysis results were compared with the maximum allowable limit concentrat
... Show MoreIn the current study, two sites were selected from the city of Adhamiya, central Baghdad. The first site is the Adhamiya Corniche, which includes a sample of river water and the second includes domestic sewage in the same area. The total density of benthic invertebrates was 775 ind/m2, which is divided into 15 taxa. Biological indices were found, such as the stability index, the abundance index, the biodiversity index (Shannon’s index), the homogeneity index, and the invader’s guide. The result showed an increase in the density of benthic invertebrates, as well as an increase in the diversity of these organisms.