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Pancreatic Stone Protein/ regenerating Protein (PSP/reg) as a Biochemical Marker for prediction of Microvascular Complications of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
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Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) characterized by insulin resistance (IR) and progressive decline in functional beta (β) cell mass partially due to increased β cell apoptosis rate. Pancreatic stone protein /regenerating protein (PSP/reg) is produced mainly by the pancreas and elevated drastically during pancreatic disorder. Beta cells are experiencing apoptosis that stimulate the expression of PSP/reg gene in surviving neighboring cells, and that PSP/reg protein is subsequently secreted from these cells which could play a role in their regeneration.

Objectives: To analyze serum levels of PSP/reg protein in T2DM patients and evaluate its correlation with the microvascular complications of the disease.

Subjects and Methods: One hundred fifty participants (64 males, 86 females; aged 40–70 years) include T2DM patients with and without microvascular complications as well as healthy controls were enrolled in this study. Biochemical parameters like random blood glucose (RBG), glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), lipid profile, urea and creatinine (Cr) were measured. Serum values of PSP/reg protein were measured by enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).

Results: Serum levels of PSP/reg protein were found significantly elevated in T2DM patients with microvascular complications compared with those of controls (p<0.001) and T2DM patients without microvascular complications (p< 0.001).PSP/reg protein is correlated with type 2 DM duration (p<0.001), RBG (p<0.001), and HbA1c (p<0.001). The area under the curve (AUC) for the presence of microvascular complications was 0.973.

Conclusion: PSP/reg protein may be used as biochemical marker to predict microvascular complications of T2DM.


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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Assessment of Serum Level of Protein Carbonyl as a Marker of Protein Oxidation in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
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Background: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease with an increasing prevalence worldwide and characterized by an increase in oxidative stress and inflammation. The most important factor that is responsible for oxidative stress and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is hyperglycemia. The major targets of ROS are proteins. The most common and widely used biomarker of severe oxidative protein damage is protein carbonyl content.

The study was designed to assess the serum level of protein carbonyl as a marker of protein oxidation in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and to evaluate the effect of age, body weight, waist circumference, diabetic control and disease duration on the level

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 30 2022
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
The Distribution of ABO blood groups among type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients with or without Chronic Microvascular Complications
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The ABO blood group system is highly polymorphic, with more than 20 distinct sub-groups; study findings are usually related to ABO phenotype, but rarely to the ABO genotype and animal models are unsatisfactory because their antigen glycosylation structure is different from humans. Both the ABO and Rh blood group systems have been associated with a number of diseases, but this is more likely related to the presence or absence of these tissue antigens throughout the body and not directly or primarily related to their presence on RBCs. A total of fifty-two 52 patients without complication of DMII, two hundred sixteen 216 patients with complication of DMII and seventy-one 71 person as healthy control were included in the study. The resu

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Awareness Regarding Diabetes Mellitus and Its' Complications in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
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Background: Various studies conducted in many parts of the world suggest that there is lack of public awareness and knowledge of various aspects related to diabetes. With proper education, awareness, earlier detection and better care, many complications and co-morbidities can be reduced in diabetic population.Objectives: to evaluate the level of awareness of diabetes mellitus type 2 patients regarding their disease and its' complications.Methods: Cross – sectional survey was conducted during November and December 2011, in the Medical centers of Al Baladiat, Mustansyria and Zuafranya, including 145 type 2 diabetic patients (58.6 % males, 41.4% females) who were subjected to self–structured questionnaires regarding different aspects of

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Correlation between Albuminuria Levels and Chitinase 3 like 1 Protein in Iraqi Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
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          Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic diseases attributed to lack of insulin secretion, insulin activity, or both. The most serious medical problems in hyperglycemia is diabetic nephropathy (DN), originating from the aggregation of inflammatory cells in high numbers. Chitinase 3 like 1 protein (CH3L1P) is a new biomarker for chronic and severe inflammatory conditions. It has been suggested to have a role in the progress of diabetes-associated micro and macro-vascular complications. This paper aims to measure CH3L1P levels and examine their correlation with albuminuria levels in Iraqi patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Our study involved 66 T2DM patients

