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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of lupine flour (L.f) and lupine protein concentrate (L.P.C) incorporation on chemical, nutritional and sensual qualities characteristics of biscuit (L.P.C) was prepared by isoelectric precipitation method. A standard recipe for biscuit preparation by wheat patent flour used as the control. Wheat flour in the control treatment was replaced with (L.f) and (L.P.C) at levels 10, 20 & 30%. Chemical composition of (L.f), (L.P.C) and biscuit treatments were studied. Results showed that protein contents were 35.35 & 75.80% for (L.F) and (L.P.C), respectively. While they amounted to 14.70, 16.16 & 18.61% for (L.f) incorporated biscuits and 15.20, 18.09 & 21.08% for (L.P.C) incorporated biscuits at the substitution levels studied, respectively  compared 12.43% control. Results also indicated contents of total dietary fibers and tannins in (L.f),( L.P.C) and biscuits prepared. Sensory evaluation of biscuit treatments revealed that there was significant decrease at substitution level up to 30% of (L.f) except color score, while all scores of sensory properties were improved significantly at all substitution levels of (L.P.C). Spread ratio was affected adversely by incorporation of (L.f) and slightly when (L.P.C) used. Results showed a reduction in biscuit tenderness during storage. Reverse to the above statement with 30% incorporation of (L.f) while increased at (L.P.C) treatments. The study demonstrated that (L.f) and (L.P.C) can be incorporated into biscuits formulation by replacing up to 20, & 30% of wheat flour control 12.43%, respectively to increase dietary fiber and protein contents.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Preservatives Upon Sensory Properties of Laboratory Biscuit During Storage
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The study was conducted to detect the effect of addition of 0.03, 0.06 and0.10% potassium sorbate and 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.30% sodium propionate upon the sensory properties of laboratory made biscuit. The statistical analysis of the results revealed no significant differences (P<0.05) between the propionate treatment (A,B,C,D) and between the sorbate treatment (E,F,G) and the control (H) in most sensory properties of biscuit prior to storage. Upon six month storage of biscuit made with addition of different levels of sodium propionate 20-40C (room temperature) no significant differences (P<0.05) were shown on softness, flakiness and color in comparison with the control . No significant differences (P<0.05) were also

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This study was conducted to prepare protein concentrates from AL-Zahdidate’s pits by using alkaline methods where the chemical composition of the pits were (7.30, 1.04, 5.80, 8.68 and 77.19) % for each of the moisture, ash, protein, fat and carbohydrates respectively and the chemical composition of the concentrate protein was (6.62, 4.10, 26.70, 0.93, and 58.65) % respectively. The content of protein concentrate from the metallic elements (144.07, 25.11, 15.02, 0.49, 0.59, 0.27, 0.22 and 234.6) mg/ 100 g each of potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc and phosphorus respectively. The results of SDS-PAGE showed five bands with weights molecular ranged between 11000-70000 Dalton. Give the biscuit which contain protei

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 09 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Microencapsulation of Green Coffee Beans (Coffea canephora) Extract using Whey Protein Concentrate
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Coffee bean contains bioactive compounds including caffeine and chlorogenic acid (CGA) that have a stimulant effect and are used for combating fatigue and drowsiness, and enhancing alertness. However, when the coffee bean was processed in the form of green coffee bean (GCB) extract, it has an unpleasant flavour and limitations instability, activity, and bioavailability. This study aimed to produce microcapsules of the GCB (Coffea canephora) ethanolic extract containing considerable amounts of the bioactive compounds for nutraceutical supplements. The GCB ethanolic extract was microencapsulated by spray drying using a whey protein concentrate (WPC) biopolimer. The particle size (PSA), morphology (SEM), and physicochemical charact

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Scopus (3)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Effect of Ocimum basilscm oil in the Sensory properties of Laboratory Biscuit
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The study aims at showing the effect of basil oil on the sensory properties of the laboratory biscuits. the results show the sensory valuation before and after the storage. the (A4) equation exceeds 15% of T exchange (3 , 4 , 5 g. basil 19 , 55 g . fats )in most of the studied sensuous qualities. Then, the (A5) equation of 20% exchange percentage (4.60g. basil oil + 18.40g. fats). Then, the (A3) equation of 10% exchange percentage (2.30g. basil oil + 20.70g. fats). Then the (A2) equation of 5% exchange percentage (1.5g. basil oil + 21.85g. fats). Finally, the control equation (A1) received the lower value of sensuous evaluation and general acceptance. Abstract differences also appeared at denotation level 0.05 between the (A2)

