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Influence of Design Efficiency of Water Supply Network Inside Building on its Optimum Usage: Review
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The water supply network inside the building is of high importance due to direct contact with the user that must be optimally designed to meet the water needs of users.  This work aims to review previous research and scientific theories that deal with the design of water networks inside buildings, from calculating the amount of consumption and the optimal distribution of the network, as well as ways to rationalize the use of water by the consumer.  The process of pumping domestic water starts from water treatment plants to be fed to the public distribution networks, then reaching a distribution network inside the building till it is  provided to the user.  The design of the water supply network inside the building is mainly affected by the amount of water consumed in the building. On this basis, the pipes' dimensions and the water tank's volume are determined. The operating pressure of the water supply network inside the building is calculated to overcome the height difference and the friction inside the pipes and provide sufficient pressure to operate the most remote fixture.  The most important results of the research are that the optimal use of the water distribution network inside the buildings is achieved by the correct design and implementation using skilled labor, materials, and devices of high quality and rationalization of water consumption by the user.


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Publication Date
Sun Feb 27 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Efficient Hybrid DCT-Wiener Algorithm Based Deep Learning Approach For Semantic Shape Segmentation
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    Semantic segmentation is effective in numerous object classification tasks such as autonomous vehicles and scene understanding. With the advent in the deep learning domain, lots of efforts are seen in applying deep learning algorithms for semantic segmentation. Most of the algorithms gain the required accuracy while compromising on their storage and computational requirements. The work showcases the implementation of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), where DCT exhibit exceptional energy compaction properties. The proposed Adaptive Weight Wiener Filter (AWWF) rearranges the DCT coefficients by truncating the high frequency coefficients. AWWF-DCT model reinstate the convolutional l

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Galaxy Morphological Image Classification using ResNet
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     Machine learning-based techniques are used widely for the classification of images into various categories. The advancement of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) affects the field of computer vision on a large scale. It has been applied to classify and localize objects in images. Among the fields of applications of CNN, it has been applied to understand huge unstructured astronomical data being collected every second. Galaxies have diverse and complex shapes and their morphology carries fundamental information about the whole universe. Studying these galaxies has been a tremendous task for the researchers around the world. Researchers have already applied some basic CNN models to predict the morphological classes

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 12 2016
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Wireless Networks
Low communication cost (LCC) scheme for localizing mobile wireless sensor networks
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In recent years, the number of applications utilizing mobile wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has increased, with the intent of localization for the purposes of monitoring and obtaining data from hazardous areas. Location of the event is very critical in WSN, as sensing data is almost meaningless without the location information. In this paper, two Monte Carlo based localization schemes termed MCL and MSL* are studied. MCL obtains its location through anchor nodes whereas MSL* uses both anchor nodes and normal nodes. The use of normal nodes would increase accuracy and reduce dependency on anchor nodes, but increases communication costs. For this reason, we introduce a new approach called low communication cost schemes to reduce communication

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Recurrent Stroke Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms with Clinical Public Datasets: An Empirical Performance Evaluation
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Recurrent strokes can be devastating, often resulting in severe disability or death. However, nearly 90% of the causes of recurrent stroke are modifiable, which means recurrent strokes can be averted by controlling risk factors, which are mainly behavioral and metabolic in nature. Thus, it shows that from the previous works that recurrent stroke prediction model could help in minimizing the possibility of getting recurrent stroke. Previous works have shown promising results in predicting first-time stroke cases with machine learning approaches. However, there are limited works on recurrent stroke prediction using machine learning methods. Hence, this work is proposed to perform an empirical analysis and to investigate machine learning al

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using microalga Coelastrella sp. to remove some nutrients from wastewater invitro
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Microalgae have been increasingly used for wastewater treatment due to their capacity to assimilate nutrients. Samples of wastewater were taken from the Erbil wastewater channel near Dhahibha village in northern Iraq. The microalga Coelastrella sp. was used in three doses (0.2, 1, and 2g. l-1) in this experiment for 21 days, samples were periodically (every 3 days) analyzed for physicochemical parameters such as pH, EC, Phosphate, Nitrate, and BOD5, in addition to, Chlorophyll a concentration. Results showed that the highest dose 2g.l-1 was the most effective dose for removing nutrients, confirmed by significant differences (p≤0.05) between all doses. The highest removal percentage was

