Consumer protection requires seeking one official entity to accomplish its tasks. The large number of devices control and implementation in it, return to several ministries, and executive bodies lose coordination and cooperation, and unite efforts to eliminate the types of fraud and control the quality of production within the approved standards. This is in addition to the seriousness of the existence of administrative and legal corruption which hinders the role of inspection committees and representatives of official bodies with the relationship and prevents them from carrying out their duties entrusted to them or presenting them with administrative complications to thwart their duties in consumer protection. This is despite the affirmation of religions on the prohibition and prevention of fraud, deception, trickery and monopoly and to hide the defects and all methods of deception and deceit and the victim (consumer) illegally, but this still needs to education and awareness of the continuous disposal of its effects. The effect of the legislation of consumer protection laws by countries and the United Nations still needs to be activated seriously and effectively and placed under constant surveillance. Several international conventions on consumer protection, issued under United Nations General Assembly resolution 39/348 on 9 April 1985 and before the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (10 December 1948), the International Conference on Human Rights (1968), And the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in 16/12/1966.In Iraq, several consumer protection laws have been issued, including Law No. 1 of 2010, the Protection of Iraqi Products Law No. 11 of 2010, Food Regulation No. 29 of 1985 and the Law of the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control No. 54 of 1979, However, the activation of these laws still need more work to implement them accurately. The promotion of consumer rights begins with education and guidance through health, environmental and food guidance programs and, educating them about their rights and responsibilities, raising their culture of consumption and raising awareness of risks to be avoided and supporting their rights by regulatory institutions that require the adoption of international standards of quality of production, goods and services, and in obtaining the correct information, and in selecting and compensating for damage or variation in specifications. In order to activate censorship and achieve consumer rights, the role of positive and constructive media, the control of misleading propaganda and advertising, aimed at consumer fraud, and the emphasis on the field control system should be supported.