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Semi-Batch Reactive Distillation of Consecutive Reaction : The Saponification Reaction of Diethyl Adipate with Sodium Hydroxide Solution
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This research presents a new study in reactive distillation by using consecutive reaction: the saponification reaction of diethyl adipate (DA) with sodium hydroxide solution .

The effect of three parameters were studied through a design of experiments applying 23 factorial design . These parameters were : the mole ratio of DA to NaOH solution (0.1 and 1) , NaOH solution concentration (3 N and 8 N) , and batch time (1.5 hr. and 3.5 hr.) . The conversion of DA to sodium monoethyladipate(SMA)(intermediate product) was the effect of these parameters which was detected . Also , the percentage purity of the intermediate product was recorded . The results showed that increasing mole ratio of DA to NaOHsolution increases the conversion and percentage purity to a maximum value within the range of study . The effect of NaOH solution concentration decreases the conversion and percentage purity to specified value within the range of study . The effect of batch time on conversion and percentage purity , when NaOH solution concentration (3 N) is as follows : the increasing in batch time decreases the conversion and percentage purity to specified value within the range of study . When NaOH solution concentration (8 N) increasing batch time decreases the conversion , while percentage purity increases with increasing batch time to a maximum value within the range of study . The maximum attainable conversion within the studied range of parameters was  eighteen fold of the base case , while the maximum percentage purity was (99.40 %) .

Empirical equation was obtained using statistical analysis of experimental results . The empirical results of relative conversion was drawn . The empirical graphs showed linear variation .


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De PsicologÍa Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte
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Abstract The purpose of the study is to develop self-attendance fear measures for table tennis players and tennis players with disabilities, as well as to gauge how severe these fears are in both groups. The authors propose that there are no statistically significant differences in the level of fear of self-attendance for players of ground tennis and table tennis for the disabled between the arithmetic mean and the hypothetical mean. In keeping with the nature of the current study, we adopted a descriptive methodology, and the sample comprised 62 players of table tennis and tennis for the disabled. The authors make use of the Al-Taei prepared scale (fears of selfattendance). The statistical package for educational sciences (spss v 26)

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
جدلية جدليّة العقل والنّقل وعلاقتهما بالاستدلال مسائل الاعتقاد بين مدرستي أهل الحديث والأشاعرة: - عرض ومناقشة
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This research highlights one of the most important issues that have been controversial between Islamic schools, which is the duality of Intellect  and Revelation and the nature of their relationship, in two core points:

The first point: Could there be a real conflict between Intellect  and revelation? While the school of hadith view that this assumption is a rational assumption that does not real as long as the revelation is correct and the Intellect  is clear, and that what is claimed are due to other Intellect s, we find that the Ash’ari school adopts the saying that the real conflict may occur, but rather confirms its occurrence.

The second point: For whom is the priority, for the Intellect  or th

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 24 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Weibull Parameters and Wind Power Assessment for Three Locations in Iraq
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In this research, we built a program to assess Weibull parameters and wind power of three separate locations in Iraq: Baghdad, Basrah and Dhi-qar for two years 2009 and 2010, after collecting and setting the data available from the website "Weather Under Ground" for each of the stations Baghdad, Basrah and Dhi-qar. Weibull parameters (shape parameter and scale parameter) were estimated using maximum likelihood estimation method (MLE) and least squares method (LSM). Also, the annual wind speed frequencies were calculated noting speed most readily available through the above two years. Then, we plotted Weibull distribution function and calculate the most significant quantities represented by mean wind speed, standard deviation of the value

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Internet and Press Blogging
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The emergence of the Internet and its transformation in the early nineties of the last century led to a means of mass communication that brought about significant structural changes in the media map.

Over the course of historical development, the public did not engage the media in its behavior in the implementation and dissemination of an idea, generalization or theory put forward by media experts or practitioners through these means to do it. Blogs represent the most important service provided by the Internet in recent years which has gained special importance in the media field. Where the word “Blogs” has several names: (alternative media), (blogging press), (popular press) and other names.

