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Corrosion Study of the Injection Equipments in Water in Al-Ahdeb Wells ‐Iraq

Water injection equipments such as pipelines, which are used in the second recovery of oil in the Al-Ahdeb wells, suffer from the corrosion in water during maintaining vacuum deoxygenated tower that used to decrease concentration of the dissolved oxygen gas in the water from 6.2-9.1 ppm to o.5 ppm. This study involved calculation the corrosion rates of the internal surfaces of the
pipelines either during operation of the vacuum unit or when the tower out of operation. Finally, find the solution by one of the following suggestions. In the first suggestion removal of the dissolved O2 from water is achieved by increasing the dosage of the oxygen scavenger (sodium sulphite). The second suggestion involves removing the dissolved O2 from water by bubbling the
oxygenated water with nitrogen gas. The study showed that the corrosion rates of various inside diameter pipelines are between 0.13 mm/yr and 1.5 mm/yr during operation of the vacuum tower and between 3.2 mm/yr and 18.5 mm/yr when the tower out of the operation. While the results showed that the corrosion rate of the pipelines when the tower out of operation reached to the acceptable value of 0.1 mm/y when the dissolved oxygen in the injected water removed by increasing the dosage of the sodium sulphite (Na2SO3) to 48-72 ppm. The results also explained that corrosion rates of the pipelines reached to 0.5 mm/y when the dissolved oxygen removed by bubbling the water with nitrogen gas.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
South African Journal Of Chemical Engineering
Removal of COD from petroleum refinery wastewater by adsorption using activated carbon derived from avocado plant

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Bridge Engineering
Novel Demountable Shear Connector for Accelerated Disassembly, Repair, or Replacement of Precast Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges

A novel demountable shear connector for precast steel-concrete composite bridges is presented. The connector uses high-strength steel bolts, which are fastened to the top flange of the steel beam with the aid of a special locking nut configuration that prevents bolts from slipping within their holes. Moreover, the connector promotes accelerated construction and overcomes the typical construction tolerance issues of precast structures. Most importantly, the connector allows bridge disassembly. Therefore, it can address different bridge deterioration scenarios with minimum disturbance to traffic flow including the following: (1) precast deck panels can be rapidly uplifted and replaced; (2) connectors can be rapidly removed and replaced; and (

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Publication Date
Fri May 03 2024
Journal Name
Optical And Quantum Electronics
Design and analysis of a dual-core PCF biosensor based on SPR for cancerous cells detection

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 15 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Antibacterial activity of Rosmarinus officinalis and Dodonaea viscosa leaves extracts against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus

Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
World Journal Of Experimental Biosciences
Effectiveness of some β- lactamase encoding geneson biofilm formation and slime layer production byuropathogenic Escherichia coli

In present study 74 specimens of urine were collected from patients suffering from urinary tract infections.Fifty (67.56%) isolates were identified as Escherichia coli. 78% of isolates were identified as extendedspectrum beta lactamases (ESBL) producer. Antibiotic susceptibility t est was done and ceftazidime wasselected to complete this study by implying stress at sub-MIC on isolate harbor high number of resistancegenes (N11) and compared with sensitive isolate (S). Only four β-lactamase coding genes were detected;blaTEM, blaPER, blaVIM and blaCTX-M-2 and N11 had blaTEM, blaPER, and blaVIM. It was found that the resistantisolate did not form biofilm when compared with the sensitive one, which formed moderate biofilm. Inaddition, ceftazidi

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 15 2025
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of Aluminum Dust Particles on Plasma Parameters at Different Gas Pressure with Different Dust Contents

In this work, the effect of aluminum (Al) dust particles on the DC discharge plasma properties in argon was investigated. A magnetron is placed behind the cathode at different pressures and with varying amounts of Al. The plasma temperature (Te) and density (ne) were calculated using the Boltzmann equation and Stark broadening phenomena, which are considered the most important plasma variables through which the other plasma parameters were calculated. The measurements showed that the emission intensity decreases with increasing pressure from 0.06 to 0.4 Torr, and it slightly decreases with the addition of the NPs. The calculations showed that the ne increased and Te decreased with pressure. Both Te and ne were reduced by increasing

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Toxicity analysis of Ag/Au core/shell nanoparticles synthesizes via seed-growth on blood human components

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Biological Sciences
Fascinating approach for using metabolites products of living microorganisms as reducing agents for preparing silver nanoparticles

A crucial area of research in nanotechnology is the formation of environmentally benign nanoparticles. Both unicellular and multicellular play an important role in synthesis nanoparticles through the production of inorganic materials either intracellularly or extracellularly. The agents (pigments, siderophores, cell extracted metabolites and reducing compounds) were used to prepare silver nanparticles with different sizes and shapes. The color variations (dark yellow, slightly dark yellow and golden yellow) arising from changes in the composition, size, and shape of nanoparticles, surrounding medium can be monitored using UV-visible spectrophotometer. These effects are due to the phenomena called surface plasmon resonance. The silver nanopa

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
European Journal Of Experimental Biology
Cytotoxic and apoptotic activity of leinamycin Produced by Streptomyces atroolivaceous THS-44 isolate from Iraqi soli

Leinamycin is a thiol dependent DNA alkylating agent which shows very potent activity against various cancer cell lines. This natural compound forms guanine adducts (N7) in DNA which are converted into a basic sites and simultaneously generates Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), to produce DNA strand breaks in human cancer cells. In present study, eight different strains isolated from Iraqi soils were taxonomically assigned as Streptomyces.atroolivaceous. Remarkably the strain named as THS-44 was distinguished in productivity in comparison with other strains; the amount of leinamycin was 50.98 mg/l. In this study, we assessed the cytotoxic activity of leinamycin against RD and ANM3 cancer cell line in compare with REF cell line as a normal cont

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 22 2022
Journal Name
Galore International Journal Of Health Sciences And Research
Use of Flavonoids and Green Tea Extracts as Antioxidants Induced by Oxidative Stress: A Review Article

The aim of this work is to shed light on the importance of medicinal plants, especially those that have extracts that have a direct effect on human health. The study and identification of botany is necessary because human life has become closely linked to the life of plants as food . In addition to using plants as food, primitive man did not stop at this point, but rather developed their use to hunt prey and also used toxic plant materials in wars. With the passage of time, the ancient man was able to link the wild plants that cover the surface of the earth and the diseases that afflict him, so he used these plants or Parts of it are for treatment. A medicinal plant is defined as one or more of its parts that contain one or more che

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