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Financing Cost Optimization in Construction Sector: A Review
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The main aim of this research is to introduce financing cost optimization and different financing alternatives. There are many studies about financing cost optimization. All previous studies considering the cost of financing have many shortcomings, some considered only one source of financing as a credit line without taking into account different financing alternatives. Having only one funding alternative powers, restricts contractors and leads to a very specific financing model. Although it is beneficial for the contractor to use a long-term loan to minimize interest charges and prevent a substantial withdrawal from his credit line, none of the existing financial-based planning models have considered long-term loans in their models or included a schedule of borrowed money and a repayment schedule with interest rates. The aim of this study is not only to eliminate the shortcomings of previous studies but also to incorporate a financing optimization model for various funding alternatives available to contractors in terms of funding sources and forms, cash provision times, interest rates and repayment options. This work proposes a financing optimization model, not only to remove the limitations but also to find optimal financing costs while offering the financing schedule without increasing the project duration and adjusting the starting times of the activities.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 14 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Determination of Optimum Welding Parameters for FSW AA2024-T351
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Friction stir welding is a relatively new joining process, which involves the joining of metals without fusion or filler materials. In this study, the effect of welding parameters on the mechanical properties of aluminum alloys AA2024-T351 joints produced by FSW was investigated.

Different ranges of welding parameters, as input factors, such as welding speed (6 - 34 mm/min) and rotational speed (725 - 1235 rpm) were used to obtain their influences on the main responses, in terms of elongation, tensile strength, and maximum bending force. Experimental measurements of main responses were taken and analyzed using DESIGN EXPERT 8 experimental design software which was used to develop t

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Use of Particle Swarm Algorithm to Solve Queuing Models with Practical Application
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This paper includes the application of Queuing theory with of Particle swarm algorithm or is called (Intelligence swarm) to solve the problem of The queues and developed for General commission for taxes /branch Karkh center in the service stage of the Department of calculators composed of six  employees , and it was chosen queuing model is a single-service channel  M / M / 1 according to the nature of the circuit work mentioned above and it will be divided according to the letters system for each employee, and  it was composed of data collection times (arrival time , service time, departure time)

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Publication Date
Mon May 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Single-based and Population-based Metaheuristics for Solving NP-hard Problems
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Metaheuristic is one of the most well-known fields of research used to find optimum solutions for non-deterministic polynomial hard (NP-hard) problems, for which it is difficult to find an optimal solution in a polynomial time. This paper introduces the metaheuristic-based algorithms and their classifications and non-deterministic polynomial hard problems. It also compares the performance of two metaheuristic-based algorithms (Elephant Herding Optimization algorithm and Tabu Search) to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), which is one of the most known non-deterministic polynomial hard problems and widely used in the performance evaluations for different metaheuristics-based optimization algorithms. The experimental results of Ele

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Bat Algorithm Based an Adaptive PID Controller Design for Buck Converter Model
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The aim of this paper is to design a PID controller based on an on-line tuning bat optimization algorithm for the step-down DC/DC buck converter system which is used in the battery operation of the mobile applications. In this paper, the bat optimization algorithm has been utilized to obtain the optimal parameters of the PID controller as a simple and fast on-line tuning technique to get the best control action for the system. The simulation results using (Matlab Package) show the robustness and the effectiveness of the proposed control system in terms of obtaining a suitable voltage control action as a smooth and unsaturated state of the buck converter input voltage of ( ) volt that will stabilize the buck converter sys

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
COVID-19 Detection via Blood Tests using an Automated Machine Learning Tool (Auto-Sklearn)
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     Widespread COVID-19 infections have sparked global attempts to contain the virus and eradicate it. Most researchers utilize machine learning (ML) algorithms to predict this virus. However, researchers face challenges, such as selecting the appropriate parameters and the best algorithm to achieve an accurate prediction. Therefore, an expert data scientist is needed. To overcome the need for data scientists and because some researchers have limited professionalism in data analysis, this study concerns developing a COVID-19 detection system using automated ML (AutoML) tools to detect infected patients. A blood test dataset that has 111 variables and 5644 cases was used. The model is built with three experiments using Python's Auto-

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Arabic Cyberbullying Detection Using Support Vector Machine with Cuckoo Search
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      Cyberbullying is one of the biggest electronic problems that takes multiple forms of harassment using various social media. Currently, this phenomenon has become very common and is increasing, especially for young people and adolescents. Negative comments have a significant and dangerous impact on society in general and on adolescents in particular. Therefore, one of the most successful prevention methods is to detect and block harmful messages and comments. In this research, negative Arabic comments that refer to cyberbullying will be detected using a support vector machine algorithm. The term frequency-inverse document frequency vectorizer and the count vectorizer methods were used for feature extraction, and the results wer

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effective of Pressure and Sintering Temperature for Hardness Characteristics of Shape Memory Alloy by Using Taguchi Technique
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This paper presents the Taguchi approach for optimization of hardness for  shape memory alloy (Cu-Al-Ni) . The influence of  powder metallurgy parameters on hardness has been investigated. Taguchi technique and ANOVA were used for analysis. Nine experimental runs based on Taguchi’s L9 orthogonal array were performed (OA),for two parameters was study (Pressure and sintering temperature) for three different levels (300 ,500 and 700) MPa ,(700 ,800 and  900)oC respectively . Main effect, signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio was study, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) using  to investigate the micro-hardness characteristics of the shape memory alloy .after application the result of study shown the hei

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Minimizing the Total Completion Times, the Total Tardiness and the Maximum Tardiness
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In this paper, the main work is to minimize a function of three cost criteria for scheduling n jobs on a single machine. We proposed algorithms to solve the single machine scheduling multiobjective problem. In this problem, we consider minimizing the total completion times, total tardiness and maximum tardiness criteria. First a branch and bound (BAB) algorithm is applied for the 1//∑Ci+∑Ti+Tmax problem. Second we compare two multiobjective algorithms one of them based on (BAB) algorithm to find the set of efficient (non dominated) solutions for the 1//(∑Ci ,∑Ti ,Tmax) problem. The computational results show that the algorithm based on (BAB) algorithm is better than the other one for generated the total number of

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 22 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Evolving Algorithms to Cryptanalysis Nonlinear Cryptosystems
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            In this paper, new method have been investigated using evolving algorithms (EA's) to cryptanalysis one of the nonlinear stream cipher cryptosystems which depends on the Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) unit by using cipher text-only attack. Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) which are used for attacking one of the nonlinear cryptosystems called "shrinking generator" using different lengths of cipher text and different lengths of combined LFSRs. GA and ACO proved their good performance in finding the initial values of the combined LFSRs. This work can be considered as a warning for a stream cipher designer to avoid the weak points, which may be f

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Optimal CPU Jobs Scheduling Method Based on Simulated Annealing Algorithm
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     Task scheduling in an important element in a distributed system. It is vital how the jobs are correctly assigned for each computer’s processor to improve performance. The presented approaches attempt to reduce the expense of optimizing the use of the CPU. These techniques mostly lack planning and in need to be comprehensive. To address this fault, a hybrid optimization scheduling technique is proposed for the hybridization of both First-Come First-Served (FCFS), and Shortest Job First (SJF). In addition, we propose to apply Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm as an optimization technique to find optimal job’s execution sequence considering both job’s entrance time and job’s execution time to balance them to reduce the job

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