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The Impact of using the Internet and Social Media on Sleep in a group of Secondary School Students from Baghdad
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Background: Insufficient sleep due to excessive media use is linked to decrease physical activity, poor nutrition, obesity, and decreased overall health-related quality of life.

Objectives: To assess the effect of using the internet and social media on the sleep of 4th-stage secondary school students.

Subjects and Methods: Cross-sectional study with the analytic element; for 500 secondary school students, obtained by choosing two schools randomly from each of the six educational directorates, by using a structured questionnaire.

Result: Secondary school students are involved in this study (n = 500). The study reveals that the majority of students 350 (69.7 %) were aged group (16) years old, Regarding the internet, used by the majority of the 454(90.4%), and 419 (83.5%) students had a mobile phone, 206(41.1%) of them using the internet more than 150 hours per month and concerning the students sleep; Unexplained tiredness in the morning 182(36.3%) was sometimes complained from it, about Nightmares, 187(37.3%) of students sometimes having it, 276(55%) of them wake up during sleep.

 Conclusion: students are using the internet more than one-fifth of their time per month, there is an association between the use of social media and short sleep duration among secondary school students that increases daytime sleepiness, unexplained tiredness in the morning, and nightmares.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Materials Today: Proceedings
Shear strength of steel fibre RC beams under repeated loads
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Experimental Investigation of Moisture Sorption Isotherms for Mefenamic Acid Tablets
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   The moisture sorption isotherms of Mefenamic acid tablets were investigated by measuring the experimental equilibrium moisture content (EMC) using the static method of saturated salt solutions at three temperatures (25, 35, and 45°C) and water activity range from 0.056 to 0.8434. The results showed that EMC increased when relative humidity increased and the sorption capacity decreased, the tablets became less hygroscopic and more stable when the temperature increased at constant water activity. The sorption curves had a sigmoid shape, type II according to Brunauer’s classification. The hysteresis effect was significant along with the whole sorption process. The results were fitted to three models: Oswin, Smith, and Guggen

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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The Al Mishraq site has been the subject of many scientific studies for the period before and
after the fire in 2003. Five visits to the site were conducted twice in 2003 for general fact-finding, twice
in 2004, and once in 2005 for detailed sampling and monitoring. Desk-based research and laboratory analysis of soil and water samples results indicate that surface water and groundwater pollution from Al Mishraq site was significant at the time of its operation. The primary pollution source was the superheated water injection process, while the principal receptor is the River Tigris. Now that the plant is idle, this source is absent. Following the June 2003 sulphur fire, initial investigations indicate that short damage to

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Publication Date
Mon May 31 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Adsorption Studies of Cobalt (II) Complex By Bentonite clay surface
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This paper is summarized with one of the applications of adsorption behavior; A UV-Vis method has been applied to survey the isotherm of adsorption. Results for experimental showed the applicability of Langmuir equation. The effect of temperature on the adsorption of cobalt (II) Complex by bentonite surface was studied. The results shown that the amount of adsorption was formed to increase, such as the temperature increase (Endothermic process). Cobalt (II) Complex has adsorption studies by bentonite surface at different pH values (1.6-10); these studies displayed an increase in adsorption with increasing pH. ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS thermodynamic functions of the cobalt (II) Complex for their adsorption have been calculated.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Preparation of PPSU Hollow Fiber Nanofiltration Membranes for Nanofiltration Application
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PPSU hollow fiber nanofiltration membranes are prepared by applying two concentrations and various extrusion pressures according to the phase inversion method. Cross-sectional area and outer structures were characterized by using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). In additional to the pore size distribution, either the mean roughness or the mean pore size of the PPSU hollow fiber surfaces was evaluated by AFM. It was found that the morphology of the PPSU fibers had both sponge-like and finger-like structures through different extrusion pressures and PPSU concentrations. The mean pore size and mean roughness for inner and outer surfaces were seen to be decreased with the increase of extrusion pressure at

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 05 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessment of Equivalent Grain Diameter for Soil Specific Surface Determination
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 02 2017
Journal Name
Kufa Journal Of Engineering
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Water absorbent polymers (WAP) are new component in producing building materials. They provide internal curing which reduces autogenous cracking, eliminates autogenous shrinkage, mortar strength increased, enhance early age strength to withstand strain, improve the durability, introduce higher early age compressive strength, have higher performance and reduce the effect of insufficient external curing. This research used different percent of polymer balls to choose the percent that provides good development in compressive strength with time for both water and air curing. The water absorption polymer balls in this research have the ability to absorb water and after usage in concrete they spill out the water (internal curing) and shri

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 11 2017
Journal Name
The First Mohesr And Hced Iraqi Scholars Conference In Australasia
Creep Strain Development of Self-compacting Portland-Limestone Cement Concrete
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Prediction of the structural response of reinforced concrete to the time-dependent, creep and shrinkage, volume changes is complex. Creep is usually determined by measuring the change, with time, in the strain of specimens subjected to a constant stress and stored under appropriate conditions. This paper brings into view the development of creep strain for four self-compacting concrete mixes: A40, AL40, B60 and BL60 (where 40 and 60 represent the compressive strength level at 28 days and L indicates to Portlandlimestone cement). Specimens were put under sustained load and exposed to controlled conditions in a creep chamber (ASTM C512). The test results showed that normal strength Portland-limestone mixes have yielded lower ultimate c

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Multiphase Flow
Application of artificial neural network to predict slug liquid holdup
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Applied Research Journal
Response of R.C. Barriers Subjected to TNT Explosion Blast Loading
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Reinforced concrete barriers have been commonly used in protecting the important building because the response of R.C. barriers subjected to blast loading is practically more acceptable than other materials used to build the barriers. In this study, the response of R.C. barriers was detected due to the blast effects caused by two charge weights (50 kg and 400 kg); ANSYS 14 was used to simulate the problem. A horizontal distance of 2 m between the explosive TNT charge and the front face of wall was taken. The pressure on the front face of the concrete barriers was measured at three levels. The R.C. barrier was entirely damaged when subjected to the blast effects caused by 400 kg TNT explosion bomb. However, the 50 kg TNT charge had

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