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Groundwater Simulation and Wells Distribution at Qazaniyah City in Diyala Governorate
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In recent years, there is more interest in water sources availability, including groundwater due to an increase in demand for water because of the increasing population in the world, and the water recedes due to climate change also. Therefore, the study of groundwater has required more attention. The aim of the present study is to establish a MODFLOW model in the groundwater modeling system software to simulate the movement of groundwater in the Turssaq alluvial fan which is located in the Qazaniyah city, east of Diyala Governorate. The solid model was used to define the aquifer in the study area. Using the GIS software, mapping and preparing the data needed to create a conceptual model were carried out. The data of the wells were used to create and define the aquifer, then a three-dimensional model was created. Measuring the water table for some wells were simultaneously monitored to determine the hydraulic conductivity values ​​of the aquifer through the (PEST) package provided by the software. The hydraulic conductivity value of the main layer was 18 m/d. Then several readings of observation wells were recorded for the period extended from 1/Nov/2018 to 22/May/2019 for the calibration process in the unsteady situation and to determine the coefficient of storage. The value of the storage coefficient was defined as 0.001. Several scenarios were conducted for the study area to find the best distance between the wells. Three distances were tested, 500, 1000 and 1500 m. The operating periods were 6, 12 and 18 (hours/day). Results obtained from the model show that the best distance between the wells is 1000 meters with a maximum operating rate of 12 hours/day. The maximum discharge with the lowest distance and the lowest drawdown of the groundwater table are considered.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Auto Colorization of Gray-Scale Image Using YCbCr Color Space
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The process of converting gray images or videos to color ones by adding colors to them and transforming them from one-dimension to three-dimension is called colorization. This process is often used to make the image appear more visually appealing. The main problem with the colorization process is the lack of knowledge of the true colors of the objects in the picture when it is captured. For that, there is no a unique solution. In the current work, the colorization of gray images is proposed based on the utilization of the YCbCr color space. Reference image (color image) is selected for transferring the color to a gray image. Both color and gray images are transferred to YCbCr color space. Then, the Y value of the gray image is combined w

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
أثـر إدارة التخطيـط الإلكترونيـة في تحسيـن جـودة الرعايـة التمريضيـة في مستشفيـات بغـداد
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Management is considered as most important resource of the society ones in modern era and an exchange
point in societies’ lives in order to achieve its goals and wishes. So far, management behinds the new
electronic society has become different in shape and nature due to the force of the nature of information
technology that shapes the relationships between the world’s individuals at the national level but it goes
beyond the international ones. The study aims at identifying the impact of the electronic management’s
components upon the improvement of the quality of nursing care in Baghdad’s hospitals. The descriptive
design, with a sample-survey approach, is used as appropriate ones for the field study of social

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improving the productivity of single effect double slope solar still by modification simple
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The present paper is an experimental study to improve the productivity of the conventional solar still. This done by modifying conventional still in a way that the distilled basin is larger than distillation basin, thus providing an increase in the condensation surface and speeding up the condensation process. Moreover, increase in the dimensions of the distilled base helps coupling reflective panels to the distilled base to reflect incident solar radiation to the distillation basin. For this purpose , two solar stills were made, one conventional designand another made according to the proposed design. The two solar stills were tested during the period from February to July 2009 under varying weather conditions of Basra, Iraq (latitude o

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Laboratory Study on the Effect of Water-Cement Ratio on Strength Characteristics of Jet Grouting Columns
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Jet grouting is one of the most widely applied soil improvement techniques. It is suitable for most geotechnical problems, including improving bearing capacity, decreasing settlement, forming seals, and stabilizing slopes. One of the difficulties faced by designers is determining the strength and geometry of elements created using this method. Jet grouted soil-cement columns in soil are a complicated issue because they are dependent on a number of parameters such as soil type, grout and water flow rate, rotation and lifting speed of monitor, nozzle jetting force, and water to cement ratio of slurry. This paper discusses the effect of the water-cement ratio on the physical and mechanical characteristics of soilcrete. In t

