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Enhancement in Lubricating, Rheological, and Filtration Properties of Unweighted Water-Based Mud Using XC Polymer NPs
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In this research, an enhancement in lubricating, rheological, and filtration properties of unweighted water-based mud is fundamentally investigated using XC polymer NPs with 0.2gm, 0.5gm, 1gm, 2gm, and 4gm concentrations. Bentonite, that had been used in the preparation of unweighted water-based mud, was characterized using XRF-1800 Sequential X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer, XRD-6100/7000 X-ray Diffractometer, and Malvern Mastersizer 2000 particle size analyzer, respectively. Lubricating, rheology and filtration properties of unweighted water-based mud were measured at room temperature (35°C) using OFITE EP and Lubricity Tester, OFITE Model 900 Viscometer, and OFITE Low-Pressure Filter Press, respectively. XC Polymer NPs show a good enhancement in lubricating, rheology and filtration properties of unweighted water-based mud. The effect of XC Polymer NPs on lubricating properties was denoted at 4gm concentration, where the reduction percentage in COF was 30%.  An increase in PV, YP, AV, gel strength of unweighted water-based mud was obtained due to the addition of XC Polymer NPs at concentrations up to 4gm. A reduction in filtrate volume and mud cake thickness of unweighted water-based mud was obtained due to the addition of XC Polymer NPs at 2gm and 4gm concentrations, the best result was obtained with using 4gm concentration, the reduction percentage of filtrate volume was 20.7% and mud cake thickness was 41%.


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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improvement of the Rheological and Filtration Properties of Drilling Mud Using the Syrian Clay
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Drilling fluid properties and formulation play a fundamental role in drilling operations. The Classical water-based muds prepared from only the Syrian clay and water without any additives((Organic and industrial polymers) are generally poor in performance. Moreover, The high quantity of Syrian clay (120 gr / l) used in preparing drilling fluids. It leads to a decrease in the drilling speed and thus an increase in the time required to complete the drilling of the well. As a result, the total cost of drilling the well increased, as a result of an increase in the concentration of the solid part in the drilling fluid. In this context, our study focuses on the investigation of the improvement in drilling mud   Prepa

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Evaluating Filtration and Thermal Stability of Water-Based Mud Using Green Synthesized Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles
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   Nanoparticles (NPs) have unique capabilities that make them an eye-opener opportunity for the upstream oil industry. Their nano-size allows them to flow within reservoir rocks without the fear of retention between micro-sized pores. Incorporating NPs with drilling and completion fluids has proved to be an effective additive that improves various properties such as mud rheology, filtration, thermal conductivity, and wellbore stability. However, the biodegradability of drilling fluid chemicals is becoming a global issue as the discharged wetted cuttings raise toxicity concerns and environmental hazards. Therefore, it is urged to utilize chemicals that tend to break down and susceptible to biodegradation. This research presents the pra

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Experimental Investigation of Pomegranate Peel and Grape Seed Powder Additives on the Rheological and Filtration Properties of Un-Weighted WBM
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   The chemical additives used to enhance the properties of drilling mud cause damage to humans and the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to search for alternative additives to add them to the drilling mud. Thus, this study investigates the effects of pomegranate peel and grape seed powders as natural waste when added to un-weighted water-based mud. The test includes measurements of the rheological properties and filtration, as well as the alkanity and density of the drilling mud. The results showed a decrease in PH values ​​with an increase in the concentrations of pomegranate peel or grapeseed, and a decrease in mud density with an increase in powders of pomegranate peel and grape seed concentrations that resulted f

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improve Rheological Properties of Palygorskite Water-Based Drilling Fluid by Caustic Soda and Soda Ash
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In drilling fluid program, selecting the drilling fluid that will reduce the lost time is the first objective, and will be economical regardless of its cost. The amount and type of solids in drilling fluid is the primary control of the rheological and filtration properties. Palygorskite clay (attapulgite) is an active solid that has the ability to reactive with its environment and form a gel structure within a fluid and due to its stability in the presence of brines and electrolytes this type of clay is preferred for use. The aim of this study is to improve properties of Iraqi palygorskite (PAL) by adding different chemical additives such as caustic soda NaOH and soda ash Na2CO3 with a different con

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2001
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Effect of Mud Compositions on the Rheological Behavior
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The aim of this work is to study the effect of mud compositions on it’s rheological behavior under high temperature conditions. Seventeen samples of five types of water base mud in which (fresh water bentonite mud. Lignosulphonate mud, gypsum mud, polymer mud, and salt saturated mud) were tested with different temperatures using the fann viscometer model 50-c. All the tested samples, except the fresh water bentonite mud, have the same trend reduction in both plastic viscosity and yield point with increasing temperature. Six rheological models has been adapted: Bingham plastic, power law, Casson model represent the laboratory data accurately  

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Publication Date
Wed May 15 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Rheological and Thermal Properties of Lubricating Oil Enhanced by the Effect of CuO and TiO2 Nano-Additives
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The specifications of lubricating oil are fundamentally the final product of materials that have been added for producing the desired properties. In this research, spherical nanoparticles copper oxide (CuO) and titanium oxides (TiO2) are added to SAE 15W40 engine oil to study the thermal conductivity, stability, viscosity of nano-lubricants, which are prepared at different concentrations of 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5%, and 1% by weight, and also their pour point, and flash point as five quality parameters. The obtained results show that CuO nanoparticles in all cases, give the best functionality and effect on engine oil with respect to TiO2. With 0.1 wt. % concentration, the thermal conductivity of CuO/oil and TiO2/

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Crossref (20)
Publication Date
Sun Sep 19 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
Enhancing the Rheological Properties of Water-Based Drilling Fluid by Utilizing of Environmentally-Friendly Materials
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Recently, many materials have shown that they can be used as alternatives to chemicals materials in order to be used to improve the properties of drilling fluids. Some of these materials are banana peels and corn cobs which both are considered environmentally- friendly materials. The results of the X-ray diffraction examination have proved that the main components of these materials are cellulose and hemicellulose, which contribute greatly to the increasing of the effectiveness of these two materials. Due to their distinct composition, these two materials have improved the rheological properties (plastic viscosity and yield point) and reduced the filtration of the drilling fluids to a large extent. The addition rates used for each o

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2003
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Interfacial Rheological Properties of Iraqi Crude Oils Water System
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Rotating Ceramic Water Filter Discs System for Water Filtration
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This work aimed to design, construct and operate a new laboratory scale water filtration system. This system was used to examine the efficiency of two ceramic filter discs as a medium for water filtration. These filters were made from two different ceramic mixtures of local red clay, sawdust, and water.  The filtration system was designed with two rotating interfered modules of these filters.  Rotating these modules generates shear force between water and the surfaces of filter discs of the filtration modules that works to reduce thickness of layer of rejected materials on the filters surfaces. Each module consists of seven filtration units and each unit consists of two ceramic filter discs.    The average measured hy

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Rheological Evaluation of Polymer (Sav 10) For Polymer Flooding Applications
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Half of the oil production of the worldwide is a result  of the water flooding  project. But the main concern of this process is mobility control of the injected fluid, because the unfavorable mobility ratio leads to fingering effect. Adding polymer to the injection water increase the water viscosity, therefore, the displacement will be more stable and have a greater sweep efficiency.

   Using of polymer flooding has received more attention these days. Polymer has great potential in the Middle East region, especially in reservoir with high temperature and salinity.

   The main objective of this work is to show the effect of shear rate, salinity, temperature, polymer concentration on polymer v

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