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Assessment of Serum Level of Protein Carbonyl as a Marker of Protein Oxidation in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
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Background: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease with an increasing prevalence worldwide and characterized by an increase in oxidative stress and inflammation. The most important factor that is responsible for oxidative stress and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is hyperglycemia. The major targets of ROS are proteins. The most common and widely used biomarker of severe oxidative protein damage is protein carbonyl content.

The study was designed to assess the serum level of protein carbonyl as a marker of protein oxidation in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and to evaluate the effect of age, body weight, waist circumference, diabetic control and disease duration on the level of protein carbonyl.

Subjects and Methods: This is a case-control study that included 91 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Eighty-five non-diabetic apparently healthy subjects matched for both age and sex with cases were enrolled as controls. Fasting blood samples were collected after an overnight fasting to measure protein carbonyl, fasting blood sugar, lipid profile, and glycated hemoglobin.

Results: The level of serum protein carbonyl was significantly higher in diabetic patients than in controls and positively correlated with glycated hemoglobin, age of participant and disease duration as well as with body mass index and waist circumference.

Conclusion: Diabetes mellitus is associated with an increase in protein oxidation in term of increase in the level of serum protein carbonyl with significant association in those who had poor glycemic control, obesity, higher age, and prolonged disease duration suggest that the carbonyl content of protein may be useful in evaluating the disease progression. Significant positive correlation of protein carbonyl together with waist circumference suggest that individual with central obesity are more susceptible to protein oxidation.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Weakly Approximaitly Quasi-Prime Submodules And Related Concepts
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           Let R be  commutative Ring , and let T be  unitary left .In this paper ,WAPP-quasi prime submodules are introduced as  new generalization of Weakly quasi prime submodules , where  proper submodule C of an R-module T is called WAPP –quasi prime submodule of T, if whenever 0≠rstϵC, for r, s ϵR , t ϵT, implies that either  r tϵ C +soc   or  s tϵC +soc  .Many examples of characterizations and basic properties are given . Furthermore several characterizations of WAPP-quasi prime submodules in the class of multiplication modules are established.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Weakly Nearly Prime Submodules
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        In this article, unless otherwise established, all rings are commutative with identity and all modules are unitary left R-module. We offer this concept of WN-prime as new generalization of weakly prime submodules. Some basic properties of weakly nearly prime submodules are given. Many characterizations, examples of this concept are stablished.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Scenario theory philosophy and methodologies
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to clarify the basic dimensions, which seeks to indestructible scenarios practices within the organization, as a final result from the use of this philosophy.

Methodology: The methodology that focuses adoption researchers to study survey of major literature that dealt with this subject in order to provide a conceptual theoretical conception of scenarios theory  .

The most prominent findings: The only successful formulation of scenarios, when you reach the decision-maker's mind wa takes aim to form a correct mental models, which appear in the expansion of Perception managers, and adopted as the basis of the decisions taken. The strength l

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Facial Emotion Images Recognition Based On Binarized Genetic Algorithm-Random Forest
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Most recognition system of human facial emotions are assessed solely on accuracy, even if other performance criteria are also thought to be important in the evaluation process such as sensitivity, precision, F-measure, and G-mean. Moreover, the most common problem that must be resolved in face emotion recognition systems is the feature extraction methods, which is comparable to traditional manual feature extraction methods. This traditional method is not able to extract features efficiently. In other words, there are redundant amount of features which are considered not significant, which affect the classification performance. In this work, a new system to recognize human facial emotions from images is proposed. The HOG (Histograms of Or

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
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Gangyong Lee, S.Tariq Rizvi, and Cosmin S.Roman studied Rickart modules.

The main purpose of this paper is to develop the properties of Rickart modules .

We prove that each injective and prime module is a Rickart module. And we give characterizations of some kind of rings in term of Rickart modules.

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Publication Date
Sun May 17 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Multicomponent Inverse Lomax Stress-Strength Reliability
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In this article we derive two reliability mathematical expressions of two kinds of s-out of -k stress-strength model systems; and . Both stress and strength are assumed to have an Inverse Lomax distribution with unknown shape parameters and a common known scale parameter. The increase and decrease in the real values of the two reliabilities are studied according to the increase and decrease in the distribution parameters. Two estimation methods are used to estimate the distribution parameters and the reliabilities, which are Maximum Likelihood and Regression. A comparison is made between the estimators based on a simulation study by the mean squared error criteria, which revealed that the maximum likelihood estimator works the best.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Splitting the one-Dimensional Wave Equation, Part II: Additional Data are Given by an End Displacement Measurement
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     In this research, an unknown space-dependent force function in the wave equation is studied. This is a natural continuation of [1] and chapter 2 of [2] and [3], where the finite difference method (FDM)/boundary element method (BEM), with the separation of variables method, were considered. Additional data are given by the one end displacement measurement. Moreover, it is a continuation of [3], with exchanging the boundary condition, where  are extra data, by the initial condition. This is an ill-posed inverse force problem for linear hyperbolic equation. Therefore, in order to stabilize the solution, a zeroth-order Tikhonov regularization method is provided. To assess the accuracy, the minimum error between

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On y-closed Dual Rickart Modules
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In this paper, we develop the work of Ghawi on close dual Rickart modules and discuss y-closed dual Rickart modules with some properties. Then, we prove that, if are y-closed simple -modues and if -y-closed is a dual Rickart module, then either Hom ( ) =0 or . Also, we study the direct sum of y-closed dual Rickart modules.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Industrial Development Strategy Until 2030
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The research is a vision of the future of industry in Iraq, so it is may be outside the ceiling of the capabilities of the Iraqi economy, and therefore it is exaggerated. Therefore, future plans must be applicable through the availability of capabilities. Everyone knows that the financial and administrative corruption and mismanagement of resources are the main cause of the inefficiency of the industrial sector, and the failure to exercise its real role in achieving economic development.; as well as the political situation and the dominance of parties and their insistence on addressing positions that have a strong relationship in managing the economic sector that has a significant impact on drawing the economic map in its current

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 27 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Offline Handwritten Signature Verification Based on Local Ridges Features and Haar Wavelet Transform
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    Multiple applications use offline handwritten signatures for human verification. This fact increases the need for building a computerized system for signature recognition and verification schemes to ensure the highest possible level of security from counterfeit signatures. This research is devoted to developing a system for offline signature verification based on a combination of local ridge features and other features obtained from applying two-level Haar wavelet transform. The proposed system involves many preprocessing steps that include a group of image processing techniques (including: many enhancement techniques, region of interest allocation, converting to a binary image, and Thinning). In feature extraction and

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