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Succession of Urban Structures of the City of Baghdad
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The research shed light on the historic evolution of Baghdad through its long, expansive history. The starting point focuses on the geographic characteristics, and the nature of its habitation, prior to laying the circular plan of Baghdad. Then the research proceeds to cover the stage of building the round city of Baghdad. The research continue to cover the expansion and sequential growth across the banks of Tigris river.
A concentrated attention is devoted to analyses the morphological, geographical and above all the makeup of present day city of Baghdad, pinpointing the apathetic plans, decisions, and actions which completely disfigured the image, and tradition of the old city of Baghdad, behind the delusive slogans of “comprehensive development”. From the above ejective acts, the research problem is formulated as: The gradual dilapidation of major components that recall the historic image of Baghdad.
The research assumption thus formulated the causes that lead to the disfigurement of Baghdad historic identity in the consequent plans and policies which gave little or no attention to the historic developmental formation of the city. From the above assumption, the research goal can be stated as “Pin pointing the historic path of development to enclose the salient historic features that makes impact on the present day image of Baghdad.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Imported inflation ... concept, transmission channels, effects, and processors Iraq Case study for the period (1990-2015)
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This research aims to explain the effect of the imported inflation (which moves through the raise of global prices to Iraqi economy) over local prices, besides, the recognition the most important channels of imported inflation moving, its causes, effects, ways and policies that reduce the negative effects. To achieve the research aim, the deductive approach was adopted through using descriptive method to describe and determine phenomenon. The most important conclusion is that the research found out that there are two channels to transmission imported inflation in world. The first channel is the direct channel (prices) and the second channel is the indirect (income). The most important recommendation is to create sovereign fund (O

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using Restricted Least Squares Method to Estimate and Analyze the Cobb-Douglas Production Function with Application
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  In this paper, the restricted least squares method is employed to estimate the parameters of the Cobb-Douglas production function and then analyze and interprete the results obtained.         A practical application is performed on the state company for leather industries in Iraq for the period (1990-2010).         The statistical program SPSS is used to perform the required calculations.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
General Sales Tax and its Role in Public Revenuse in Jordan for the Duration (1998-2012)
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   This research aims to introduce the general tax on sales in gordan and the most important concepts related to this type of taxes and identify the  most  on characteristics and stand on its role in supplying the general budget of the necessary fundig to cover the over head of the state and the factorsinfluencing it and whether such a tax has been able to chieve the desired goals.including in contribute to an important and growing role in puplic revenues or not to be able to achieve these goals through the use of descriptive and analytical technique based on the data and information relevant.wasreached some conclusion and  recommendations was most important is that the general sales tax comes in

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 16 2019
Journal Name
Applied Physics A
Detecting the thermoplasmonic effect using ellipsometry parameters for self-assembled gold nanoparticles within a polydimethylsiloxane matrix
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Creating a LabVIEW Sub VI for the INA219 sensor for detecting extremely low-level electrical quantities
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An impressed current cathodic protection system (ICCP) requires measurements of extremely low-level quantities of its electrical characteristics. The current experimental work utilized the Adafruit INA219 sensor module for acquiring the values for voltage, current, and power of a default load, which consumes quite low power and simulates an ICCP system. The main problem is the adaptation of the INA219 sensor to the LabVIEW environment due to the absence of the library of this sensor. This work is devoted to the adaptation of the Adafruit INA219 sensor module in the LabVIEW environment through creating, developing, and successfully testing a Sub VI to be ready for employment in an ICCP system. The sensor output was monitored with an Arduino

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Male protagonists in Alice Walker's The Color Purple; a Voyage from Oppression to Maturity and Reconciliation
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Alice Walker's novel The Color Purple1983, whose events take place in the rural Georgia and addresses the most important issues in the early 20thcentury; like male dominant society and women submission to men, weaves a mosaic picture of male-female relationships. Black men like Alphonso, Albert and Harpo are portrayed as oppressors, cruel and they exercise power and violence over their wives and daughters. Through the negative portrayal of black male characters, Walker is accused to be a men hating writer because she ''Views oppression as an essentially masculine activity which springs from the male's aggressive need to dominate. In the novel, man is the premium mobile, the one by whom and t

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluating the Humoral Immunity and Interleukin 18 Receptor 1 in some Patients with Molluscum Contagiosum Infection
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The molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV) is a dermatotropic poxvirus. The causative agent of molluscum contagiosum (MC) is nonlethal, common and worldwide. Additionally, little inflammation is associated with MC papules. The present study aims to evaluate the immune status of MC patients by measuring the level of immunoglobulins IgG and IgM by using the radial immune diffusion assay (RIA) and the level of interleukin 18 receptor 1 (IL-18R1) by the Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).The study is conducted during November 2013 to April, 2014 in outpatient clinic of Baquba Teaching Hospital. There are 75 patients, diagnosed with clinical lesions of MCV on different areas of the body, whose age is ranged between 2-50 years including 40(53.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Classical Continuous Optimal Control for Quaternary Nonlinear Parabolic Boundary Value Problems with State Vector Constraints
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This paper aims to study the quaternary classical continuous optimal control problem consisting of the quaternary nonlinear parabolic boundary value problem, the cost function, and the equality and inequality constraints on the state and the control. Under appropriate hypotheses, it is demonstrated that the quaternary classical continuous optimal control ruling by the quaternary nonlinear parabolic boundary value problem has a quaternary classical continuous optimal control vector that satisfies the equality constraint and inequality state and control constraint. Moreover, mathematical formulation of the quaternary adjoint equations related to the quaternary state equations is discovered, and then the weak form of the quaternary adjoint

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth in Iraq after 2003(reality and ambition)
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Foreign direct investment is considered one of important bases to blind economy for many. Countries as if the main stage for developing national economy ,so for this ,many of countries give great prominence to the role of drivel foreign investment due to its importance as one of economic growth pillars in the developing countries. They offer a support for modern technology, organizational and managerial skills.        

  Dneto the importance of direct foreign investment on the economic growth, today, we discover that Iraq in need to rebnlid the in frastructuve and renew what has been destroyed during was in many production and export institutions . as wel

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigation into the Heat and Mass Transfer in an Indirect Contact Closed Circuit Cooling Tower
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The heat and mass transfer coefficients of the indirect contact closed circuit cooling tower, ICCCCT, were investigated experimentally. Different experiments were conducted involving the controlling parameters such as air velocity, spray water to air mass flow rate ratio, spray water flow rate, ambient air wet bulb temperature and the provided heat load to investigate their effects on the performance of the ICCCCT. Also the effect of using packing on the performance of the ICCCCT was investigated. It was noticed that these parameters affect the tower performance and the use of packing materials is a good approach to enhance the performance for different operational conditions. Correlations for mass and heat transfer coefficients are pres

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