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The two dimensional steady, combined forced and natural convection in vertical channel is
investigated for laminar regime. To simulate the Trombe wall channel geometry properly, horizontal
inlet and exit segments have been added to the vertical channel. The vertical walls of the channel are
maintained at constant but different temperature while horizontal walls are insulated. A finite
difference method using up-wind differencing for the nonlinear convective terms, and central
differencing for the second order derivatives, is employed to solve the governing differential
equations for the mass, momentum, and energy balances. The solution is obtained for stream
function, vorticity and temperature as dependent variables by iterative technique known as successive
substitution with overrelaxation. The flow and temperature patterns in the channel are obtained for
Reynolds numbers and Grashof number ranging from 25 to 100 and (100 to 1,000,00,) respectively.
A computer program ( Fortran 90 ) is built to calculate the fraction factor and the total
average Nusselt number (Nu) also the average heat transfer Q in steady state and for Aspect ratio Ar
(10) and Grashof number GR (10 2 − 10 5 ), the fluid Prandtl number is fixed at (Pr=0.733) and
Reynolds number Re (25-100).
The results show reasonable representation to the relation between Nusselt number and friction
factor with other parameters (Ar, GR and Re). Nu is increased with increasing Re and GR but it
decreases with Ar increase and (Q) is increased with increasing Re ,GR and Ar. At the same time, the
product friction factor(fRe) increased with (GR) and (Ar)increased and (Re )decrease.
Comparison of the result with the previous work shows a good agreement

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

A numerical study has been carried out to investigate heat transfer by natural convection and radiation under the effect of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) for steady state axisymmetric twodimensional laminar flow in a vertical cylindrical channel filled with saturated porous media. Heat is generated uniformly along the center of the channel with its vertical surface remain with cooled constant wall temperature and insulated horizontal top and bottom surfaces. The governing equations which used are continuity, momentum and energy equations which are transformed to dimensionless equations. The finite difference approach is used to obtain all the computational results using the MATLAB-7 programming. The parameters affected on the system are Rayl

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Research And Developments
Numerical investigation for Natural Convection in a square Enclosure with partially active thermal sides' wall

Three-dimensional cavity was investigated numerical in the current study filled with porous medium from a saturated fluid. The problem configuration consists of two insulated bottom and right wall and left vertical wall maintained at constant temperatures at variable locations, using two discretized heaters. The porous cavity fluid motion was represented by the momentum equation generalized model. The present investigation thermophysical parameters included the local thermal equilibrium condition. The isotherms and streamlines was used to examine energy transport and momentum. The meaning of changing parameters on the established average Nusselt number, temperature and velocity distribution are highlighted and discussed.

Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2013
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Numerical Analysis of Double Diffusive Laminar Natural Convection in a Right Angle Triangular Solar Collector

A numerical study of the double-diffusive laminar natural convection in a right triangular solar collector has been investigated in present work. The base (absorber) and glass cover of the collector are isothermal and isoconcentration surfaces, while the vertical wall is considered adiabatic and impermeable. Both aiding and opposing buoyancy forces have been studied. Governing equations in vorticity-stream function form are discretized via finite-difference method and are solved numerically by iterative successive under relaxation (SUR) technique. Computer code for MATLAB software has been developed and written to solve mathematical model. Results in the form of streamlines, isotherms, isoconcentration, average Nusselt, and average Sherw

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Study of Mixed Convection in an Enclosure with a Cold Movable Top Wall and Hot Bottom Wall


Mixed convection heat transfer to air inside an enclosure is investigated experimentally. The bottom wall of the enclosure is maintained at higher temperature than that of the top wall which keeps in oscillation motion, whereas the left and right walls are well insulated. The differential temperature of the bottom and top walls changed several times in order to accurately characterize the temperature distribution over a considerable range of Richardson number. Adjustable aspect ratio box was built as a test rig to determine the effects of Richardson number and aspect ratio on the flow behavior of the air inside the enclosure. The flow fields and the average Nusselt number profiles were presented in this wo