The medi

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Teaching skills for Public and Private Schools’ Teachers: comparative study : Teaching skills for Public and Private Schools’ Teachers: comparative study
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The great expansion of teaching skills requires finding ways and methods to help teachers acquire experiences of all kinds. The researcher found in the subject of the teaching skills for teachers in public and private schools a fertile field for conducting a study that enables the measurement of these skills. Thus, the study aims to identify the skills of teaching lessons for teachers, the difference in teaching lesson skills for teachers according to the years of service, the differences in teaching lesson skills for teachers according to the specialized teachers and non-specialized teachers, the differences in teaching lesson skills for teachers according to the public and private school. The

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Biology Textbook for Scientific Sixth Class in Iraq (A Comparative Study)
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The textbook is the primary means of creativity and thinking, which has a major role in the development of the readership and mental abilities of the student. It is the basic tool in education in Iraq for the teacher and the student, which cannot be dispensed in any educational program. The current study aimed at the book of the biology of the sixth grade of science in Iraq (comparative study). It was compared to the book of biology for the twelve grade in the Kingdom of Jordan to identify the ratio of similarity and differences between them, in addition, to identify the weaknesses in the Iraq curriculum and developing appropriate solutions and suggestions to address them. The sample was represented with books of biology (six-science cla

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Solving Nonlinear Second Order Delay Eigenvalue Problems by Least Square Method
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     The aim of this paper is to study the nonlinear delay second order eigenvalue problems which consists of delay ordinary differential equations, in fact one of the expansion methods that is called the least square method which will be developed to solve this kind of problems.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Classifying Illegal Activities on Tor Network using Hybrid Technique
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    With the freedom offered by the Deep Web, people have the opportunity to express themselves freely and discretely, and sadly, this is one of the reasons why people carry out illicit activities there. In this work, a novel dataset for Dark Web active domains known as crawler-DB is presented. To build the crawler-DB, the Onion Routing Network (Tor) was sampled, and then a web crawler capable of crawling into links was built. The link addresses that are gathered by the crawler are then classified automatically into five classes. The algorithm built in this study demonstrated good performance as it achieved an accuracy of 85%. A popular text representation method was used with the proposed crawler-DB crossed by two different supervise

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 25 2022
Journal Name
Modern Sport
استعمال تمرينات خاصة وفق جهاز verti max وتأثيرها في تطوير تحمل الخاص للذراع الرامية وانجاز رمي الرمح للاعبيين دون ال 16 سنة
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تكمن أهمية البحث من الاستفادة من تمرينات الخاصة بمساعدة استعمال أي جهاز تدريبي مثل استعمال جهاز (Vertimax) فإِنَّ هذهِ التدريبات تساعد في تطوير التحمل الخاص وفقًا لما يتطور من قدرات بدنية باستعمال هذا الجهاز، ومن هنا برزت مشكلة البحث انه من المهم  للاعب ان يعمل على الروافع الجسم للحصول على اداء افضل في عملية الرمي والحصول على افضل انجاز لهذة الفعالية باستعمال جهاز تدريبي جديد حيث يسلط مقاومات متعددة في ان وا

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering
Depositional environment, seismic stratigraphy, and Sr-isotope geochronology, Bangestan reservoir, Ahwaz oilfield, SW Iran
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The Bangestan reservoir, which occurs in the Ahwaz oilfield, consists of the middle Cretaceous limestone Ilam and Sarvak Formations that were deposited in the Zagros Basin. The reservoir is divided into ten Zones (A to J) formed in the upper Albian-Santonian and contains considerable hydrocarbon accumulations. The limestones were deposited on an extensive shallow carbonate platform on a passive margin and are dominated by rudist biostrome and grainstone facies. Paleogeographical changes mean that identification of the facies is complex. Seismic stratigraphy and isotopic data are used to better understand the structural and geological setting and develop an understanding of the sedimentary environment. The results show that the rudist biostr

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