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Study on the Removal of Direct Blue 71 Dye From Textile Wastewater Produced From State Company of Cotton Industries by Electrocoagulation Using Aluminum Electrodes
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The removal of direct blue 71 dye from a prepared wastewater was studied employing batch electrocoagulation (EC) cell. The electrodes of aluminum were used. The influence of process variables which include initial pH (2.0-12.0), wastewater conductivity (0.8 -12.57) mS/cm , initial dye concentration (30 -210) mg/L, electrolysis time  (3-12) min, current density (10-50) mA/cm2   were studied in order to maximize the color removal from wastewater. Experimental results showed that the color removal yield increases with increasing pH until pH 6.0 after that it decreased with increasing pH. The color removal increased with increasing current density, wastewater conductivity, electrolysis time, and decreased with increasing the concen

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Dewatering of Kerosene using Hydrocyclone
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Water/oil emulsion is considered as the most refractory mixture to separate because of the interference of the two immiscible liquids, water and oil. This research presents a study of dewatering of water / kerosene emulsion using hydrocyclone. The effects of factors such as: feed flow rate (3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 L/min), inlet water concentration of the emulsion (5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5%, and 15% by volume), and split ratio (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9) on the separation efficiency and pressure drop were studied. Dimensional analysis using Pi theorem was applied for the first time to model the hydrocyclone based on the experimental data. It was shown that the maximum separation efficiency; at split ratio 0.1, was 94.3% at 10% co

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test to Assess the Effect of Water-Cement Ratio on the Compressive Strength of Concrete
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This study aims to find the effect of water-cement ratio on the compressive strength of concrete by using ultrasonic pulse velocity test (UPVT). Over 230 standard cube specimens were used in this study, with dimensions of 150mm, and concrete cubes were cured in water at 20 °C. Also, the specimens used in the study were made of concrete with varied water-cement ratio contents from 0.48 to 0.59. The specimens were taken from Diyarbakir-Turkey concrete centers and tested at the structure and material science lab, civil engineering, faculty of engineering from Dicle University.  The UPV measurement and compressive strength tests were carried out at the concrete age of 28 days. Their UPV and compressive strength ranged

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
River Water Salinity Impact on Drinking Water Treatment Plant Performance Using Artificial neural network
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The river water salinity is a major concern in many countries, and salinity can be expressed as total dissolved solids. So, the water salinity impact of the river is one of the major factors effects of water quality. Tigris river water salinity increase with streamline and time due to the decrease in the river flow and dam construction from neighboring countries. The major objective of this research to developed salinity model to study the change of salinity and its impact on the Al-Karkh, Sharq Dijla, Al-Karama, Al-Wathba, Al-Dora, and Al-Wihda water treatment plant along Tigris River in Baghdad city using artificial neural network model (ANN). The parameter used in a model built is (Turbidity, Ec, T.s, S.s, and TDS in)

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of Coefficient of Permeability of Unsaturated Soil
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A simple technique is proposed in this paper for estimating the coefficient of permeability of an unsaturated soil based on physical properties of soils that include grain size analysis, degree of saturation or water content, and porosity of the soil. The proposed method requires the soil-water characteristic curve for the prediction of the coefficient of permeability as most of the conventional methods. A procedure is proposed to define the hydraulic conductivity function from the soil water characteristic curve which is measured by the filter paper method. Fitting methods are applied through the program (SoilVision), after indentifying the basic properties of the soil such as Attereberg limits, specific gravity, void ratio, porosity, d

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 03 2024
Journal Name
Revista Brasileira De Engenharia Agrícola E Ambiental
Effect of cold plasma technique on the quality of stored fruits - A case study on apples
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The consumption of fresh fruits has increased nowadays due to the lifestyle of the consumers. Maintaining the quality and nutritional value of cut fruits during storage is difficult compared to whole fruits. Deterioration of internal and external quality usually occurs in freshly harvested fruits. It is necessary to use different techniques to maintain the quality and increase the shelf life of the freshly cut product. This research studied the effect of treating apple slices with cold plasma once and with filtered water again on quality characteristics (hardness, moisture content, sugar content, carbohydrate content, and color) after being stored for five days. The best treatment was determined using two different pressures of the plasma j

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