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Estimation of Water and Energy Saving by Rainwater Harvesting: Sulaimani City as a Case Study

Rainwater harvesting could be a possible solution to decrease the consequences of water scarcity and energy deficiency in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). This study aims to calculate the water and energy (electricity) saved by rainwater harvesting for rooftops and green areas in Sulaimani city, KR, Iraq. Various data were acquired from different formal entities in Sulaimani city. Moreover, Google Earth and ArcMap 10.4 software were used for digitizing and calculating the total rooftop and green areas. The results showed that for the used runoff coefficients (0.8 and 0.95), the harvested rainwater volumes were 2901563 and 12197131 m³ during the study period (2005 – 2006) and (2019-2020). Moreover, by comparing the study area's rainwater harvesting volume and water production, the water-saving percentage was 8.21 to 22.68%. Furthermore, the energy-saving percentage recorded was from 7.70 to 22.5% by implementing rooftop rainwater harvesting. On the other hand, using average daily rainfall data for the year (2005-2020), the total water-saving percentage and the total energy-saving rate for both runoff coefficients were very close. Water and energy-saving results were calculated using year-by-year rainfall data, taking more time and effort for its computation. Moreover, the water-saving percentage for the selected green area was not encouraging, and the results were between 0.73 and 11.15%. Additionally, the storage size for three typical buildings was calculated, and the results show the average storage size required for rainwater harvesting using daily rainfall data was 11.2 to 14.68 m³ (house), 291.42 to 422.33 m³ (school), and 10.5 to 11.41 m³ (hotel) for runoff coefficients of 0.8 and 0.95, respectively.


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Publication Date
Wed Nov 17 2021
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Pearson coefficient matrix for studying the correlation of community detection scores in multi-objective evolutionary algorithm

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 23 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Sensitive Cloud Point Extraction Method for the Determination of Isoxsuprine Hydrochloride in Pharmaceutical forms using Spectrophotometry

      A simple and highly sensitive cloud point extraction process was suggested for preconcentration of micrograms amount of isoxsuprine hydrochloride (ISX) in pure and pharmaceutical samples. After diazotization coupling of ISX with diazotized sulfadimidine in alkaline medium, the azo-dye product quantitatively extracted into the Triton X-114 rich phase, dissolved in ethanol and determined spectrophotometrically at 490 nm. The suggested reaction was studied with and without extraction and simple comparison between the batch and CPE methods was achieved. Analytical variables including concentrations of reagent, Triton X-114 and base, incubated temperature, and time were carefully studied. Under the selected optimum conditions,

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison of Some Suggested Estimators Based on Differencing Technique in the Partial Linear Model Using Simulation

In this paper new methods were presented based on technique of differences which is the difference- based modified jackknifed generalized ridge regression estimator(DMJGR) and difference-based generalized  jackknifed ridge regression estimator(DGJR), in estimating the parameters of linear part of the partially linear model. As for the nonlinear part represented by the nonparametric function, it was estimated using Nadaraya Watson smoother. The partially linear model was compared using these proposed methods with other estimators based on differencing technique through the MSE comparison criterion in simulation study.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Conference: First International Conference On Water Resources
Modeling BOD of the Effluent from Abu-Ghraib Diary Factory using Artificial Neural Network October 2018

The proper operation, and control of wastewater treatment plants, is receiving an increasing attention, because of the rising concern about environmental issues. In this research a mathematical model was developed to predict biochemical oxygen demand in the waste water discharged from Abu-Ghraib diary factory in Baghdad using Artificial Neural Network (ANN).In this study the best selection of the input data were selected from the recorded parameters of the wastewater from the factory. The ANN model developed was built up with the following parameters: Chemical oxygen demand, Dissolved oxygen, pH, Total dissolved solids, Total suspended solids, Sulphate, Phosphate, Chloride and Influent flow rate. The results indicated that the constructed A

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Thi – Qar Science
Enhanced of the Two photon Absorption in Nanostructure Wide Band gap Semiconductor CdS using femtosecond Laser

We observed strong nonlinear absorption in the CdS nanoparticles of dimension in the range 50-100 nm when irradiant with femtosecond pulsed laser at 800 nm and 120 GW/cm 2 irradiance intensity. The repetition rate and average power were 250 kHz and

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Treating Wet Oil in Amara Oil Field Using Nanomaterial (SiO2) With Different Types of De emulsifiers

One of the most important problems in the oil production process and when its continuous flow, is emulsified oil (w/o emulsion), which in turn causes many problems, from the production line to the extended pipelines that are then transported to the oil refining process. It was observed that the nanomaterial (SiO2) supported the separation process by adding it to the emulsion sample and showed a high separation rate with the demulsifiers (RB6000) and (sebamax) where the percentage of separation was greater than (90 and 80 )%  respectively, and less than that when dealing with (Sodium dodecyl sulfate and Diethylene glycol), the percentage of separation was (60% and 50%) respectively.

   The high proportion

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The use of ultra-violet visible spectroscopy to determination some antibiotics beta-lactam in some drugs

This research aims to use chemical reaction to determine some of beta lactam antibiotics which include cephalexin and ceftriaxone in some pharmaceuticals by formation Prussian Blue complexes and using them for the UV-Vis., determination of drugs at wavelengths range (700- 720)nm by reaction them with FeCl3 in the presence of reagent K3[Fe(CN)6] in acid media . The optimal experimental conditions for the complex formation have been studied such as volume of HCl , K3[Fe(CN)6] , FeCl3 ,temperature and reaction time .Analytical figures of merits obtained on applying the developed procedure for cephalexin and ceftriaxone resp. are Linearity,(2-10),(1-7)? LOD(0.0601,0.0330) ? The de

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
2009 7th International Conference On Information, Communications And Signal Processing (icics)
The effect of traffic load on using XCAST based routing protocol in wireless ad hoc networks

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Generation of Truly Random QPSK Signal Waveforms for Quantum Key Distribution Systems Based on Phase Coding

In this work a model of a source generating truly random quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) signal constellation required for quantum key distribution (QKD) system based on BB84 protocol using phase coding is implemented by using the software package OPTISYSTEM9. The randomness of the sequence generated is achieved by building an optical setup based on a weak laser source, beam splitters and single-photon avalanche photodiodes operating in Geiger mode. The random string obtained from the optical setup is used to generate the quadrature phase shift keying signal constellation required for phase coding in quantum key distribution system based on BB84 protocol with a bit rate of 2GHz/s.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The effect of changing the grammatical ruling in the Qur’anic readings on changing the jurisprudential ruling

 The study aimed to show the jurisprudential impact of the multiplicity of directing the syntactic movement of the Qur’anic readings, and it was based on the inductive, descriptive and analytical approach. , such as the difference in explaining the ruling on washing the feet, and the one who meditates on the Qur’anic readings notices in it a picture of the Qur’anic miracles, and this is what is manifested by the brevity of the speech. Collapse the research, and the research tried to trace the Qur’anic readings, contained in the verses, and the readings were limited to what is related to the explanatory meaning mentioned by the commentators, by clarifying the explanatory relationship between the Qur’anic readings and the me

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