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Mixed Convection in a Square Cavity Filled with Porous Medium with Heated Bottom Wall

Two-dimensional unsteady mixed convection in a porous cavity with heated bottom wall is numerically studied in the present paper. The forced flow conditions are imposed by providing a hydrostatic pressure head at the inlet port that is located at the bottom of one of the vertical side walls and an open vent at the top of the other vertical side wall. The Darcy model is adopted to model the fluid flow in the porous medium and the combination effects of hydrostatic pressure head and the heat flux quantity parameters are carefully investigated. These governing parameters are varied over wide ranges and their effect on the heat transfer characteristics is studied in detail. It is found that the time required to reach a desired temperature at th

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

Theoretical and experimental investigations have been carried out on developing laminar
combined free and forced convection heat transfer in a vertical concentric annulus with uniformly
heated outer cylinder (constant heat flux) and adiabatic inner cylinder for both aiding and opposing
flows. The theoretical investigation involved a mathematical modeling and numerical solution for
two dimensional, symmetric, simultaneously developing laminar air flows was achieved. The
governing equations of motion (continuity, momentum and energy) are solved by using implicit
finite difference method and the Gauss elimination technique. The theoretical work covers heat flux
range from (200 to 1500) W/m2, Re range from 400 to 2000 an

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Numerical study of the mixed convection flow over a square cylinder

In this work, a numerical study is performed to predict the solution of two – dimensional, steady and laminar mixed convection flow over a square cylinder placed symmetrically in a vertical parallel plate. A finite difference method is employed to solve the governing differential equations, continuity, momentum, and energy equation balances. The solution is obtained for stream function, vorticity and temperature as dependent variables by iterative technique known as successive over relaxation. The flow and temperature patterns are obtained for Reynolds number and Grashof number at (Re= -50,50,100,-100) (positive or negative value refers to aidding or opposing buoyancy , +1 assisting flow, -1 opposing flow) and (102 to 105) , respective

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigation of Convection Heat Transfer Enhancement in Horizontal Channel Provided with Metal Foam Blocks

Convection heat transfer in a horizontal channel provided with metal foam blocks of two numbers of pores per unit of length (10 and 40 PPI) and partially heated at a constant heat flux is experimentally investigated with air as the working fluid. A series of experiments have been carried out under steady state condition. The experimental investigations cover the Reynolds number range from 638 to 2168, heat fluxes varied from 453 to 4462 W/m2, and Darcy number 1.77x10-5, 3.95x10-6. The measured data were collected and analyzed. Results show that the wall temperatures at each heated section are affected by the imposed heat flux variation, Darcy number, and Reynolds number variation. The var

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Mixed Convection in a Square Cavity Filled with Porous Medium with Bottom Wall Periodic Boundary Condition

Transient mixed convection heat transfer in a confined porous medium heated at periodic sinusoidal heat flux is investigated numerically in the present paper. The Poisson-type pressure equation, resulted from the substituting of the momentum Darcy equation in the continuity equation, was discretized by using finite volume technique. The energy equation was solved by a fully implicit control volume-based finite difference formulation for the diffusion terms with the use of the quadratic upstream interpolation for convective kinetics scheme to discretize the convective terms and the temperature values at the control volume faces. The numerical study covers a range of the hydrostatic pressure head , , , , and ), sinusoidal amplitude range of

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Mixed Convection in a Square Cavity Filled with Porous Medium with Bottom Wall Periodic Boundary Condition

Transient mixed convection heat transfer in a confined porous medium heated at periodic sinusoidal heat flux is investigated numerically in the present paper. The Poisson-type pressure equation, resulted from the substituting of the momentum Darcy equation in the continuity equation, was discretized by using finite volume technique. The energy equation was solved by a fully implicit control volume-based finite difference formulation for the diffusion terms with the use of the quadratic upstream interpolation for convective kinetics scheme to discretize the convective terms and the temperature values at the control volume faces. The numerical study covers a range of the hydrostatic  pressure sinusoidal  amplitude  range and

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