In 2010, the tomato leaf miner Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) was reported for the first time in Iraq. The larvae can feed on all parts of tomato plants and can damage all the growth stages. The main host plant is tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum, but it can also attack other plants in Solanaceae family. In this study it was found attacking alfalfa plants, Medicago sativa in Baghdad Province. This finding reveals that alfalfa also serves as a host plant for T. absoluta in Iraq.
An investigation was provided in this work for the host range of brown soft scale Coccus hesperidum Linnaeus in Baghdad Province. Five plant species were found infected by this insect, three of these species, Citrusaurantium L. (Rutaceae); Nerium oleander L. (Apocynaceae); Ficuscarica L. (Moraceae) reported earlier, and the remaining two, Dahlia pinnata Cav. (Asteraceae) and Myrtuscommunis L. (Myrtaceae) are recordedhere for the first time as host plants for this pest.
It was found that Pkvtomyza horticola Goureau infested 36 plants belonging to 11 families of
dicotyledons. only two of which belong to Monocotyledons. Most of plants species are from
compositae and Cruciferae families.
The ascaroid nematode Contracaecum rudolphii was recovered in large numbers from the
digestive tract of Phalacrocorax carbo collected in Baghdad area, Central Iraq. The infection
rates of the two sexes of the bird and some meristic and morphometric characters of the
parasite that allowed species determination of the nematode Contracaecum rudolphii were
discussed. This finding represents a new host record for this nematode in Iraq.
Ziziphora persica Bunge is recorded as a new Study in Iraq. This species has been collected from Jabal Sinjar in Nineveh province in the north western part of Iraq. The morphological characters, habitat and geographical distribution of the species with a key to Ziziphora L. species in Iraq have been provided.
In this study, a total of 209 individuals of leeches were collected from Al-Hindyia River / Babil Province. 116 individuals were identified as Erpobdella octaculata (Linnaeus, 1758), 50 individuals as Erpobdella punctata (Leidy,1870) and 43 individuals as Hemiclepsis marginata (Müller, 1774). Four samples were collected monthly during a period from February to June 2018. Some physical and chemical water properties were also examined, including air and water temperature, potential of hydrogen pH, Electrical Conductivity EC, Total Dissolved Solid TDS, Dissolved Oxygen DO, and the Biological Oxygen Demand BOD₅. Air and water temperature were r
... Show MoreThe leaf miners Pegoinya terbrans (Rondani) and P. bicolor (Wiedemann) (Diptera; Anthomyiidae) were newly recorded in Iraq. Host plants of these leaf miners and P. cunicularia (Rondani) were identified: P. bicolor was found to be monophagous, whereas P. terbrans and P. cunicularia were oligophagous . It was found that Cirsixim syriaca and Silybum marianum were more susceptible to P. terbrans than the other ones. Infectivity and severity of infestation were estimated for most susceptible weeds against P. terbrans and P.bicolor. These leaf miners. Have two generations a year.
Morphological and phonological studies of fungal pathogen infecting alfalfa weevil Hypera postica (Gyllenhal) indicating that infection has been shown to develop along two distinct physiological lines, each culminating in the production of either conidial or resting spores, in host cadavers which are morphologically distinct. The percent of infection and epizootic development appeared to be dependent on host density. Farther evidence to entail proper correlation between conidia and resting spores suggest that these two forms of spores are stages in the development of one pathogen.
The predator Melanthrips pallidior Priesner regarded as a new record in Baghdad. The specimens were collected from alfalfa field during April 2010 to April 2011 in Abu-Gharib. Morphological characters of different body parts were studied and compared with other specimens by using taxonomic keys.