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
An Analytical Study of Viewpoint in Parsi Pour's and Ar-Rikabi's Novels: The Dog and the Long Night and Alibaba's Sad Night as Examples: بررسی تحليلی زاویه¬ی دید در رمان¬های پارسی پور و الرکابی باتكيه بر رمان "سگ و زمستان بلند" و "ليل علی بابا الحزین"
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It is noted in the title that the paper studies the viewpoint in the novel The Dog and the Long Night by the Iranian novelist Shahranoush Parsi Pour and in the novel Alibaba's Sad Night by the Iraqi novelist Abdulkhaliq Ar-Rikabi. Both are well known novelists, and about whose stories and novels many critical books, MA theses, and Ph.D. dissertations have been written. Also, some of their literary works have won prizes. Here, the researcher shed light on the concept of viewpoint, its types, and its importance in novels in general. This was done along with tackling the two viewpoints in both novels, where similarities and differences were identified. For this end, the researcher has adopted the analytic-descriptive appro

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 23 2019
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Safe Mud Weight Window Determination: A Case Study from Southern Iraq
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ABSTRACT:. The Lower Cretaceous Zubair formation is comprised of sandstones intercalated with shale sequences. The main challenges that were encountered while drilling into this formation included severe wellbore instability-related issues across the weaker formations overlaying the reservoir section (pay zone). These issues have a significant impact on well costs and timeline. In this paper, a comprehensive geomechanical study was carried out to understand the causes of the wellbore failure and to improve drilling design and drilling performance on further development wells in the field. Failure criteria known as Mogi-Coulomb was used to determine an operating mud weight window required for safe drilling. The accuracy of the geomechanical

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Application
Suggested methods for prediction using semiparametric regression function
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Ferritin is a key organizer of protected deregulation, particularly below risky hyperferritinemia, by straight immune-suppressive and pro-inflammatory things. , We conclude that there is a significant association between levels of ferritin and the harshness of COVID-19. In this paper we introduce a semi- parametric method for prediction by making a combination between NN and regression models. So, two methodologies are adopted, Neural Network (NN) and regression model in design the model; the data were collected from مستشفى دار التمريض الخاص for period 11/7/2021- 23/7/2021, we have 100 person, With COVID 12 Female & 38 Male out of 50, while 26 Female & 24 Male non COVID out of 50. The input variables of the NN m

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 27 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Plants Leaf Diseases Detection Using Deep Learning
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     Agriculture improvement is a national economic issue that extremely depends on productivity. The explanation of disease detection in plants plays a significant role in the agriculture field. Accurate prediction of the plant disease can help treat the leaf as early as possible, which controls the economic loss. This paper aims to use the Image processing techniques with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). It is one of the deep learning techniques to classify and detect plant leaf diseases. A publicly available Plant village dataset was used, which consists of 15 classes, including 12 diseases classes and 3 healthy classes.  The data augmentation techniques have been used. In addition to dropout and weight reg

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Ama, Agricultural Mechanization In Asia, Africa And Latin America
Could conservation tillage farming be the solution for agricultural soils in Iraq?
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Soil is the cardinal resource for agricultural crops. Healthy soil will produce healthy plants. Since healthy soil is the important goal for the farmers, they need to select the best tillage system to achieve that goal. There are two main types of tillage systems. Conservation tillage (no-tillage farming) uses agricultural machinery that performs a double function; tillage and seed farming simultaneously. In contrast, conventional tillage farming uses multiple agricultural machines to till and seed the soil. The farmers in the northern governorates of Iraq have used the conservation farming system for a long time. However, the farmers who live in the middle and southern governorates in Iraq use conventional tillage farming. Because most of

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