research objectives to:
1. identify the social, economic and cultural factors affecting consumption.
2. detect the consumption culture among the population in the city of Erbil.
3. Identify the GATT consumer protection and rights.
The most important results:
1. that there is variation in the answers of respondents about keep up with modernity in the basic consumption (necessary), it swallowed the proportion of yes answers about keep up with modernity in food consumption (72%), and is an indication of growing consumer awareness of the individual in the side of nutrition. The clothing on the side of the proportion of yes answers amounted to (85%), in the health field note that the percentage of yes answers (83%), who are abreast of modernity in the state of health concern.
2. The proportion (64.5%) prefer to keep up with modernity in basic violation and consumption phenotypic the highest level, and this is an important sign of growing consumer awareness of the population of the city of Arbil, the promised reasons: high urban rate and urbanization in Erbil. Obviously influence for tourists as the city of Arbil tourist frequented by thousands of tourists and different cultures. increase the cultural awareness of the population and the complexity of social life reflected on the reality of consumption
3. that there is variation in the motives of consumption by the respondents, in the acquisition of modern needs of all kinds and forms, that the motivation (to satisfy life needs) ranked first in hierarchical sequence motives consumption of respondents and numbered (158) respondents, came motivation (get sychological comfort in consumption) in last place and the number of responses (120) respondents.
Affected by agricultural products in the Levant to a lot of factors that led to the rise in prices which as a result of natural factors, the most important and most notably the earthquakes that occurred in the dates of sporadic in the Levant,
Quran is a basic reference of production it is as a source to all sciences, Ayat of Quran would mention the importance of benefits of animals. Quran contain full surrat named in animal names as Al-Baqara that is to clarify its benefits and importance in human’s life.
From the above can be placed in a summary of the Iraqi personal to the subject in the context of urban family Integration: As personal so hard and durable organization to some extent on the nature of the individual temperament, his mind and his body structure Vhoalve determines the unique environment compatibility.
Valchksah not inherited However, the inherited components, building of the body of the individual and the way they complement each other and members of Trivhalta functions performed by temperament and preparations all in compliance with Vchksath become a product of the interaction between the possibility of nature and the environment.
From here we can say that the family a big role in the personal configuration,
This study examines the remaining architectural features in Kirkuk Castle,which does not include the heritage buildings outside it. The castle's fortifications are limited about military samples of the city during the Ottoman era ,concentrating on the importance remains of the walls that held on the edge of the hill leads to the interior, As well as some religious buildings such as mosques, shrines and churches, and the service buildings with most important caesarean dating back to the Seljuk era and a range of housing The importance of the subject lies in the study of these buildings , documentation, and knowledge of the designs and models of building to make it a link in the series of the late Islamic architecture
الأهمية :
التخطيط بالمعنى العام مارسته بعض الجماعات ، وكثير من الأفراد عبر العصور فهم حاولوا أو يحاولون التحكم في مستقبل حياتهم أو حياة أبنائهم ، وقد حدثنا التأريخ عن بعض التجارب لمواجهة الأزمات والكوارث التي هددت بعض الشعوب ، ولعل قضية سيدنا يوسف عليه السلام وهي تشير الى خطته لمواجهة المجاعة المنتظرة ، ومقوماتها حسن التخزين وضبط الأستهلاك وفترتها الزمنية ، فضلاً عن أمثلة تاريخية لموا
... Show MoreAlqairawany ensured that the book “kitab zahr aladab “referred to giving important in sign to the peaceful coexistence with which the people of non-Islamic
البيروني مؤلف عربي، أصله فارسي ، رحل للهند ودرس لغتها وثقافتها وديانتها، نبغ في كثير من العلوم فأضحى مؤرخاً ولغوياً وأدبياً وعالماً بالرياضيات والطبيعيات والفلك والطب والفلسفة والتصوف والأديان ، ولهُ بتلك العلوم مصنفات قيمة تمتاز بالبحث الدقيق والإحاطة الشاملة ، وسائل في المعادن والتنجيم، كما له مراسلات وموازنات قيمة بين المذاهب الفلسفية والصوفية عند الهند والمسيحيين والمسلمين
أنزل ألله تعالى كتابه العزيز على رسوله محمد(ص) هداية للناس كافة وإنقاذا لهم من الكفر والشرك والضلال ، فبين لهم فيه أمور دينهم ودنياهم وميز لهم الحرام من الحلال ، وقصَ عليهم أخبار بعض الأمم السالفة قبلهم وما نزل بهم من عقاب جزاء
ظهر التقييس كمفهوم لقياس الضرائب وتحديد الأجور والرواتب منذ مدة ليست طويلة وتم استخدامه في العديد من بلدان العالم. ولاجل تحقيق العدالة في توزيع الدخول ورفع المستوى المعيشي لذوي الدخول المحدودة، اذ يتطلب من الدولة إتباع أسلوب التقييس للأجور والرواتب للموظفين ،إضافة إلى استخدام التقييس في فرض الضرائب وتحديد السماحات اعتمادا على مستوى التضخم في الاقتصاد. خاصة وان الهدف الأساسي من إتباع أسلوب التقييس هو
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