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Performance Evaluation of Two Stages Parallel Flow Indirect Evaporative Cooling with Aspen Pads in Baghdad Climate Conditions
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This study delves into the realm of advanced cooling techniques by examining the performance of a two-stage parallel flow indirect evaporative cooling system enhanced with aspen pads in the challenging climate of Baghdad. The objective was to achieve average air dry bulb temperatures (43 oC) below the ambient wet bulb temperatures (24.95 oC) with an average relative humidity of 23%, aiming for unparalleled cooling efficiency. The research experiment was carried out in the urban environment of Baghdad, characterized by high temperature conditions. The investigation focused on the potential of the two-stage parallel flow setup, combined with the cooling capability of aspen pads, to surpass the limitations imposed by conventional cooling methods. The empirical findings underscored the capacity of the two-stage parallel flow configuration to achieve air-dry bulb temperatures surpassing the ambient wet bulb temperature.

Nonetheless, it was evident that an excessive application of water (exceeding 9 lpm) onto the aspen pads within the wet channels yielded adverse repercussions on the cooler's performance metrics, specifically in terms of wet bulb effectiveness and coefficient of performance. A range of air flows spanning from 150 CMH to 350 CMH was analyzed, revealing the influence of heightened air flow rates on the resultant dry bulb temperatures delivered by the cooling system. Notably, the peak wet-bulb effectiveness registered at 1.08, concurrently yielding a coefficient of performance measuring 7.8.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages
Функциональная транспозиция причастий в прилагательное Functional Shift of Present and Past Participles from No-minal Meaning to Adjectival Meaning
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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Efficient Cloud-Based Resource Sharing Through Multi-Tenancy and Load Balancing: An Exploration of Higher Education and Digital Libraries
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      Cloud computing has gained considerable attention in academia and industry in recent years. The cloud facilitates data sharing and enables cost efficiency, thus playing a vital role today as well as for the foreseeable future. In this paper, a brief discussion the application of multi-tenant and load-balancing technologies to cloud-based digital resource sharing suitable for academic and digital libraries is presented. As a new paradigm for digital resource sharing, a proposal of improving the current user service model with private cloud storage for other sectors, including the medical and financial fields is offered. This paper gives a summary of cloud computing and its possible applications, combined with digital data optim

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Rare Metal Materials And Engineering
The effect of special exercises using the (Blazepod) device to develop the defensive player's movement for advanced basketball players
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The purpose of this paper is to preparing exercises for using the (Blazepod) device for advanced basketball players, and then identifying the effect of using the (Blazepod) device in developing some of the player's defensive movement for advanced basketball players. 12 players from the Adhamiya Sports Club, the category of applicants for the 2022/2023 sports year, where they were chosen in a deliberate manner from the community of origin represented by clubs, and the researchers used the defender player's movement test, and the results of the study showed that the special exercises prepared by the researcher using the (Blazepod) device affected the development Defensive skills (the movement of the defending player) greatly increased among a

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Improvement the bearing capacity of the soil which is supporting the shallow foundation by using bored short micro-piles
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In this paper , concrete micro-piles were used to improve the bearing capacity of the soil which is supporting the shallow foundation by using groups of (4; 6 and 9)bored short micro-piles which have, (D=0.125m and D=0.1m), and length to diameter ratio (L/D) equal to (6; 10 and 12) respectively. To calculate the bearing capacity of the micro-piles,(Tomlinson) and (Lamda) methods were used; also the soil properties were taken from Al-Muthana airport,(Al-Qyssi,2001) [1]. The results show that; increasing the number of piles and/ or the diameters and lengths; and the interaction between the bearing capacity of the shallow foundation with the bearing capacity of the pile group which leads to increasing the strength against the external loads

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The objective Effect of Internal and External Environment and its Psychological & Practical Reflection on the Political Decision-Making Process
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The objective Effect of Internal and External Environment and its Psychological & Practical Reflection on the Political Decision-Making Process

