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The Effect of Type of Fiber in Density and Splitting Tensile Strength of SIFCON
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SIFCON is characterized as a construction material of high ductility and very high strength. It is suitable for concrete structures used for special applications. However, the density of SIFCON is much higher than that of Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) due to the need for a large amount of high-density steel fibers. This work examines the split tensile behavior of modified weight slurry infiltrated fiber concrete utilizing a mixture of two types of fibers, steel fiber, and polyolefin fiber. For the investigation, 30 cylinders and 15 cubes were poured. The used volume fraction (V.F) is (6 %) and the use of five series once as each type separately and once a hybrid in proportions of 2/3 polyolefin with 1/3 steel fiber and vice versa. The splitting tensile strength and the unit weight of SIFCON resulting from tests were studied. The results indicate that SIFCON produced from a mixture of 1/3 hook-end steel fibers with 2/3 polyolefin fibers achieved good results in reducing density while maintaining a high split tensile strength. It significantly decreased density by 140 kg per cubic meter and improved splitting tensile strength by 494%.


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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Land cover change detection using satellite images based on modified spectral angle mapper method
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This research depends on the relationship between the reflected spectrum, the nature of each target, area and the percentage of its presence with other targets in the unity of the target area. The changes occur in Land cover have been detected for different years using satellite images based on the Modified Spectral Angle Mapper (MSAM) processing, where Landsat satellite images are utilized using two software programming (MATLAB 7.11 and ERDAS imagine 2014). The proposed supervised classification method (MSAM) using a MATLAB program with supervised classification method (Maximum likelihood Classifier) by ERDAS imagine have been used to get farthest precise results and detect environmental changes for periods. Despite using two classificatio

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Modified Iterative Method for Solving Sine - Gordon Equations
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       The basic goal of this research is to utilize an analytical method which is called the Modified Iterative Method in order to gain an approximate analytic solution to the Sine-Gordon equation. The suggested method is the amalgamation of the iterative method and a well-known technique, namely the Adomian decomposition method. A method minimizes the computational size, averts round-off errors, transformation and linearization, or takes some restrictive assumptions. Several examples are chosen to show the importance and effectiveness of the proposed method. In addition, a modified iterative method gives faster and easier solutions than other methods. These solutions are accurate and in agreement with the series

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Applying Nuclear Slidell Model To Calculate Energy Levels Ti42-44
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   In this work , we applied the nuclear shell model by using Modified Surface Delta Interaction ( MSDI ) to study the nuclear structure for Ti42-44 nuclei from the calculation of the energy level values and its total angular momentum .      After comperation with the experiment values which found to be rather in good agreement and determined the total angular momentum values of energy levels which are not assigned experimently , as soon as , we certify some values that were not certained experimently .  

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Civil Engineering
Proposed Design Charts for Reinforced Concrete Spread Foundations Subjected to Concentric Load
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The design of reinforced concrete spread foundations mainly depends on soil bearing capacity, loading value, and column size. So for each design case, tiresome calculations and time consumption are needed. In this paper, generalized design charts are presented and plotted according to derivations based on the ACI 318 M-2019 Code. These charts could be used directly by the structural designers to estimate the column size, foundation thickness, and dimensions as well as the foundation reinforcement under a certain given concentric load assuming a uniformly distributed contact pressure underneath the foundation. Of noteworthy, these charts are oriented to deal with square isolated footings with a square concentric column, covering reasonable r

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Cognition Path Planning with a Nonlinear Controller Design for Wheeled Mobile Robot Based on an Intelligent Algorithm
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This paper presents a cognition path planning with control algorithm design for a nonholonomic wheeled mobile robot based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. The aim of this work is to propose the circular roadmap (CRM) method to plan and generate optimal path with free navigation as well as to propose a nonlinear MIMO-PID-MENN controller in order to track the wheeled mobile robot on the reference path. The PSO is used to find an online tune the control parameters of the proposed controller to get the best torques actions for the wheeled mobile robot. The numerical simulation results based on the Matlab package show that the proposed structure has a precise and highly accurate distance of the generated refere

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2022
Journal Name
Modern Sport
دراسة علاقة بعض مؤشرات وضع القوة لذوي الإعاقة فئة (٤٠f ) بدفع الثقل من التقاطع بالإنجاز
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تعد فعالية دفع الثقل واحده من الفعاليات المميزة بألعاب القوى، وهي أحدى فعاليات الرمي الأربعة (رمي الرمح, رمي القرص, أطاحة المطرقة, دفع الثقل) وتطلب قدرات بدنية وقابليات حركية خاصة والتي تعتمد بشكل فعَال ومؤثر على النواحي البايوميكانيكية, خصوصا عندما يتعلق الأمر بذوي الأعاقة ومنهم فئة (40f) والذين يتمتعون بدعم كبير من المجتمع الدولي بصورة عامة وفي بلدانهم بصورة خاصة وأمكانية تطوير أنجازاتهم لرفع أسم بلدانه

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Retrofitting Reinforced Concrete One–Way Damaged Slabs Exposed to High Temperature
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Exposure of reinforced concrete buildings to an accidental fire may result in cracking and loss in the bearing capacity of their major components, columns, beams, and slabs. It is a challenge for structural engineers to develop efficient retrofitting techniques that enable RC slabs to restore their structural integrity, after being exposed to intense fires for a long period of time. Experimental
investigation was carried out on twenty one slab specimens made of self compacting concrete, eighteen of them are retrofitted with CFRP sheets after burning and loading till failure while three of them (which represent control specimens) are retrofitted with CFRP sheet after loading till failure without burning. All slabs had been tested in a

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 14 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Nonlinear MIMO-PID Neural Controller Design for Vehicle Lateral Dynamics model based on Modified Elman Neural Network
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This paper presents a new design of a nonlinear multi-input multi-output PID neural controller of the active brake steering force and the active front steering angle for a 2-DOF vehicle model based on modified Elman recurrent neural. The goal of this work is to achieve the stability and to improve the vehicle dynamic’s performance through achieving the desired yaw rate and reducing the lateral velocity of the vehicle in a minimum time period for preventing the vehicle from slipping out the road curvature by using two active control actions: the front steering angle and the brake steering force. Bacterial forging optimization algorithm is used to adjust the parameters weights of the proposed controller. Simulation resul

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 04 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Modified Elman Neural-PID Controller Design for DC-DC Buck Converter System Based on Dolphin Echolocation Optimization
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This paper describes a new proposed structure of the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller based on modified Elman neural network for the DC-DC buck converter system which is used in battery operation of the portable devices. The Dolphin Echolocation Optimization (DEO) algorithm is considered as a perfect on-line tuning technique therefore, it was used for tuning and obtaining the parameters of the modified Elman neural-PID controller to avoid the local minimum problem during learning the proposed controller. Simulation results show that the best weight parameters of the proposed controller, which are taken from the DEO, lead to find the best action and unsaturated state that will stabilize the Buck converter system performan

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Open Engineering
Producing low-cost self-consolidation concrete using sustainable material
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Abstract<p>The disposal of the waste material is the main goal of this investigation by transformation to high-fineness powder and producing self-consolidation concrete (SCC) with less cost and more eco-friendly by reducing the cement weight, taking into consideration the fresh and strength properties. The reference mix design was prepared by adopting the European guide. Five waste materials (clay brick, ceramic, granite tiles, marble tiles, and thermostone blocks) were converted to high-fine particle size distribution and then used as 5, 10, and 15% weight replacements of cement. The improvement in strength properties is more significant when using clay bricks compared to other activated waste </p> ... Show More
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