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This study aims to study some morphological and reproductional characteristics in eleven species of two genera belonging to the family of Asparagaceae, which are Bellevalia Lapeyrouse, 1808 and Ornithogalum Linnaeus, 1753 and the species are: Bellevalia chrisii Yildirim and Sahin, 2014; Bellevalia flexuosa Boissier, 1854; Bellevalia kurdistanica Feinbrun, 1940; Bellevalia longipes Post, 1895; Bellevalia macrobotrys Boissier, 1853; Bellevalia paradoxa Boissier, 1882; Bellevalia parva Wendelbo, 1973; Bellevalia saviczii Woronow, 1927; Ornithogalum brachystachys C. Koch, 1849; Ornithogalum neurostegium Boissier, 1882 and Ornithogalum pyrenaicum Linnaeus, 1753. These species were identified and compared with each other; the results showed that there were differences between the two genera in studying the shape of bulbs, length of leaves and color of the flowers. Each of them showed an important taxonomic mark to be distinguished from the studied species. Morphological studies used with some characters of the reproductive, including the shape and color of the fruits, seeds and embryos were used to diagnoses the species. Also, the current investigation was found that the characteristics of the fruit and how it was connected to the pedicels was very important in the field of taxonomic and identification the species.
Two new record species were studied within the country, namely; Bellevalia chrisii and Bellevalia flexuosa; it should be noted here that the study of embryos is also one of the first studies conducted on these plants.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iaes International Journal Of Artificial Intelligence (ij-ai)
Innovations in t-way test creation based on a hybrid hill climbing-greedy algorithm
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<p>In combinatorial testing development, the fabrication of covering arrays is the key challenge by the multiple aspects that influence it. A wide range of combinatorial problems can be solved using metaheuristic and greedy techniques. Combining the greedy technique utilizing a metaheuristic search technique like hill climbing (HC), can produce feasible results for combinatorial tests. Methods based on metaheuristics are used to deal with tuples that may be left after redundancy using greedy strategies; then the result utilization is assured to be near-optimal using a metaheuristic algorithm. As a result, the use of both greedy and HC algorithms in a single test generation system is a good candidate if constructed correctly. T

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Word Cloud Model based on Hate Speech in an Online Social Media Environment
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Social media is known as detectors platform that are used to measure the activities of the users in the real world. However, the huge and unfiltered feed of messages posted on social media trigger social warnings, particularly when these messages contain hate speech towards specific individual or community. The negative effect of these messages on individuals or the society at large is of great concern to governments and non-governmental organizations. Word clouds provide a simple and efficient means of visually transferring the most common words from text documents. This research aims to develop a word cloud model based on hateful words on online social media environment such as Google News. Several steps are involved including data acq

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Publication Date
Sun May 17 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Type-2 Fuzzy Sonewhere Dense Set In General Type-2 Fuzzy Topological Space
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The multiplicity of connotations in any paper does not mean that there is no main objective for that paper and certainly one of these papers is our research the main objective is to introduce a new connotation which is type-2 fuzzy somewhere dense set in general type-2 fuzzy topological space and its relationship with open sets of the connotation type-2 fuzzy set in the same space topology and theories of this connotation.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Statistical Applications In Genetics And Molecular Biology
Mixture model-based association analysis with case-control data in genome wide association studies
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Abstract<p>Multilocus haplotype analysis of candidate variants with genome wide association studies (GWAS) data may provide evidence of association with disease, even when the individual loci themselves do not. Unfortunately, when a large number of candidate variants are investigated, identifying risk haplotypes can be very difficult. To meet the challenge, a number of approaches have been put forward in recent years. However, most of them are not directly linked to the disease-penetrances of haplotypes and thus may not be efficient. To fill this gap, we propose a mixture model-based approach for detecting risk haplotypes. Under the mixture model, haplotypes are clustered directly according to their estimated d</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Ecological Engineering
Contaminants Removal from Real Refinery Wastewater Associated with Energy Generation in Microbial Fuel Cell
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
"המימד הדתי בסיפור העברי המודרני" "מחקר לשוני ספרותי"Religious Dimension in Modern Hebrew Story
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תקציר :

 המחקר הזה הוא ניסיון לשפוך אור על נושא מרכזי וחשוב בחייהם של היהודים, "הממד הדתי" אצל היהודים, מחקרי הנקרא "הממד הדתי בסיפור העברי המודרני" גם מתייחס להשפעת התרבות הדתית של המספר והחוג המשפחתי שחי בו, ואיך שיקף המספר את כל הדברים האלה ביצירותיו הסיפורית .

המספר בוחר במילים ובמונחים בעלי משמעויות דתיות או מביא את הסיפור הזה אשר קרוב אל נושא הסיפור ההולך באותה מגמה .גם כן השפעת התיאולג

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Exploring Important Factors in Predicting Heart Disease Based on Ensemble- Extra Feature Selection Approach
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Heart disease is a significant and impactful health condition that ranks as the leading cause of death in many countries. In order to aid physicians in diagnosing cardiovascular diseases, clinical datasets are available for reference. However, with the rise of big data and medical datasets, it has become increasingly challenging for medical practitioners to accurately predict heart disease due to the abundance of unrelated and redundant features that hinder computational complexity and accuracy. As such, this study aims to identify the most discriminative features within high-dimensional datasets while minimizing complexity and improving accuracy through an Extra Tree feature selection based technique. The work study assesses the efficac

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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Visual Variables in Exterior Advertisements Design Structure: أكرم جرجيس نعمة -عبد الله جاسم غريب
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  What makes the commercial advertisement distinct is the design structure which is built according to artistic and creative concepts and terms based on the visual and formal interdependence relationships to express the motives of the advertising idea, which is based in its action mechanism on the effective variables, some of which are related to the marketing aspect, and others related to the advertisement aspect. The major aspect is the functional and aesthetic variables, which are represented by the vocabulary of the advertisement area for the open spaces such as the street ads. Its promotional dimension is the active forces in the circulation of commodities and products. Therefore, there would be significant problems the designe

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
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Motion picture output in digital commercial advertising: وسام عبد عبد العزيز -نعيم عباس حسن
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Mobile advertising has become the product of an influential actor in the creation of design ideas that attract the recipient, according to the needs of the society and the interactions of the technological technical age, what the technologies of the mock programs do and what corresponds to the expectations of the recipient, and what the design methods achieve of synchronization and sound in which all The research has found ways to address the most exciting and important snapshots and focus on diversity and diversity, formality, image and color, and what the optical degrees and chromatography achieve sought to attract attention, which contributes from the point of view of the researchers in the field of accuracy, clarity, attention and co

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