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Live the present companies in a competitive business environment going on and try to achieve excellence in their industry through the marketing of their products and achieve greater market share as possible to ensure its continued existence, and perhaps the concept of time production, which confirms, in essence, on the need to reduce inventory to a minimum in the production process as well as the concept of the marketing information system which asserts, in essence, to document all the events that are related to the marketing of the product provided by the production process, together constitute the subject deserves research and investigation as they have raised well-known in the fields of production management and marketing management. So seek this research to know the nature of the relationship between the just in time production applications as a variable independent chairman (includes a reduction in inventory and multiple skill and zero defects) and the components of the marketing information system variable chairman continued (include internal documentation, market intelligence and marketing research). It being applied research in the field in the AlMansour State Company for Constructional Contracts through a questionnaire and descriptive prepared to include administrators in the company including associated research topic with the use of certain methods and statistical programs, notably the (SPSS) program in order to reach results that research and verification objectives, and reach search group the conclusions of the most prominent companies in the time production has applications affect some of the administrative and technical procedures for the system catalog information are clearly set and in particular its components in the same industry, and it establishes a set of scientific research recommendations, notably the need for the company which just in time production incompetent and people with multiple skills are applied on the one hand and possess accurate records and documents in the field of marketing in order to ensure harmony between the job of production and marketing at the company owns, The research found a set of conclusions, notably a relationship and effect between The Applications of Just In Time Production and its Impact on the Components of Marketing Information System.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Environment Friendly Eco - City
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The World witnessed over the past few decades a clear change in the urban existence map, where the number of cities' residents has increased and the cities geographic area expanded, also networks of roads and electric power stations were spread. This extraordinary events caused the drawing of a different identity to the world, race with itself in the field of energy and raw materials consumption. Therefore, the research issue individualizes in the lack of available knowledge concerning the subject of environment friendly ecological urban desiging and planning.So the research aims to define the environmentally friendly eco-city' structural elements and to clarify their most important planning and design foundations. To In

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
CTJ: Input-Output Based Relation Combinatorial Testing Strategy Using Jaya Algorithm
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Software testing is a vital part of the software development life cycle. In many cases, the system under test has more than one input making the testing efforts for every exhaustive combination impossible (i.e. the time of execution of the test case can be outrageously long). Combinatorial testing offers an alternative to exhaustive testing via considering the interaction of input values for every t-way combination between parameters. Combinatorial testing can be divided into three types which are uniform strength interaction, variable strength interaction and input-output based relation (IOR). IOR combinatorial testing only tests for the important combinations selected by the tester. Most of the researches in combinatorial testing appli

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Innovation Diffusion Elaboration into Architectural Movement
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The research investigates the term innovation and its role in elaborating architectural practice based on diffusion. The complexity of the architectural field compared with other fields shows a problem in explaining how innovations in architecture diffuse as a thought and act in a certain context of practice. Therefore, the research aims to build an intellectual model that explains the way personal thoughts resembled by unique models introduced by creative and innovator designers diffuse in a certain pattern elaborate these models into a state of prevailing thought resembled by the movement in architecture. The research will apply its model to the more comprehensive movement in architecture, which is the modern movement,

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 15 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Hybrid Techniques based Speech Recognition
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Information processing has an important application which is speech recognition. In this paper, a two hybrid techniques have been presented. The first one is a 3-level hybrid of Stationary Wavelet Transform (S) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (W) and the second one is a 3-level hybrid of Discrete Wavelet Transform (W) and Multi-wavelet Transforms (M). To choose the best 3-level hybrid in each technique, a comparison according to five factors has been implemented and the best results are WWS, WWW, and MWM. Speech recognition is performed on WWS, WWW, and MWM using Euclidean distance (Ecl) and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW). The match performance is (98%) using DTW in MWM, while in the WWS and WWW are (74%) and (78%) respectively, but when using (

