research objectives to:
1. identify the social, economic and cultural factors affecting consumption.
2. detect the consumption culture among the population in the city of Erbil.
3. Identify the GATT consumer protection and rights.
The most important results:
1. that there is variation in the answers of respondents about keep up with modernity in the basic consumption (necessary), it swallowed the proportion of yes answers about keep up with modernity in food consumption (72%), and is an indication of growing consumer awareness of the individual in the side of nutrition. The clothing on the side of the proportion of yes answers amounted to (85%), in the health field note that the percentage of yes answers (83%), who are abreast of modernity in the state of health concern.
2. The proportion (64.5%) prefer to keep up with modernity in basic violation and consumption phenotypic the highest level, and this is an important sign of growing consumer awareness of the population of the city of Arbil, the promised reasons: high urban rate and urbanization in Erbil. Obviously influence for tourists as the city of Arbil tourist frequented by thousands of tourists and different cultures. increase the cultural awareness of the population and the complexity of social life reflected on the reality of consumption
3. that there is variation in the motives of consumption by the respondents, in the acquisition of modern needs of all kinds and forms, that the motivation (to satisfy life needs) ranked first in hierarchical sequence motives consumption of respondents and numbered (158) respondents, came motivation (get sychological comfort in consumption) in last place and the number of responses (120) respondents.
التجليات الاقتصادية والثقافية والاعلامية للعولمة في العالم الثالث
Land beyond the river has the attention of historians, especially travelers and geographers of its various regions under the Islamic Arab state. They antedate the social and economic aspects, including agriculture, industry and trade in their products and goods to other countries and urbanism, which we will address in our research
همجوارى جغ ا رفياى ميان عربها واي ا رنيان نقش بز رگ در بروز آشكار برخى از روابط وعلاقه
هااى مياان دو زباان عرباى وفار اى وهمچناين مياان دو ادبيااا عرباى وفار اى وگويناد كاه ادبيااا
فار ى قديم اولين ادبياا خارجى كاه باه ادبيااا عرباى مبوا، باود وهماين باعا انبشاار زباان عرباى
در اي ا رن شد. وبعد از فبح ا لامى زبان فار ى بيشبر وا ه ژ هاى خود از زبان عربى گرفاا همچناين
به زبان عربى ب يارى از وا ه ژ هاى وادر كرد
נסיון השביה בספרות המלחמה העברית יותר מביעה למרחק בסיכולוגי אצל הלוחם העברי ,
אני מעמד מול הנושא הזה , כי אני כותב בהמחקר הזה נסיון השבוי והשפעתו בציור הדמות אצל
הסופר '' יזהר סמילנסקי ) 1916 – 2006 ( " , סופר עברי יליד ישראל , נודע בכינוי תספרותי '' ס .
יזהר " מחשובי היצורים בספרות דור הפלמ''ח בפרט ובספרות העברית והכללית . חתן פרס ישראל
לספרות לשנת ) 1959 ( – כידד הגשם דמות ה '' אני '' וה '' אנחנו '' לגלה את ספל השבוי היחיד כ
Nous tenterons dans ce travail de proposer une des lectures possibles de
l’oeuvre camusienne, en l’occurrence La peste. Il s’agit, pour nous, de lire ce roman
sur une portée idéologique. Et ce qui justifie notre tentative, c’est Camus lui-même
qui voudrait qu’on lise son roman " sur plusieurs portées " lorsqu’il déclare : « La
peste, dont j’ai voulu qu’elle se lise sur plusieurs portées, a cependant comme
contenu évident la lutte de la résistance européenne contre le Nazisme»1.
1 .CAMUS (Albert),"Lettre à Roland Barthes sur La peste", L’oeuvre complète, Vol.I, La Pléiade, Ed.Gallimard,
Paris, 1965. p. 1928.
Parmi toute l’oeuvre camusienne, nous choisissons La peste parce qu’elle
اضاءات على الانتخابات الشريعية في العراق عام 2010
اشكالية الطائفية السياسية في العراق بين الاستمرارية والانكفائية
Somal is considered one of the unstable and restless African Arabian country in
comparison with other Arabian. It has been exposed to division and separation by
European colonization process that worked hardly on dividing this country according to
Berlin conference (1884-1885). Even after obtaining its independence during the sixties
and being led by civilian organizations which were unable to solve the problems of
Somalian society after obtaining the independence.
Somal continued its suffering even after the military rule under the leadership of
Mohammed Sayad Beree.
During Beree's rule, Somal suffered from the War with Ethiopia, as well as it
witnessed an economical Crisis. It suffered also from the tribal po