The aim of this study was to increasing natural carotenoides production by a locally isolate Rodotorula mucilagenosa M. by determination of the optimal conditions for growth and production of this agents, for encouragest to use it in food application permute artificial pigments which harmfull for consumer health and envieronmental. The optimal condition of carotenoides production from Rhodotorula mucilaginosa M were studied. The results shows the best carbon and nitrogen source were glucose and yeast extract. The carotenoids a mount production was 47430 microgram ̸ litter and 47460 microgram ̸ litter, respectively, and the optimum temperature was 30°C, PH 6, that the carotenoides a mount was 47470 microgram ̸ litter and 47670 microgram ̸ litter, respectively. The best incubation time was 120 hours .That the carotenoides a mount 47690 microgram ̸ litter. The highest carotenoides a mount was obtained upon 150 rpm ̸ min, That the carotenoids a mount was 47710 microgram ̸ litter, and the best size of inoculums was 6%, that the carotenoids a mount was 47730 microgram ̸ litter.