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Teen-Computer Interaction: Building a Conceptual Model with Thoughts- Emotion-Behaviour
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Teen-Computer Interaction (TeenCI) stands in an infant phase and emerging in positive path. Compared to Human-Computer Interaction (generally dedicated to adult) and Child-Computer Interaction, TeenCI gets less interest in terms of research efforts and publications. This has revealed extensive prospects for researchers to explore and contribute in the region of computer design and evaluation for teen, in specific. As a subclass of HCI and a complementary for CCI, TeenCI that tolerates teen group, should be taken significant concern in the sense of its context, nature, development, characteristics and architecture. This paper tends to discover teen’s emotion contribution as the first attempt towards building a conceptual model for TeenC

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Trade, Economics And Finance
Should Iraq Adopt IFRSs?
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Abstract—Over the two past decades, the rapid integration of capital markets underlined the necessity for developing a single set of high quality international accounting standards. The growing acceptance of international accounting standards has given power for International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) to work and develop this project. Iraq is a country where its accounting practices have been influenced by different philosophies from outside and inside Iraq during its modern history. After the fall of Saddam Hussain international institutions have begun to play an important role in reshaping Iraq’s economy including its accounting for oil. This paper investigates the challenges and opportunities for Iraq in transitioning from it

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Economic contributions to small industrial projects (Selected international experiences with special reference to Iraq)
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Most of the studies on this subject, small industrial projects, by researchers and scholars in the economic field show the great and increasing importance of doing this kind of projects, the extent of which can be determined by the contribution of these projects to indicators and macroeconomic and sectorial variables. So this research aims to show the extent of the economic contribution of projects in selected international experiences and in the Iraqi economy. As international experiences have provided the opportunity for the progress and growth of small projects in their economies, which led to an increase in the contribution of these projects in the recruitment of economically active manpower, in added

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-dhad Book Store
Multivariate Analysis - First Edition
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This Book is intended to be textbook studied for undergraduate course in multivariate analysis. This book is designed to be used in semester system. In order to achieve the goals of the book, it is divided into the following chapters. Chapter One introduces matrix algebra. Chapter Two devotes to Linear Equation System Solution with quadratic forms, Characteristic roots & vectors. Chapter Three discusses Partitioned Matrices and how to get Inverse, Jacobi and Hessian matrices. Chapter Four deals with Multivariate Normal Distribution (MVN). Chapter Five concern with Joint, Marginal and Conditional Normal Distribution, independency and correlations. Many solved examples are intended in this book, in addition to a variety of unsolved relied pro

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-dhad - Book Store And Publishing
Multivariate Analysis (First Edition)
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This Book is intended to be textbook studied for undergraduate course in multivariate analysis. This book is designed to be used in semester system. In order to achieve the goals of the book, it is divided into the following chapters. Chapter One introduces matrix algebra. Chapter Two devotes to Linear Equation System Solution with quadratic forms, Characteristic roots & vectors. Chapter Three discusses Partitioned Matrices and how to get Inverse, Jacobi and Hessian matrices. Chapter Four deals with Multivariate Normal Distribution (MVN). Chapter Five concern with Joint, Marginal and Conditional Normal Distribution, independency and correlations. Many solved examples are intended in this book, in addition to a variety of unsolved relied pro

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Utilizing a Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Technique (MAF) Via Adaptive Nero Fuzzy(ANFIS)
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An experimental study was conducted for measuring the quality of surface finishing roughness using magnetic abrasive finishing technique (MAF) on brass plate which is very difficult to be polish by a conventional machining process where the cost is high and much more susceptible to surface damage as compared to other materials. Four operation parameters were studied, the gap between the work piece and the electromagnetic inductor, the current that generate the flux, the rotational Spindale speed and amount of abrasive powder size considering constant linear feed movement between machine head and workpiece. Adaptive Neuro fuzzy inference system  (ANFIS) was implemented for evaluation of a serie

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