This research study experimentally the effect of air flow rate on humidification process
parameters. Experimental data are obtained from air conditioning study unit T110D. Results obtained
from experimental test, calculations and psychometrics software are discussed. The effect of air flow rate
on steam humidification process parameters as a part of air-conditioning processes can be explained
according to obtained results. Results of the steam humidification processes (1,2) with and without
preheating with 5A and 7.5A shows decreasing in dry bulb temperature, humidity ratio, and heat add to
moist air with increasing air flow rate, but humidification load, and total energy of moist air increase with
increasing air flow rate in the testing tunnel. The steam humidification process (1) with dehumidifying
coil shows increase in dry bulb temperature, humidity ratio, humidification load, and heat add to moist air
with increasing air flow rate in the testing tunnel, but the total energy decrease as air flow rate increase.
These obtained results can be beneficial for controlling comfort air-conditioning processes in buildings