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Publication Date
Mon May 14 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Urinary Vitamin-D Binding Protein as an Early Predictor of Diabetic Nephropathyin Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
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    Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is the most common microvascular complication that may lead to chronic renal failure in diabetic patients. Till now microalbuminuria, with its restrictions, is the early marker of DN, appeared after the disease exacerbation. Thus, new biomarkers are required to predict the early onset of DN before the appearance of microalbuminuria. The aim of this study is to investigate the possible use of uVDBP in the early prediction of DN. Fifty diabetic patients with DN and 40 diabetic patients without DN for both types of diabetes were enrolled in this study. All patients were tested for uACR, uVDBP (measured by ELISA), and blood HbA1c. The results demonstrated a highly significant elevation of uAC

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Relations of high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) with microalbuminuria as a useful predictor of cardiovascular risk among type 1 diabetes mellitus patients
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Background: Inflammation and more specifically inflammatory cytokines are determinant in the development of microvascular diabetic complications, including neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy.
Objective: The aim of present study is to evaluate the relationships between high sensitive C-reactive protein, microalbuminuria and risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Subjects and methods: the study involved (30) patients with type 1 diabetic mellitus compared to (30) healthy control. A fasting blood sample was drawn from all subjects after an overnight fasting to measure the biochemical parameters which including glycated hemoglobin, lipid profile, atherogenic index of plasma and high sensitive C-reactive protein concentration in

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research
Determination of Some Biochemical Parameters of Acromegalic Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
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Background: Because of the disturbance in the pituitary gland, growth hormone (GH) secretion will be increased and, as a result, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) secretion will be increase as well, leading to a chronic and rare disease called acromegaly disease. One of the most serious complications of acromycaly is diabetes. Insulin resistance, which causes diabetes, occurs in the body because of increased growth hormone secretion Objective: The aim of this work is to estimate some biochemical parameters. These parameters were not studied extensively in the literature such as BALP and LOX and the possibility of using LOX as a new biomarker for acromyalgic patients with diabetic. Patients and Methods: The study was performed on (25) mal

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 20 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase: Without Complications among Iraqi Patients
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The current study includes (130) T2DM patients (group P) [51 males and 79 females with an ages range (35 to 55) and ages mean 49.89 years], they are sub-grouped into three categories according to their HbA1c value. patients with HbA1c less than 7 are considered as good controlled diabetic patients (30 patients) (group P1), while patients with HbA1c between 7 and 8 are considered as medium controlled diabetic patients (40 patients) (group P2), and the patient whom their HbA1c more than 8 are considered as uncontrolled diabetic patients (50 patients) (group P3). The patients group results are compared to control healthy subjects (35 subjects) (group C) [14 males and 21 Females with age range 45.51 years] matched for age, gender and BMI wer

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2010
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Frozen Shoulder in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
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Background: Frozen shoulder affects 2-5% of the
general population, and around 10-30% of diabetic
patients. It affect mainly the non-dominant shoulder,
and has more incidence in patients with poor
glycemic control.
Objective: To detect the incidence of frozen
shoulder in type 2 diabetic patients attending the
Specialized Center for Endocrinology and Diabetes
in Baghdad.Patients and methods: One hundred
patients with frozen shoulder were included in the
study from a total number of 580 type 2 diabetics
over a period of six months. 70 patients were
females and 30 patient were males. All were
investigated for fasting blood
glucose and HbA1c.
Results: The non-dominant shoulder was
involved in

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effects of Duration and Complications of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on Diabetic Related Parameters, Adipocytokines and Calcium Regulating Hormones
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The present study aims to investigate the effects of duration and complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus on diabetic related parameters, adipocytokines and calcium regulating hormones. This study was conducted on eighty diabetic patients (41 male and 39 female) in Iraq, with an age range of 20-60 years and a disease duration range of 1-180 months. Blood samples were collected from the patients to determine three main types of biomarkers: diabetic-related parameters [Fasting blood sugar is FBS glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), insulin, and insulin resistance (IR)], adipocytokines [adiponectin and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and calcium regulating hormones [parathyroid hormone (PTH), calcitonin, and vitamin D].


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