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 15 2020
Journal Name
Modern Physics Letters A
Nuclear matter distributions of neutron rich 6He, 11Li, 14Be and 17B halo nuclei studied by the Bear Hodgson potential
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The radial wave functions of the Bear–Hodgson potential have been used to study the ground state features such as the proton, neutron and matter densities and the as- sociated rms radii of two neutrons halo 6He, 11Li, 14Be and 17B nuclei. These halo nuclei are treated as a three-body system composed of core and outer two-neutron (Core + n + n). The radial wave functions of the Bear–Hodgson potential are used to describe the core and halo density distributions. The interaction of core-neutron takes the Bear–Hodgson potential form. The outer two neutrons of 6He and 11Li interact by the realistic interaction REWIL whereas those of 14Be and 17B interact by the realistic interaction of HASP. The obtained results show that this model succee

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Some Fungal Pathogen and Some Storage Treatments on Tomato and Cucumber Fruits Under Cold Storage (8? C)
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In study carried out in the cold storage in college of Agric./Univ. of Baghdad at 8 ? C. shows that Alternaria , Pencillium , Rhizoctonia , Mucor , are the fungi that causes tomato fruits decay. This is the first record of Rhizoctonia and Mucor as a Tomato fruits rot under 8º c in Iraq. There is no fungal infection on cucumber fruits under 8 ? C. . Waxing tomato fruits reduced the severity of the fungi infection and gave shelflife (19 days) under 8 ? C. There is an infection with Mucor was found in tomato fruits kept in perforated polyethylene bages with 16 bores prevent the infection and the lowest severity and frequency of infection was found in waxed tomato fruits. Part of M.Sc thesis of the Second author.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Croatian Journal Of Fisheries
Morphometric Characteristics of Catfish<i>Silurus triostegus</i>(Heckel, 1843) from the Tigris and Shatt Al-Arab Rivers, Iraq
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Abstract<p>Thirteen morphometric characters of catfish<italic>Silurus triostegus</italic>were studied from three localities on the Tigris and Shatt al-Arab rivers, Iraq. Monthly samples revealed no significant differences between genders. Positive allometric growths for all morphometric characters studied were observed. This study gives information to fishery biologists about morphometric characters of<italic>S. triostegus</italic>from the Tigris and Shatt al-Arab rivers to assist in planning of conservation strategies for this fish species.</p>
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Adsorption and Kinetic Study of Methylene Blue dye on New Surface Derived from Copolymer (Melamine – Formaldehyde – Para- methyl Anisole)
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A new copolymer (MFA) was prepared from condensation of melamine (M) with p- methyl – anisole (A) in the presence of condensation agent like 37% (w/v) of formaldehyde. The new copolymer was characterized by elemental, IR and HNMR spectra. The chelating ion-exchange property of this polymer was studied for methylene blue dye in aqueous solution in 100-200ppm concentrations. The adsorption study was carried out over a wide range of pH, shaking time and in media of various kinetic parameters models. Thermal parameters like enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs free energy of adsorption process of methylene blue on surface of MFA resin were determined on the basis of kinetic parameters at different temperatures. To describe the equilibrium of adsorp

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Surface Characterization of PEKK Modified by stron-tium –hydroxyapatite coating as implant material Via the magnetron sputtering Deposition technique
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Background: The best material for dental implants is polyetherketoneketone (PEKK). However, this substance is neither osteoinductive nor osteoconductive, preventing direct bone apposition. Modifying the PEKK with bioactive elements like strontium hydroxyapatite is one method to overcome this (Sr-HA). Due to the technique's capacity to provide better control over the coating's properties, RF magnetron sputtering has been found to be a particularly useful technique for deposition. Materials and methods : With specific sputtering conditions, the RF magnetron technique was employed to provide a homogeneous and thin coating on Polyetherketoneketone substrates.. the coatings were characterized by Contact angle, adhesion test, X-ray

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