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In this current work, Purpose; to clearly the fundamental idea for constructing a design and
investigation of spur gear made of composite material its comes from the combination of (high
speeds, low noise, oil-les running, light weight, high strength, and more load capability)
encountered in modern engineering applications of the gear drives, when the usual metallic gear
cannot too overwhelming these combinations.
An analyzing of stresses and deformation under static and dynamic loading for spur gear tooth
by finite element method with isoparametric eight-nodded in total of 200 brick element with 340
nods in three degree of freedom per node was selected for this analysis. This is responsible for the
catastropic failure studying of spur gear made of composite material. Also obtain the natural
frequencies and the mode shape of the composite tooth under (concentrated and or moving on
surface profile) load of one half sinusoidal type impulse for two types of composite materials
(Glasses/Epoxy & Graphite/Epoxy) and they are compared with the mild steel gear values.
The appearances that improve the successfully of composite gear in the weight, stiffness, load
capability, and dynamic behavior respect to the mild steel, which is found that composite materials
may also be thought of as a material for power transmission gearing, from a stress point of view.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
أنموذج مقترح لتقييم أداء العاملين " دراسة تطبيقية في ديوان الرقابة المالية الاتحادي"
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يعد تقييم اداء العاملين احد اهم الركائز الاساسية التي يتوقف عليها نجاح أي منظمة تسعى بأن تتطور وتتميز بأنشطتها واداءها وبالأخص المنظمات التي لها خصوصية في عملها كالأجهزة الرقابية التي تعتمد في اداء انشطتها ومسؤولياتها على كفاءة مواردها البشرية, ومن هذا المنطلق يهدف هذا البحث الى تصميم انموذج ثلاثي المحاور (المؤهلات والقدرات، الاداء والانجاز، التعاون والالتزام الوظيفي) ثُماني المستويات

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Choosing Appropriate Distribution ‏‎by Minitab’s 17 Software to Analysis System Reliability
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This research aims to choose the appropriate  probability ‎ distribution  ‎‏‎ to the reliability‎        analysis‎ for  an   item through ‎ collected data for operating and stoppage  time of  the case  study.

    Appropriate choice for .probability distribution   is when  the data look to be on or  close the form fitting line for probability plot and test the data  for  goodness of fit .

     Minitab’s 17 software  was used ‎  for this  purpose after  arranging collected data and setting it in the the program‎.


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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Local Dependence for Bivariate Weibull Distributions Created by Archimedean Copula
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In multivariate survival analysis, estimating the multivariate distribution functions and then measuring the association between survival times are of great interest. Copula functions, such as Archimedean Copulas, are commonly used to estimate the unknown bivariate distributions based on known marginal functions. In this paper the feasibility of using the idea of local dependence to identify the most efficient copula model, which is used to construct a bivariate Weibull distribution for bivariate Survival times, among some Archimedean copulas is explored. Furthermore, to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed procedure, a simulation study is implemented. It is shown that this approach is useful for practical situations and applicable fo

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
2022 International Conference On Data Science And Intelligent Computing (icdsic)
An improved Bi-LSTM performance using Dt-WE for implicit aspect extraction
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In aspect-based sentiment analysis ABSA, implicit aspects extraction is a fine-grained task aim for extracting the hidden aspect in the in-context meaning of the online reviews. Previous methods have shown that handcrafted rules interpolated in neural network architecture are a promising method for this task. In this work, we reduced the needs for the crafted rules that wastefully must be articulated for the new training domains or text data, instead proposing a new architecture relied on the multi-label neural learning. The key idea is to attain the semantic regularities of the explicit and implicit aspects using vectors of word embeddings and interpolate that as a front layer in the Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Bi-LSTM. First, we

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Scopus (4)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Innovation Diffusion Elaboration into Architectural Movement
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The research investigates the term innovation and its role in elaborating architectural practice based on diffusion. The complexity of the architectural field compared with other fields shows a problem in explaining how innovations in architecture diffuse as a thought and act in a certain context of practice. Therefore, the research aims to build an intellectual model that explains the way personal thoughts resembled by unique models introduced by creative and innovator designers diffuse in a certain pattern elaborate these models into a state of prevailing thought resembled by the movement in architecture. The research will apply its model to the more comprehensive movement in architecture, which is the modern movement,

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Delays occur commonly in construction projects. Assessing the impact of delay is sometimes a contentious
issue. Several delay analysis methods are available but no one method can be universally used over another in
all situations. The selection of the proper analysis method depends upon a variety of factors including
information available, time of analysis, capabilities of the methodology, and time, funds and effort allocated to the analysis. This paper presents computerized schedule analysis programmed that use daily windows analysis method as it recognized one of the most credible methods, and it is one of the few techniques much more likely to be accepted by courts than any other method. A simple case study has been implement

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
مجلة كلية بغداد للعلوم الاقتصادية الجامعة
Proposed family speech recognition
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Speech recognition is a very important field that can be used in many applications such as controlling to protect area, banking, transaction over telephone network database access service, voice email, investigations, House controlling and management ... etc. Speech recognition systems can be used in two modes: to identify a particular person or to verify a person’s claimed identity. The family speaker recognition is a modern field in the speaker recognition. Many family speakers have similarity in the characteristics and hard to identify between them. Today, the scope of speech recognition is limited to speech collected from cooperative users in real world office environments and without adverse microphone or channel impairments.

Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
LEAD Removal from Industrial Wastewater by Electrocoagulation process
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This investigation was carried out to study the treatment and recycling of wastewater in the Battery industry for an effluent containing lead ion. The reuse of such effluent can only be made possible by appropriate treatment method such as electro coagulation.
The electrochemical process, which uses a cell comprised aluminum electrode as anode and stainless steel electrode as cathode was applied to simulated wastewater containing lead ion in concentration 30 – 120 mg/l, at different operational conditions such as current density 0.4-1.2 mA/cm2, pH 6 -10 , and time 10 - 180 minute.
The results showed that the best operating conditions for complete lead removal (100%) at maximum concentration 120 mg/l was found to be 1.2 mA/cm2 cur

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Parallel Computing for Sorting Algorithms
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The expanding use of multi-processor supercomputers has made a significant impact on the speed and size of many problems. The adaptation of standard Message Passing Interface protocol (MPI) has enabled programmers to write portable and efficient codes across a wide variety of parallel architectures. Sorting is one of the most common operations performed by a computer. Because sorted data are easier to manipulate than randomly ordered data, many algorithms require sorted data. Sorting is of additional importance to parallel computing because of its close relation to the task of routing data among processes, which is an essential part of many parallel algorithms. In this paper, sequential sorting algorithms, the parallel implementation of man

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Jan 02 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering Research And General Science
IT Auditing to Assure a Secure Cloud Computing for Enterprise Applications
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Recently, all over the world mechanism of cloud computing is widely acceptable and used by most of the enterprise businesses in order increase their productivity. However there are still some concerns about the security provided by the cloud environment are raises. Thus in this our research project, we are discussing over the cloud computing paradigm evolvement for the large business applications like CRM as well as introducing the new framework for the secure cloud computing using the method of IT auditing. In this case our approach is basically directed towards the establishment of the cloud computing framework for the CRM applications with the use of checklists by following the data flow of the CRM application and its lifecycle. Those ch

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