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Never the less, banking compliance function became one of the most important functions in banking sector according to its characteristics that considered as an interior control tools to control (executive management, departments, subsidiaries…etc) in any bank; and their compliance towards applying rules, recommendations and legislations. In addition to, estimating the risks and limited them; and controlling the anti-money laundering. Thus, these functions that covered the main concept of (Banking Compliance) would avoid the bank to be under the control of any sanctions.


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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management
Sulfonated polyindole coated magnetic zincoxysulfide ([email protected]@SPID) core/shell nanocatalyst for simultaneous photocatalytic H2 production and BPA degradation
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Photocatalyst composed of core/shell magnetic zincoxysulfide nanocomposite coated with sulfonated polyindole ([email protected]/SPID) has been prepared and used for simultaneous photocatalytic H2 production and Bisphenol A (BPA) degradation. XRD, FE-SEM, EDX, BET surface area, UV-vis DRS and VSM were used to characterize the synthesized nanocomposites. The photocatalytic performance was evaluated using batch reactor under visible light irradiation. The photocatalytic activity of [email protected]/SPID nanocomposite was revealed to exceed that of [email protected] nanocomposite due to the heterojunctions between SPID and [email protected] species. The results exhibited that the effect of BPA initial concentration was found to be effectual on the improvement

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Inorganic Chemistry Communications
Assembling [email protected] nanocomposites with an enhanced photocatalytic activity
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Herein, an efficient inorganic/organic hybrid photocatalyst composed of zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF-67) decorated with Cd0.5Zn0.5S solid solution semiconductor was constructed. The properties of prepared ZIF- [email protected] nanocomposite and its components (ZIF-67 and Cd0.5Zn0.5S) were investigated using XRD, FESEM, EDX, TEM, DRS and BET methods. The photocatalytic activity of fabricated [email protected] nanocomposite were measured toward removal of methyl violet (MV) dye as a simulated organic contaminant. Under visible-light and specific conditions (photocatalyst dose 1 g/l, MV dye 10 mg/l, unmodified solution pH 6.7 and reaction time 60 min.), the acquired [email protected] photocatalyst showed advanced photocatalytic activity

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Regenerative Therapy
In vitro periodontal ligament cell expansion by co-culture method and formation of multi-layered periodontal ligament-derived cell sheets
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Objective: Per-implantitis is one of the implant treatment complications. Dentists have failed to restore damaged periodontium by using conventional therapies. Tissue engineering (stem cells, scaffold and growth factors) aims to reconstruct natural tissues. The paper aimed to isolate both periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs) and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs) and use them in a co-culture method to create three-layered cell sheets for reconstructing natural periodontal ligament (PDL) tissue. Materials and methods: BMMSCs were isolated from rabbit tibia and femur, and PDLSC culture was established from the lower right incisor. The cells were co-cultured to induce BMMSC differentiation into PDL cells. Cell morphology, stem cel

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 24 2023
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
Pragmatic Awareness of Speech Acts, Politeness, and Grice Maxims of Iraqi EFL Postgraduate Students
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This study examines postgraduate students’ awareness of pragmatic aspects, including Grice Maxims, Politeness, and Direct and Indirect forms of speech. According to Paul Grice’s theory of implicature, which is considered one of the most important contributions to pragmatics, this paper discusses how postgraduate students can meet the cooperative principle when communicating effectively. It also outlines how does politeness principles influence obeying or violating the maxims and how is the use of direct or indirect forms of utterances prompted by politeness. Sixteen master’s students of Linguistics and Literature were asked to take a multiple-choice test. The test will be represented along with the interpretation of each optio

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Mixed Corrosion Inhibitors in Cooling Water System
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The effect of mixed corrosion inhibitors in cooling system was evaluated by using carbon steel specimens and weight loss analysis. The carbon steel specimens immersed in mixture of sodium phosphate (Na2 HPO4) used as corrosion inhibitor and sodium glocunate (C6 H11 NaO7) as a scale dispersant at different concentrations (20,40, 60, 80 ppm) and at different temperature (25,50,75 and 100)ºC for (1-5) days. The corrosion inhibitors efficiency was calculated by using uninhibited and inhibited water to give 98.1%. The result of these investigations indicate that the corrosion rate decreases with the increase the corrosion inhibitors concentration at 80 ppm and at 100ºC for 5 days, (i.e,

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The position of Al-Jassas (D. 370 AH) of the verses of "As-Sifat Al-Khbriya"
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This research aims at know the position of Al-Jassas Al- Hanafi (D. 370 AH) of  "As-Sifat Al- Khbriya", through his interpretation: (the provisions of Qur'an), by studying his interpretation of the verses related to this issue.

The most significant results of this study that Al-Jassas did not consider the words that called: "As-Sifat Al- Khbriya" as adjectives to Allah almighty, but he consider them contained an inappropriate meaning to Allah almighty, thus it must be referred to the perfect arbitrator, so he was believe in opinion of interpretation. and interpretations of Al-Jassas for the related of the Qur'an verses relat

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Some innovative word-formation processes in popular Internet texts in Russian and Arabic: Некоторые Инновационные словообразовательные процессы в популярных интернет-текстах в русском и арабском языках
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       The present article discusses innovative word-formation processes in Internet texts, the emergence of new derivative words, new affixes, word-formation models, and word-formation methods. Using several neologisms as an example, the article shows both the possibilities of Internet word-making process and the possibilities of studying a newly established work through Internet communication. The words selected for analysis can be attributed to the keywords of the current time. (In particular, the words included in the list of "Words of 2019") there are number of words formed by the suffix method, which is the traditional method of the Russian word formation. A negation of these words is usually made thro

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Graph Mining Method in Analyzing Turkish Loanwords Derived from Arabic Language
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Loanwords are the words transferred from one language to another, which become essential part of the borrowing language. The loanwords have come from the source language to the recipient language because of many reasons. Detecting these loanwords is complicated task due to that there are no standard specifications for transferring words between languages and hence low accuracy. This work tries to enhance this accuracy of detecting loanwords between Turkish and Arabic language as a case study. In this paper, the proposed system contributes to find all possible loanwords using any set of characters either alphabetically or randomly arranged. Then, it processes the distortion in the pronunciation, and solves the problem of the missing lette

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Sentiment Analysis on Roman Urdu Students’ Feedback Using Enhanced Word Embedding Technique
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Students’ feedback is crucial for educational institutions to assess the performance of their teachers, most opinions are expressed in their native language, especially for people in south Asian regions. In Pakistan, people use Roman Urdu to express their reviews, and this applied in the education domain where students used Roman Urdu to express their feedback. It is very time-consuming and labor-intensive process to handle qualitative opinions manually. Additionally, it can be difficult to determine sentence semantics in a text that is written in a colloquial style like Roman Urdu. This study proposes an enhanced word embedding technique and investigates the neural word Embedding (Word2Vec and Glove) to determine which perfo

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 23 2022
Journal Name
American Scientific Research Journal For Engineering, Technology, And Sciences
A Review of TCP Congestion Control Using Artificial Intelligence in 4G and 5G Networks
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In recent years, the field of research around the congestion problem of 4G and 5G networks has grown, especially those based on artificial intelligence (AI). Although 4G with LTE is seen as a mature technology, there is a continuous improvement in the infrastructure that led to the emergence of 5G networks. As a result of the large services provided in industries, Internet of Things (IoT) applications and smart cities, which have a large amount of exchanged data, a large number of connected devices per area, and high data rates, have brought their own problems and challenges, especially the problem of congestion. In this context, artificial intelligence (AI) models can be considered as one of the main techniques that can be used to solve ne

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