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A Cognition Path Planning with a Nonlinear Controller Design for Wheeled Mobile Robot Based on an Intelligent Algorithm
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This paper presents a cognition path planning with control algorithm design for a nonholonomic wheeled mobile robot based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. The aim of this work is to propose the circular roadmap (CRM) method to plan and generate optimal path with free navigation as well as to propose a nonlinear MIMO-PID-MENN controller in order to track the wheeled mobile robot on the reference path. The PSO is used to find an online tune the control parameters of the proposed controller to get the best torques actions for the wheeled mobile robot. The numerical simulation results based on the Matlab package show that the proposed structure has a precise and highly accurate distance of the generated reference path as well as it has obtained a perfect torque control action without spikes and no saturation torque state that leads to minimize the tracking error for the wheeled mobile robot.


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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications
Human recognition by utilizing voice recognition and visual recognition
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Audio-visual detection and recognition system is thought to become the most promising methods for many applications includes surveillance, speech recognition, eavesdropping devices, intelligence operations, etc. In the recent field of human recognition, the majority of the research be- coming performed presently is focused on the reidentification of various body images taken by several cameras or its focuses on recognized audio-only. However, in some cases these traditional methods can- not be useful when used alone such as in indoor surveillance systems, that are installed close to the ceiling and capture images right from above in a downwards direction and in some cases people don't look straight the cameras or it cannot be added in some

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Classification of brain tumors using the multilayer perceptron artificial neural network
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Information from 54 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) brain tumor images (27 benign and 27 malignant) were collected and subjected to multilayer perceptron artificial neural network available on the well know software of IBM SPSS 17 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). After many attempts, automatic architecture was decided to be adopted in this research work. Thirteen shape and statistical characteristics of images were considered. The neural network revealed an 89.1 % of correct classification for the training sample and 100 % of correct classification for the test sample. The normalized importance of the considered characteristics showed that kurtosis accounted for 100 % which means that this variable has a substantial effect

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
مجلة كلية بغداد للعلوم الاقتصادية الجامعة
Proposed family speech recognition
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Speech recognition is a very important field that can be used in many applications such as controlling to protect area, banking, transaction over telephone network database access service, voice email, investigations, House controlling and management ... etc. Speech recognition systems can be used in two modes: to identify a particular person or to verify a person’s claimed identity. The family speaker recognition is a modern field in the speaker recognition. Many family speakers have similarity in the characteristics and hard to identify between them. Today, the scope of speech recognition is limited to speech collected from cooperative users in real world office environments and without adverse microphone or channel impairments.

Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Clinical And Diagnostic Research
Prenatal Markers of Foetal Complications
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Prenatal markers are commonly used in practice to screen for some foetal abnormalities. They can be biochemical or ultrasonic markers in addition to the newly used cell free Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) estimation. This review aimed to illustrate the applications of the prenatal screening, and the reliability of these tests in detecting the presence of abnormal chromosomes such as trisomy-21, trisomy-18, and trisomy-13 in addition to neural tube defects. Prenatal markers can also be used in the anticipation of some obstetrical complications depending on levels of these markers in the mother’s circulation. In the developed countries, prenatal screening tests are regularly used during antenatal care period. Neural tube defects, numer

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Organiational challenges and thier effect of organiational rituals
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Administrative leaders conserned to understand the challenges which are faced their organizations and try to assimilate and adapt with the extent that achieves to it efficiency and effective- ess, and standing face to face to faceing any challenge.that threaten it’s existence thro- ugh using modern inputs reached to that level of these  challenges and applied the study on a sample deliberate random from teaching hospitals of the Directorate General for Health Baghdad Karkh, and the Directorate General for Health Baghdad Rusafa and the City of Medicine , The importance of t

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Identifying the leading sector in the Iraqi economy through the interrelationships between sectors - applied research
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   Analyzing the size of the interrelationships between the main economic sectors in the Iraqi economy is an important necessity to know the impact of each sector on other economic sectors on the basis of the interrelationships and reciprocity between them, and what these relationships have achieved in terms of enhancing development and increasing the gross domestic product. To achieve the objectives of the study, we relied on mathematical (quantitative) analysis using user-product tables. Issued by the Ministry of Planning / Central Bureau of Statistics and Research (Directorate of National Accounts) for the economic sectors that make up the Iraqi economy. The study conc

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications And Networking
Simulated Performance of TFRC, DCCP, SCTP, and UDP Protocols Over Wired Networks
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Multimedia applications impose different QoS requirements (e.g., bounded end-to-end delay and jitter) and need an enhanced transport layer protocol that should handle packet loss, minimize errors, manage network congestion, and transmit efficiently. Across an IP network, the transport layer protocol provides data transmission and affects the QoS provided to the application on hand. The most common transport layer protocols used by Internet applications are TCP and UDP. There are also advanced transport layer protocols such as DCCP and TFRC. The authors evaluated the performance of UDP, DCCP, SCTP, and TFRC over wired networks for three traffic flows: data transmission, video streaming, and voice over IP. The evaluation criteria were thro

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Publication Date
Thu May 17 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Swelling Behavior and Drug Release of Interpenetrating Network Composed of PVA and Chitosan
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     PVA and chitosan biodegradable, non-toxic, biocompatible polymers convenient for use in drug release.

In this study polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and chitosan (CS) hydrogels crosslinked with glutaraldehyde (GA) with different ratio morphology and structure characterization interpenetrating polymer network (IPN).They were investigated by Fourier transmission infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscope (SEM), UV-Visible spectrophotometer,swelling of hydrogel and drug release were studied by changing crosslinking ratio and PH.


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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2012
Journal Name
2012 International Conference On Advanced Computer Science Applications And Technologies (acsat)
Data Missing Solution Using Rough Set theory and Swarm Intelligence
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This paper presents a hybrid approach for solving null values problem; it hybridizes rough set theory with intelligent swarm algorithm. The proposed approach is a supervised learning model. A large set of complete data called learning data is used to find the decision rule sets that then have been used in solving the incomplete data problem. The intelligent swarm algorithm is used for feature selection which represents bees algorithm as heuristic search algorithm combined with rough set theory as evaluation function. Also another feature selection algorithm called ID3 is presented, it works as statistical algorithm instead of intelligent algorithm. A comparison between those two approaches is made in their performance for null values estima

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Fully Automated Magnetic Resonance Detection and Segmentation of Brain using Convolutional Neural Network
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     The brain's magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is tasked with finding the pixels or voxels that establish where the brain is in a medical image The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) can process curved baselines that frequently occur in scanned documents. Next, the lines are separated into characters. In the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) can process curved baselines that frequently occur in scanned documents case of fonts with a fixed MRI width, the gaps are analyzed and split. Otherwise, a limited region above the baseline is analyzed, separated, and classified. The words with the lowest recognition score are split into further characters x until the result improves. If this does not improve the recognition s

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