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
The philosophy of physical and sensory communication in the dramatic show
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Modern critical theories revealed polemical views about the reality of the existence of communication - as a necessity for building a deliberative discourse - in the theater or not. To the theory of communication with all the conditions it imposes on thinking, interaction, and emancipation of selves in different contexts.
Therefore, the current research included four chapters, the first chapter dealt with the research problem, which was represented in (the philosophy of sensory and physical communication in theatrical performance), and the first chapter included the importance of the research, its goal and its limits, and ended with defining the terminology, and the second chapter included (theoretical framework) the first topic (ph

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
The effect of sensory- motor training by perceptual sensory apparatus on development of some special physical and mechanical abilities for 100 m. racers under 20 years
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Impact Resistance training with and against the trajectory of the motor in some physical abilities and the BioA 100-meter, mechanical racing run for young people. That Training Jogging for different distances Melt -Rubber ropes According to direction and reversed movement With Obligations To the border of scientific of components Pregnancy Training represents to a training trend Aimed To Events Developments In The link between Starting and running, According to the specific mechanical requirements Have It Of Development of force Explosive and quick and their components which To give Border To the level Special speed for Stages Sprint run 100 m and amounts Efforts Required instantaneous powers. Noted Researcher In That Over there Repeat For

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The research aims at measuring the impact of visual media on the development of the tourism services sector, which is a field study for the public. It aims at determining the impact of visual media on tourism sector development, clarifying the concept of visual media and its functions and studying the role of media in the development of tourism culture among the public. For a sample of the employees of the University of Baghdad, consisting of (120) male and female. A questionnaire was prepared for this purpose consisting of (21) questions distributed to the sample. The data were analyzed and the hypotheses were tested using the statistical program spss to unload the results and calculate the frequencies, percentages and correlati

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Inhibitory Effect Zingiber Offlcinale Extracts on Microorganisms whichAssociated with Biscuit.
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The research aimed at studying the inhibitive effect of the hot watery dry and ethanolic ginger(85%) and fragrant oil which are added in concentrates of o.o25, o.o5o and 0.1g / 100g respectively in the growth of bacteria and molds. The results of the initial chemical diagnosis showed containment of ginger roots extract on. Alkaloids, Glycosides, Flavonoids and Suponins. The highest inhibitive effect of the bacteria reached the concentrate . 0.1% of the oil extract then the concentrate 0.050% of the ethanolic hot extract follows it. While 0.1% was the least inhibitive concentrate for the hot watery extract. But the inhibitive effect of the hot oily and alcoholic extracts in the numbers of molds colonies was 0.025%, when the concentrate 0.1%

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Seed weight effect on germination properties and seedling growth of some cultivars of lupine
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A laboratory experiment was carried out and repeated at field of College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad in 2017. First factor was three cultivars of lupine 'Giza-1', 'Giza-2' and 'Hamburg'. Second factor was three seed weights (lower weight, medium weight and higher weight) which was following the cultivars factor. Nested design was used. Results showed supremacy of 'Giza-1' cultivar significantly and gave higher germination ratio, radical length, seedling dry weight, seedling vigour index, field emergence ratio, plant height and number of leaves per plant. The treatment ('Giza-1'×higher seed weight) was supremacy significantly and gave higher germination ratio, radical length, plumule length, and seedling vigo

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Scopus (2)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Preservation on the Shelf Life of Laboratory Processed Biscuit
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This study has been conducted to investigate the influence of preservatives(sodium propionate and potassium sorbate) at different levels to extend the storage life of laboratory processed biscuit.The results have shown that When%0.10 sodium propionate was added bacteria and fungi was not found for three months while found in the fourth month of storage.However bacteria and mold didnot grow until the sixth month of storage as %0.20 and %0.30 concentration was used. On the other side as %0.03 potassium sorbate was used,the growth of bacteria was cheched for 3 months and 4 months for molds..When %0.06 potassium sorbate was used no growth of bacterial or mold was found until the sixth month of storage . Three types of bacteria have been appeare

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