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Enhancement of the Detection of the TCP SYN Flooding (DDoS) Attack
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The major of DDoS attacks use TCP protocol and the TCP SYN flooding attack is the most common one among them. The SYN Cookie mechanism is used to defend against the TCP SYN flooding attack. It is an effective defense, but it has a disadvantage of high calculations and it doesn’t differentiate spoofed packets from legitimate packets. Therefore, filtering the spoofed packet can effectively enhance the SYN Cookie activity. Hop Count Filtering (HCF) is another mechanism used at the server side to filter spoofed packets. This mechanism has a drawback of being not a perfect and final solution in defending against the TCP SYN flooding attack. An enhanced mechanism of Integrating and combining the SYN Cookie with Hop Count Filtering (HCF) mechanism is proposed to protect the server from TCP SYN flooding. The results show that the defense against SYN flood DDoS attack is enhanced, since the availability of legitimate packets is increased and the time of SYN Cookie activity is delayed.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 07 2022
Journal Name
2022 Iraqi International Conference On Communication And Information Technologies (iiccit)
Construct an Efficient DDoS Attack Detection System Based on RF-C4.5-GridSearchCV
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Publication Date
Sat Aug 06 2022
Journal Name
Ijci. International Journal Of Computers And Information
Techniques for DDoS Attack in SDN: A Comparative Study
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Abstract Software-Defined Networking (commonly referred to as SDN) is a newer paradigm that develops the concept of a software-driven network by separating data and control planes. It can handle the traditional network problems. However, this excellent architecture is subjected to various security threats. One of these issues is the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, which is difficult to contain in this kind of software-based network. Several security solutions have been proposed recently to secure SDN against DDoS attacks. This paper aims to analyze and discuss machine learning-based systems for SDN security networks from DDoS attack. The results have indicated that the algorithms for machine learning can be used to detect DDoS

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 30 2022
Journal Name
Revue D'intelligence Artificielle
Performance Evaluation of SDN DDoS Attack Detection and Mitigation Based Random Forest and K-Nearest Neighbors Machine Learning Algorithms
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Software-defined networks (SDN) have a centralized control architecture that makes them a tempting target for cyber attackers. One of the major threats is distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. It aims to exhaust network resources to make its services unavailable to legitimate users. DDoS attack detection based on machine learning algorithms is considered one of the most used techniques in SDN security. In this paper, four machine learning techniques (Random Forest, K-nearest neighbors, Naive Bayes, and Logistic Regression) have been tested to detect DDoS attacks. Also, a mitigation technique has been used to eliminate the attack effect on SDN. RF and KNN were selected because of their high accuracy results. Three types of ne

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 02 2023
Journal Name
Applied Sciences
Machine Learning Techniques to Detect a DDoS Attack in SDN: A Systematic Review
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The recent advancements in security approaches have significantly increased the ability to identify and mitigate any type of threat or attack in any network infrastructure, such as a software-defined network (SDN), and protect the internet security architecture against a variety of threats or attacks. Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) are among the most popular techniques for preventing distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on any kind of network. The objective of this systematic review is to identify, evaluate, and discuss new efforts on ML/DL-based DDoS attack detection strategies in SDN networks. To reach our objective, we conducted a systematic review in which we looked for publications that used ML/DL approach

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 23 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Semi-Supervised Machine Learning Approach Using K-Means Algorithm to Prevent Burst Header Packet Flooding Attack in Optical Burst Switching Network
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Optical burst switching (OBS) network is a new generation optical communication technology. In an OBS network, an edge node first sends a control packet, called burst header packet (BHP) which reserves the necessary resources for the upcoming data burst (DB). Once the reservation is complete, the DB starts travelling to its destination through the reserved path. A notable attack on OBS network is BHP flooding attack where an edge node sends BHPs to reserve resources, but never actually sends the associated DB. As a result the reserved resources are wasted and when this happen in sufficiently large scale, a denial of service (DoS) may take place. In this study, we propose a semi-supervised machine learning approach using k-means algorithm

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2011
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research And Reviews In Computer Science
Detection of the photon number splitting attack by using decoy states quantum key distribution system
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The goal of this work is to check the presence of PNS (photon number splitting) attack in quantum cryptography system based on BB84 protocol, and to get a maximum secure key length as possible. This was achieved by randomly interleaving decoy states with mean photon numbers of 5.38, 1.588 and 0.48 between the signal states with mean photon numbers of 2.69, 0.794 and 0.24. The average length for a secure key obtained from our system discarding the cases with Eavesdropping was equal to 125 with 20 % decoy states and 82 with 50% decoy states for mean photon number of 0.794 for signal states and 1.588 for decoy states.

Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Information & Communications Technology
Evaluation of DDoS attacks Detection in a New Intrusion Dataset Based on Classification Algorithms
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Intrusion detection system is an imperative role in increasing security and decreasing the harm of the computer security system and information system when using of network. It observes different events in a network or system to decide occurring an intrusion or not and it is used to make strategic decision, security purposes and analyzing directions. This paper describes host based intrusion detection system architecture for DDoS attack, which intelligently detects the intrusion periodically and dynamically by evaluating the intruder group respective to the present node with its neighbors. We analyze a dependable dataset named CICIDS 2017 that contains benign and DDoS attack network flows, which meets certifiable criteria and is ope

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 12 2022
Journal Name
Future Internet
Improved DDoS Detection Utilizing Deep Neural Networks and Feedforward Neural Networks as Autoencoder
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Software-defined networking (SDN) is an innovative network paradigm, offering substantial control of network operation through a network’s architecture. SDN is an ideal platform for implementing projects involving distributed applications, security solutions, and decentralized network administration in a multitenant data center environment due to its programmability. As its usage rapidly expands, network security threats are becoming more frequent, leading SDN security to be of significant concern. Machine-learning (ML) techniques for intrusion detection of DDoS attacks in SDN networks utilize standard datasets and fail to cover all classification aspects, resulting in under-coverage of attack diversity. This paper proposes a hybr

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The effect of different flooding ratio on Al-Shuwaija marsh
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In this research, the effect of changing the flood level of Al-Shuwaija marsh was studied using the geographic information systems, specifically the QGIS program, and the STRM digital elevation model with a spatial analysis accuracy of 28 meters, was used to study the marsh. The hydraulic factors that characterize the marsh and affecting on the flooding such as the ranks of the water channels feeding the marsh and the degree of slope and flat areas in it are studied. The area of immersion water, the mean depth, and the accumulated water volume are calculated for each immersion level, thereby, this study finds the safe immersion level for this marsh was determined.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications
Survey on distributed denial of service attack detection using deep learning: A review
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Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on Web-based services have grown in both number and sophistication with the rise of advanced wireless technology and modern computing paradigms. Detecting these attacks in the sea of communication packets is very important. There were a lot of DDoS attacks that were directed at the network and transport layers at first. During the past few years, attackers have changed their strategies to try to get into the application layer. The application layer attacks could be more harmful and stealthier because the attack traffic and the normal traffic flows cannot be told apart. Distributed attacks are hard to fight because they can affect real computing resources as well as network bandwidth. DDoS attacks

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