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The current research aimed to analyze the importance, correlation and the effect of independent variables represented by marketing variables on the dependent variable represented by local brand, through taking ENIEM as a model for this study, which represents a sensitive sector for the Algerian consumer. The results of the study evinced that the Algerian consumer has a positive image toward the brand ENIEM given marketing variables which has acquired considerable importance to this consumer. Also, the results of this study showed a statistically significant correlation between marketing variables and good perception toward the brand ENIEM, at the same time, the existence of a statistically significant effect for each of these variables on the perception of this brand. The study is concluded to make recommendations and propose a model for marketing factors contribute to improving local brand image and the application requirements of this model.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 09 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Fingerprints Recognition Using the Local Energy Distribution over Haar Wavelet Subbands

Fingerprints are commonly utilized as a key technique and for personal recognition and in identification systems for personal security affairs. The most widely used fingerprint systems utilizing the distribution of minutiae points for fingerprint matching and representation. These techniques become unsuccessful when partial fingerprint images are capture, or the finger ridges suffer from lot of cuts or injuries or skin sickness. This paper suggests a fingerprint recognition technique which utilizes the local features for fingerprint representation and matching. The adopted local features have determined using Haar wavelet subbands. The system was tested experimentally using FVC2004 databases, which consists of four datasets, each set holds

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Classical Continuous Optimal Control for Quaternary parabolic boundary value problem

     The aim of this paper is to study the quaternary classical continuous optimal control for a quaternary linear parabolic boundary value problems(QLPBVPs). The existence and uniqueness theorem of the continuous quaternary state vector solution  for the weak form of the QLPBVPs with given quaternary classical continuous control vector (QCCCV)  is stated and proved via the Galerkin Method. In addition, the existence theorem of a quaternary classical continuous optimal control vector governinig by the QLPBVPs is stated and demonstrated. The Fréchet derivative for the cost function is derived. Finally, the necessary conditions for the optimality theorem  of the proposed problem is stated and  demonstrated.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Dissolution Study For Sodium Selenite Tablets Using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

The development of a meaningful dissolution procedure for drug products with limited water solubility has been a challenge to both the pharmaceutical industry and the agencies that regulate them. Natural surfactants aid in the dissolution and subsequent absorption of drugs with limited aqueous solubility. In vitro, various techniques have been used to achieve adequate dissolution of the sparingly water – soluble or water insoluble drug products such as the use of mechanical methods (i.e., increased agitation and the disintegration method) or hydro alcoholic medium or large volumes of medium. The necessity of assuring the quality of drugs , especially those with low aqueous solubility and in vivo absorption , has led to the development and

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Inhibitory Effect Zingiber Offlcinale Extracts on Microorganisms whichAssociated with Biscuit.

The research aimed at studying the inhibitive effect of the hot watery dry and ethanolic ginger(85%) and fragrant oil which are added in concentrates of o.o25, o.o5o and 0.1g / 100g respectively in the growth of bacteria and molds. The results of the initial chemical diagnosis showed containment of ginger roots extract on. Alkaloids, Glycosides, Flavonoids and Suponins. The highest inhibitive effect of the bacteria reached the concentrate . 0.1% of the oil extract then the concentrate 0.050% of the ethanolic hot extract follows it. While 0.1% was the least inhibitive concentrate for the hot watery extract. But the inhibitive effect of the hot oily and alcoholic extracts in the numbers of molds colonies was 0.025%, when the concentrate 0.1%

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Relationship between Formal Thinking & Learning Styles for Kindergarten Department Students

The current research aims to reveal the strength of education and the direction of the relationship between the formal thinking and learning methods of Kindergarten department students. To achieve this objective, the researcher developed a scale of formal thinking according to the theory of (Inhelder & Piaget 1958) consisting of (25) items in the form of declarative phrases derived from the analysis of formal thinking skills based on a professional situation that students are expected to interact with in a professional way. The research sample consisted of (100) female students selected randomly who were divided into four groups based on the academic stages, the results revealed that The level of formal thinking of the main sample is

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 11 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Control the deposition uniformity using ring cathode by DC discharge technique

Simulation of direct current (DC) discharge plasma using
COMSOL Multiphysics software were used to study the uniformity
of deposition on anode from DC discharge sputtering using ring and
disc cathodes, then applied it experimentally to make comparison
between film thickness distribution with simulation results. Both
simulation and experimental results shows that the deposition using
copper ring cathode is more uniformity than disc cathode

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Electromechanical Strength Properties for Epoxy Dispersed Silica Powder Composite

  Powder Silica (SiO2) was added to epoxy polymer with different weight percentages  (3.75,7.5,11.25 and 15 wt%) for particle size ï‚£ 63 µm. Hand lay-up method it is used to prepared (Epoxy-Silica) composite, and cutting appropriate specimens for testing. Electrical strength varies nonlinearly with specimens thickness, also decreasing with average time for the rise of voltage decreases due to electro thermal effects. Clearly, electrical strength decreases with the increase of the proportion of added silica. The hardness, tensile strength and young modulus increased with the added silica increases due to changing in material characteristics from ductility to brittle. Microscopic cracks and irregularity deformation were a

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Mean Latin Hypercube Runge-Kutta Method to Solve the Influenza Model

     In this study, we propose a suitable solution for a non-linear system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) of the first order with the initial value problems (IVP) that contains multi variables and multi-parameters with missing real data. To solve the mentioned system, a new modified numerical simulation method is created for the first time which is called Mean Latin Hypercube Runge-Kutta (MLHRK). This method can be obtained by combining the Runge-Kutta (RK) method with the statistical simulation procedure which is the Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) method. The present work is applied to the influenza epidemic model in Australia in 1919  for a previous study. The comparison between the numerical and numerical simulation res

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Scopus (3)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Energy Dissipation on the Ogee Spillways by Using Direction Diverting Blocks

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the hydraulic performance and efficiency of using direction diverting blocks, DDBs, fixed on the surface on an Ogee spillway in reducing the acceleration and dissipating the energy of the incoming supercritical flow. Fifteen types of DDB models were made from wood with a triangulate shape and different sizes were used. Investigation tests on pressure distribution at the DDBs boundaries were curried out to insure there is no negative pressures is developed that cause cavitation. In these tests, thirty six test runs were accomplished by using six types of blocks with the same size but differ in apex angle. Results of these test showed no negative pressures developed at the boundarie

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Galerkin-Implicit Methods for Solving Nonlinear Hyperbolic Boundary Value Problem

This paper is concerned with finding the approximation solution (APPS) of a certain type of nonlinear hyperbolic boundary value problem (NOLHYBVP).  The given BVP is written in its discrete (DI) weak form (WEF), and is proved that  it has a unique APPS, which is obtained via the mixed Galerkin finite element method (GFE) with implicit method (MGFEIM) that reduces the problem to solve the Galerkin nonlinear algebraic system  (GNAS).  In this part, the predictor and the corrector technique (PT and CT) are proved convergent and are used to transform the obtained GNAS to  linear (GLAS ), then the GLAS is solved using the Cholesky method (ChMe). The stability and the convergence of the method are studied. The results

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