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The Impact of using the Internet and Social Media on Sleep in a group of Secondary School Students from Baghdad
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Background: Insufficient sleep due to excessive media use is linked to decrease physical activity, poor nutrition, obesity, and decreased overall health-related quality of life.

Objectives: To assess the effect of using the internet and social media on the sleep of 4th-stage secondary school students.

Subjects and Methods: Cross-sectional study with the analytic element; for 500 secondary school students, obtained by choosing two schools randomly from each of the six educational directorates, by using a structured questionnaire.

Result: Secondary school students are involved in this study (n = 500). The study reveals that the majority of students 350 (69.7 %) were aged group (16) years old, Regarding the internet, used by the majority of the 454(90.4%), and 419 (83.5%) students had a mobile phone, 206(41.1%) of them using the internet more than 150 hours per month and concerning the students sleep; Unexplained tiredness in the morning 182(36.3%) was sometimes complained from it, about Nightmares, 187(37.3%) of students sometimes having it, 276(55%) of them wake up during sleep.

 Conclusion: students are using the internet more than one-fifth of their time per month, there is an association between the use of social media and short sleep duration among secondary school students that increases daytime sleepiness, unexplained tiredness in the morning, and nightmares.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
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Soils And Foundations
Studying collapse potential of gypseous soil treated by grouting
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
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Software Engineering And Computer Systems
Practical Adoptions of T-Way Strategies for Interaction Testing
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Some electrical properties of PVA:PEG/MnCl2 thin film composites
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PVA:PEG/MnCl2 composites have been prepared by adding (MnCl2) to the mixture of the poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) and poly ethylene glycol (PEG) with different weight percentages (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10) wt.% by using casting method. The type of charge carriers, concentration (nH) and Hall mobility (μH) have been estimated from Hall measurements and show that the films of all concentration have a negative Hall coefficient. In D.C measurement increase temperature leads to decrease the electrical resistance. The D.C conductivity of the composites increases with the increasing of the concentration of additive particles and temperature. The activation energy decreases for all composites with increasing the concentration of the additive particles.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 14 2017
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Tenside Surfactant
Oil-Water Interfacial Tensions of Silica Nanoparticle-Surfactant Formulations
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The implementation of nanotechnology in all industries is one of most significant research fields. Nanoparticles have shown a promising application in subsurface fields. On the other hand, various surfactants have been used in the oil industry to reduce oil/water interfacial tension and also widely used to stabilize the nano-suspensions. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the improvements of surfactants ability in term of interfacial tension (γ) reduction utilizing addition of silicon dioxide nanoparticles at different temperatures and salinity. The pendant drop technique has been used to measure γ and electrical conductivity has been used to measure the critical micelle concentration (CMC). The synergistic effects of

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 27 2023
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Structural Behavior of Reactive Powder Concrete under Harmonic Loading
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Industrial buildings usually are designed to sustain several types of load systems, such as dead, live, and dynamic loads (especially the harmonic load produced by rotary motors). In general, these buildings require high-strength structural elements to carry the applied loads. Moreover, Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) has been used for this purpose because of its excellent mechanical strength and endurance. Therefore, this study provides an experimental analysis of the structural behaviors of reinforced RPC beams under harmonic loads. The experimental program consisted of testing six simply supported RPC beams with lengths of 1500 mm, widths of 150 mm, and thicknesses of 200 mm under harmonic loading with varied frequencies between 1

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Plasma diagnostic of gliding arc discharge at atmospheric pressure
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A gliding arc discharge (GAD) with a water spray system was constructed. A non-thermal plasma, generated between two V shaped electrodes in an ambient argon driven by 100 Hz AC voltage, was investigated using optical emission spectroscopy (OES) with different gas flow rates (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 , 2.5 , 3  1/min). Boltzmann plot method was used to calculate electron temperature (Te) and electron density (ne). The electrodes design was spectrally recognized and its Te value was about 0.588-0.863 eV, while the ne value of 6.875×1017-10.938×1017 cm-3. The results of the plasma diagnostics generated by gliding arc showed that increasing gas f

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Physical Properties of Cu Doped ZnO Nanocrystiline Thin Films
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Thin films of ZnO nano crystalline doped with different concentrations (0, 6, 9, 12, and 18 )wt. % of copper were deposited on a glass substrate via pulsed laser deposition method (PLD). The properties of ZnO: Cu thin-nanofilms have been studied by absorbing UV-VIS, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and atomic force microscopes (AFM). UV-VIS spectroscopy was used to determine the type and value of the optical energy gap, while X-ray diffraction was used to examine the structure and determine the size of the crystals.  Atomic force microscopes were used to study the surface formation of precipitated materials. The UV-VIS spectroscopy was used to determine the type and value of the optical energy gap.

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Algorithm Development for Full Gaps of Landsat 7 Images
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      Landsat7 of Enhanced thematic mapper plus (ETM+) was launched on April 15,  1999. Four years later, images start degrading due to the scan line corrector (SLC). SLC is a malfunction that results in pixel gaps in images captured by the sensor of Landsat7. The pixel gap regions extend from about one pixel near the image center and reach up to about 14 pixels in width near the image edge. The shape of this loss is like a zigzag line; however, there are different studies about repairing these gaps. The challenge of all studies depends on retrieving inhomogeneous areas because the homogenous area can be retrieved quickly depending on the surrounding area. This research focuses on filling these gaps by utilizing pixels around them

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Energy Procedia
Enhanced efficiency of CdTe Photovoltaic by thermal evaporation Vacuum
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biodegradation of Perfluorooctanoic Acid by Pseudomonas Plecoglossicida Strain DD4
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Organofluorines, as a pollutant, belongs to a group of substances which are very difficult to neutralize. They are part of many products of everyday use and for this reason they pollute the environment in large quantities. Perfluorinated carboxylic acids are entered into the list of the “Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants” in order to minimize the load on the environment by significantly reducing their use, up to their complete rejection. The DD4 strain was isolated from the soil by the enrichment method and identified using 16S rRNA method as Pseudomonas plecoglossicida. It is able to metabolize perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) as the only carbon source in Raymond nutrient medium with a concentration of 1000

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