The aim of this study is to know the effect of different percentages of chitosan added to drinking water on the weight and quality of quail meat, physical anatomy in terms of (the body of the long carcass, the girth of the chest, the length of the thigh bones, the thigh racket, the fullness of the chest), chemical analysis (protein, moisture, fat and ash) and sensory evaluation of quail meat. It was purchased 320 Iraqi-origin birds of quail and one day old. Chicks were randomly distributed to three equal groups' treatments and treated with chitosan and added to the drinking water: the first treatment (0.1 gm./L water only as a control treatment), the second treatment (0.2 gm./L of chitosan was added to the drinking water) and the third treatment (0.3 gm./L of chitosan was added to the drinking water).The results showed a significant difference (p≤ 0.05) between groups in carcass cutting, physical anatomy, measurement of carcass parts and chemical analysis, as well as a significant and clear improvement in the sensory characteristics of quail meat with a concentration of 0.2 gm./L chitosan. We conclude from this that adding low concentrations of chitosan to the drinking water of quail birds showed a significant difference in growth performance, meat quality, chemical composition, carcass weights and physical anatomy, as well as improving sensory characteristics and quality of quail meat.
برزت الشخصانية في حقبة تاريخية كان فيها العالم و اوربا وفرنسا تشهد انتهاء حقبة حضارية امتدت من نهاية القرون الوسطى حتى اوائل القرن العشرين تميزت بكونها رأسمالية التركيب، ليبرالية المنهج، وبرجوازية القيم، جاءت الشخصانية ليس فقط محاولة للإجابة عن حقبة جديدة ولادة حضارة جديدة لاتزال غامضة المعالم فحسب انما ايضا كرد على المدرسة الماركسية المادية والوجودية الملحدة محددة هدفها الابعد بإعادة صنع النهضة
بينت النظريات والمناهج النقدية الحديثة بعد تفعيلها لوسائل قراءة النص وتحليل عناصره وبيان وسائل تماسكه وروابطه فضلا عن تمثيله لمضامين مركزية ودلالات فرعية ان النصوص التراثية بوصفها نصوصا كاملة لسمات النص المؤثر قابلة للحضور في مجال المعرفة وفق تصور حديث يختلف عن تصور منتجهامنهجيا كما اتضح مدى عمق هذه النظريات والاسس التي ارساها بلاغيو العرب التي كانت ولاتزال محط انظار كبار النقاد وباحثي البلاغة.
Background: Lymphomas are a group of diseases caused by malignant lymphocytes that accumulate in lymph nodes and cause the characteristic clinical features of lymphadenopathy. Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) (CD54) is a transmembrane glycoprotein belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily of adhesion molecules. Cortactin was first identified as one of the major substrates for src kinase. because it localized to Cortical actin structures, The aims of this study was to evaluate and compare the immunohistochemical of ICAM-1 expression as cell adhesion molecule marker and Cortactin expression as invasive marker. Material and Methods: This study was performed on (68) formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded blocks, histopathologically diagn
... Show MoreThis study was carried out in the laboratories of fish and animal resource center-Agricultural Research Directorate for the period between 1/3-26/5/2015 to study the effect of total and partial substitution of white corn (WC) Sorghum bicolor germinated for different period and additive mixture of probiotic & diet enzymes of yellow corn (YC) Zea mays in common carp Cyprinus carpio L. diets. The fish fed on experimental diets contained two levels of substitution germination WC with three different periods and not germination with 0.5% mixture of probiotic+diet enzymes (50% and 100%) from YC. A 11 experimental diets were formulated, diets 1 and 2 used raw WC without germinate at two substitution levels of 50% and 100% respectively of YC
... Show MoreIn linear regression, an outlier is an observation with large residual. In other words, it is an observation whose dependent-variable value is unusual given its values on the predictor variables. An outlier observation may indicate a data entry error or other problem.
An observation with an extreme value on a predictor variable is a point with high leverage. Leverage is a measure of how far an independent variable deviates from its mean. These leverage points can have an effect on the estimate of regression coefficients.
Robust estimation for regression parameters deals with cases that have very high leverage, and cases that are outliers. Robust estimation is essentially a
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