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This study was conducted to determine the effect of various levels of hump fat (HF) used in manufacturing of camel, beef and chicken sausage to understand the effect of (HF) on physicochemical composition sausage, Different levels of hump fat (5, 7, and 10 %) were used, physicochemical compositions like (moisture, protein, fat, Ash, water holding capacity, shrinkage, cooking loss and pH) were determined. Results of the study revealed that moisture content showed high significant differences (P≤0.01)among treatments groups, Camel sausage and beef sausage tended to have highest values while chicken sausage reported the lowest value. The study showed no significant difference (P≤0.05) among the treatment groups although 7% HF reported the highest value of moisture. Crude protein values showed no significant differences depending on sausage type, while it exhibited significant differences (P≤0.05) among the treatments groups and 7% HF reported the highest value. Ether extract values showed no significant difference (P≤0.05) among the treatments groups due to both sausage type and Hump fat level. Due to sausage types ash values showed significant differences (P≤0.05) among   treatments where   camel sausage samples  showed the highest value while chicken sausage samples showed the lowest value. Concerning to Water Holding Capacity (W.H.C) sausage type factor reported no significant differences (P≤0.01)among treatments group. Due to hump fat levels the study showed highly significant differences (P≤0.05) among the treatment groups although 7% HF reported the highest value. On the other hands Cooking Loss, Shrinkage and pH showed no significant difference (P≤0.05) among the treatment groups in both factors types of sausage and different levels of hump fat. Hump fat in percentage 5%, 7% and 10% could be incorporate in sausage formulation and the best level of fat in sausage formulation has 7%.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mental Health and Its Role in Enhancing Self-Confidence Positive Behavior among University Students
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The current research aims to identify mental health and its role in promoting self-confidence and positive behavior of female university students. The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach in this research. The researcher depended on the availability of sources and references, literature, and previous field studies to analyze and study all aspects related to mental health and its role in promoting self-confidence and positive behavior of university students and then expand its importance and identify the areas of mental health, self-confidence, positive behavior, and university. The second chapter included the concept of mental health, the importance of the study, the most important factors of health and psyc

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 09 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Evaluation and Finite Element Simulation to Produce Square Cup by Deep Drawing Process
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Deep drawing process to produce square cup is very complex process due to a lot of process parameters which control on this process, therefore associated with it many of defects such as earing, wrinkling and fracture. Study of the effect of some process parameters to determine the values of these parameters which give the best result, the distributions for the thickness and depths of the cup were used to estimate the effect of the parameters on the cup numerically, in addition to experimental verification just to the conditions which give the best numerical predictions in order to reduce the time, efforts and costs for producing square cup with less defects experimentally is the aim of this study. The numerical analysis is used to study

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 15 2015
Journal Name
Al Mustansyriah Journal Of Science
Comparison between (ARIMA) and (ANNs) models for estimating the relative humidity for Baghdad city
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The aim of the research is to study the comparison between (ARIMA) Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average and(ANNs) Artificial Neural Networks models and to select the best one for prediction the monthly relative humidity values depending upon the standard errors between estimated and observe values . It has been noted that both can be used for estimation and the best on among is (ANNs) as the values (MAE,RMSE, R2) is )0.036816,0.0466,0.91) respectively for the best formula for model (ARIMA) (6,0,2)(6,0,1) whereas the values of estimates relative to model (ANNs) for the best formula (5,5,1) is (0.0109, 0.0139 ,0.991) respectively. so that model (ANNs) is superior than (ARIMA) in a such evaluation.

Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Bild Law Journal
Law and its influential role for strategic leadership in managing security crises in Iraq
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 25 2018
Journal Name
Biomedical And Pharmacology Journal
Anti CD20 Monoclonal Antibody (Rituximab) as a Rescue Treatment in Severe and Refractory SLE
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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease with polymorphic expression. B cells have an essential contribution in immune system activation via the production of different cytokines and functioning as potent antigen-presenting cells. Therefore, a drug that particularly targets B cells may represent an ideal therapeutic approach for SLE. Rituximab (RTX), an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody causing transient B-cell depletion, has been used to manage SLE. This study aims to assess Rituximab effects on lupus nephritis (LN) patients when added to conventional immunosuppressants. Twenty four patients, 15-32 years old, with class III/IV/V LN were involved in this study. All were on steroids before lupus nephritis occurrence. They were

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 11 2014
Journal Name
Automatic Frequency Controller for Power Amplifiers Used in Bio-Implanted Applications: Issues and Challenges
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With the development of communication technologies, the use of wireless systems in biomedical implanted devices has become very useful. Bio-implantable devices are electronic devices which are used for treatment and monitoring brain implants, pacemakers, cochlear implants, retinal implants and so on. The inductive coupling link is used to transmit power and data between the primary and secondary sides of the biomedical implanted system, in which efficient power amplifier is very much needed to ensure the best data transmission rates and low power losses. However, the efficiency of the implanted devices depends on the circuit design, controller, load variation, changes of radio frequency coil’s mutual displacement and coupling coef

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Multidisciplinary Studies
Entrepreneurial mindset and aspiration as critical success factor for small business performance in Iraq
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The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between entrepreneurial mindset and aspiration and small business performance Baghdad, Iraq. This study proposed a quantitative analysis in which entrepreneurial mindset and aspiration is a critical success factor of small business in Iraq. The method employed in the collection of data was by the means of self-administered questionnaire which was filled and completed by small business owners randomly selected from a sampling frame of registered small businesses. The questionnaire was adapted from the study of Davis, Halls & Mayer (2015) and Abdel-Maksoud, Asada & Nakagawa (2008) which was used to measure entrepreneurial mindset and aspiration using a ten items scale and small business

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Pairwise Regularity and Normality Separation Axioms in C ̌ech Fuzzy Soft Bi-Closure Spaces
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    In this paper, some new types of regularity axioms, namely pairwise quasi-regular, pairwise semi-regular, pairwise pseudo regular and pairwise regular are defined and studied in both ech fuzzy soft bi-closure spaces (  bicsp’s) and their induced fuzzy soft bitopological spaces. We also study the relationships between them. We show that in all these types of axioms, the hereditary property is satisfied under closed fs bi-csubsp of . Furthermore, we define some normality axioms, namely pairwise semi-normal, pairwise pseudo normal, pairwise normal and pairwise completely normal in both  bicsp’s and their induced fuzzy soft bitopological spaces, as well as their basic properties and the relationships between them are studied.

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 05 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical Care
Epidemiological and Clinical Factors Affecting the Response to Etanercept Among Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2023
Journal Name
Medical Journal Of Babylon
Histological Changes in Liver and Cardiac Rat Tissues after Exposure to Chitosan Nanoparticles Orally
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