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Effect of Wood Flour Addition on the Pore Volume and BET Surface Area Properties of the Prepared Gamma Alumina (ɤ-Al2O3) Extrudates Used in Catalyst Carriers
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The effect of Wood Flour addition to the gamma alumina powder used in the preparation of gamma alumina (ɤ-Al2O3) catalyst carrier extrudates on the pore volume and BET surface area physical properties was investigated. Two parameters which are size of wood flour particles and its quantity were studied. The sizes of wood flour particles used are 150 µm, 212 µm and 500 µm and the weight percentage added to the gamma alumina powder during the preparation of the extrudates are (1%, 3%, 5% and 10%). The results showed that the addition of wood flour to the gamma alumina powder in order to get gamma alumina extrudates used as catalyst carrier is one of the successful methods to improve the pore volume and BET surface area of the alumina extrudates. The size of wood flour particles and its quantity have main effect on the above texture properties. The smaller the size of wood flour leaded to higher BET surface area, where maximum BET surface area of 127.3 m2/g  was got with addition 10% by weight wood flour of 150µm particle size. BET surface area for the same addition percentage of 10% resulted to 114.5m2/g and 105.2m2/g when adding wood flour of 212 µm and 500 µm particle sizes respectively. The weight percentage of wood flour addition has an effect on the BET surface area, where the 3% addition gives maximum BET surface area when the size of the wood flour particles is 500 µm. Regarding the pore volume property for the gamma alumina prepared extrudates, the results showed that the pore volume of the extrudates increased to 0.83 cm3/g and 1.0 cm3/g when 10% wood flour of 150 µm and 500 µm particle sizes were added respectively. The maximum BET surface area was reached when 10% wood flour of 150 µm particle size was added, and the maximum pore volume was reached when 10% wood flour of 500 µm particle size was added, the increase percentage for the BET surface area and pore volume is more than 40% and 400% respectively.


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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design of a PID-Lead Compensator for a Twin Rotor Aerodynamic System (TRAS)
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This paper deals with a Twin Rotor Aerodynamic System (TRAS). It is a Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) system with high crosscoupling between its two channels. It proposes a hybrid design procedure that combines frequency response and root locus approaches. The proposed controller is designated as PID-Lead Compensator (PIDLC); the PID controller was designed in previous work using frequency response design specifications, while the lead compensator is proposed in this paper and is designed using the root locus method. A general explicit formula for angle computations in any of the four quadrants is also given. The lead compensator is designed by shifting the dominant closed-loop poles slightly to the left in the s-plane. This has the effect

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 04 2013
Journal Name
Proceedings Of Nuclei Of Seyfert Galaxies And Qsos - Central Engine & Conditions Of Star Formation — Pos(seyfert 2012)
Are Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies a special class of Active Galactic Nuclei?
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No. Due to their apparently extreme optical to X-ray properties, Narrow Line Seyfert 1s (NLSy1s) have been considered a special class of active galactic nuclei (AGN). Here, we summarize observational results from different groups to conclude that none of the characteristics that are typically used to define the NLSy1s as a distinct group – from the, nowadays called, Broad Line Seyfert 1s (BLSy1s) – is unique, nor ubiquitous of these particular sources, but shared by the whole Type 1 AGN. Historically, the NLSy1s have been distinguished from the BLSy1s by the narrow width of the broad Hb emission line. The upper limit on the full width at half maximum of this line is 2000kms−1 for NLSy1s, while in BLSy1s it can be of several thousands

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management
Boosted visible-light-driven photocatalytic degradation of lomefloxacin over α-Ag2WO4/NiSx nanocomposites
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 12 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determination of Optimum Mechanical Drilling Parameters for an Iraqi Field with Regression Model
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 28 2017
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Proceedings Of The 2017 Acm Conference On Innovation And Technology In Computer Science Education
Media Literacy as a By-Product of Collaborative Video Production by CS Students
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Understanding, promoting, and teaching media literacy is an important societal challenge. STEM educators are increasingly looking to incorporate 21st century skills such as media literacy into core subject education. In this paper we investigate how undergraduate Computer Science (CS) students can learn media literacy as a by-product of collaborative video tutorial production. The paper presents a study of 34 third-year CS undergraduates who, as part of their learning, were each asked to produce three video tutorials on Raspberry Pi programming, using a collaborative video production tool for mobile phones (Bootlegger). We provide results of both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the production process and resulting video tutorials,

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Proceeding Of The 1st International Conference On Recent Trends Of Engineering Sciences And Sustainability
Design of a Fractional Order Sliding Mode Controller for Twin Rotor Aerodynamic System
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This paper proposes a new structure for a Fractional Order Sliding Mode Controller (FOSMC) to control a Twin Rotor Aerodynamic System (TRAS). The new structure is composed by defining two 3-dimensional sliding mode surfaces for the TRAS model and introducing fractional order derivative integral in the state variables as well as in the control action. The parameters of the controller are determined so as to minimize the Integral of Time multiplied by Absolute Error (ITAE) performance index. Through comparison, this controller outperforms its integer counterpart in many specifications, such as reducing the delay time, rise time, percentage overshoot, settling time, time to reach the sliding surface, and amplitude of chattering in control inpu

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 05 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of College Of Education For Women
Conversation Analysis of Forum: a Selected Text from Paul S. Kemp Online Journal
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Language as a means of communication has long been the concern of many conversation analysts in their studies such as: Sacks et al. (1974), Schegloff et al. (1977), Duncan (1972), Grice (1975) and Burton (1980). Burton has attempted analyzing the first ten transitions of the play “The Dumb Waiter” for mere a presentation of her approach. This paper aims at analyzing the conversational structure of forum on the subject of literary fiction and genre fiction by applying Burton’s model (1980) of analysis to answer the question to what extent this model is applicable in analyzing the presented text. The findings of the investigation have proved the applicability of the structure of conversation formulated by Burton (1980) in her model wit

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 03 2013
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
New adaptive satellite image classification technique for al Habbinya region west of Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmaceutical, Biological And Chemical Sciences
Extraction of bio-active compounds extracted from Inula helenium roots by leaching process
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Leaching process applied for the extraction of bio active compounds from dried roots of (Elecampane) Inula helenium. Ethanol, hexane and distillated water were used as solvents. Roots were soaked with ethanol (5% w/v) with various concentration of ethanol (30 to 98%) at one day to know effect concentration of the solvent with concentration of bio active compound in Inula helenium. The same procedure was done using hexane as solvent. Also distilled water was used as solvent for extraction 5%(w/v) where plant material was soaked in water at different temperatures (25, 40, 65, 80, and 90) C. In all solvents undertaken, the effect of time duration on active ingredient (Thymol, Isoalatolactone, Alatolactone, 10-isobutyryl-oxy 8-9-epoxy thymol is

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Adsorption of Mefenamic Acid From Water by Bentonite Poly urea formaldehyde Composite Adsorbent
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Poly urea formaldehyde –Bentonite (PUF-Bentonite) composite was tested as new adsorbent
for removal of mefenamic acid (MA) from simulated wastewater in batch adsorption
procedure. Developed a method for preparing poly urea formaldehyde gel in basic media by
using condensation polymerization. Adsorption experiments were carried out as a function of
water pH, temperature, contact time, adsorbent dose and initial MA concentration .Effect of
sharing surface with other analgesic pharmaceuticals at different pH also studied. The
adsorption of MA was found to be strongly dependent to pH. The Freundlich isotherm model
showed a good fit to the equilibrium adsorption data. From Dubinin–Radushkevich model the
mean free

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