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Efficiency and Safety of Desferioxamine Chelation Therapy in Paediatric Patients with Transfusion-Dependent Anaemia: Experience of two Centres from Sudan

Conclusion: This study revealed some features of   safety and efficiency of desferoxamine therapy   in Sudanese paediatrics population affected by transfusion-dependent anemia. More studies are needed to   describe this important health problem

Background: Repeated blood transfusion   is   the main   therapeutic option for transfusion-dependent anaemias with consequent iron overload and organ damage .Therefore iron chelating agents are important protective measures for these patients. The aim of this study was  to investigate  the efficiency and safety of Desferroxamine  in paediatrics population subjected  to iron overload as a consequence  of repeated transfusion in a group of  Sudanese children  

Subjects & Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional hospital based study.  Conducted in two main paediatric reference hospitals   in, Sudan. Within   the period between November 2017   and   April 2018 (6 months duration).  The   two centres were JaafarI bn- Oaf hospital and Albulk hospital.  The study population included all patients of transfusion dependent anaemia who received desferrioxamine within the study period. Hundred   patients were enrolled in the study. The study variables  were  demographic data, number of blood transfusions , serum ferritin  pre and post  blood transfusion and treatment of desferrioxamin

Results: Sixty percent (60%)  of the studied cases  were males and 40% were females ,46%  were thalassemic, 46%  were sicklers,  5% aplastic anemia and 3% with red cell aplasia .The mean  serum ferritin level before starting desferoxamine  was 2.14 and after dessferoxamine  was  2.48,   P –value  was  highly significant.  The most common side effect encountered   was skin rash (36%)

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Phytopathology

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Implementation of a Circular Shape Patch Antenna at 2.4 GHz for Different Wireless Communications

      In this work, the circular patch antenna was fabricated and analyzed. Microwave Studio (version 2019) computer simulation technology (CST) was used to design the circular patch antenna. The material FR-4 was used to build this antenna, using the computer numerical control (CNC) method to implement this work. For the purpose of accomplishing this design, the values ​​of the resonant frequency, dielectric constant and dielectric thickness of the material used as in 4.424, 2.4 GHz and 0.159 cm respectively were used as inputs to the CST program to get the said program outputs for the required antenna radius with the logarithmic function (F) of the circular patch antenna 1.6909 cm and 1.7415 cm respectively. Practically, the b

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Designing Raw Mix for Manufacturing Portland Cement using Euphrates Formation Marl Instead of Clays

Portland Cement is manufactured by adding 3% gypsum to clinker which is produced by grinding, pulverizing, mixing, and then burning a raw mix of silica, and calcium carbonate. Limestone is the main source of carbonates, while clay collected from arable land is the main source of silica. The marl in the Euphrates Formation was studied as an alternative to arable lands. Nine boreholes drilled and penetrated the marl layer in selected locations at the Kufa cement quarry. Forty-one samples of marl from boreholes and four samples of limestone from the closed area were collected. The chemical content of the major oxides and the hardness of the marl layer was very encouraging as a raw material for Portland Cement as they are SiO2 (17.60),

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Improving Treatment Performance of Dissolved Air Flotation System by Using Ionic Liquids as Surfactants

The effect of three ionic liquids viz., 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (ILE), 1-hexyl-3-metylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate (ILF) and 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (ILG) when used as surfactants on the performance of dissolved air floatation (DAF) was investigated.

   Experiments were conducted at a temperature of 30-35 ºC, 10ppm ferric chloride as coagulant, 50% recycle ratio, pH 8, and 10 minutes treatment time  to find oil and grease (OG) and turbidity removal efficiencies at saturation pressure (2-6) bar.

ILs were used at concentration of 50 µl/liter of treated water in two positions in DAF system; the saturation vessel and the treatment tank. The performance using ILs

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Performance of composite unprotected steel Beam-deck floor exposed to high temperature (fire flame)

An experimental program was conducted to determine the residual of composite Steel Beams-Reinforced Concrete (SB-RC) deck floors fabricated from a rolled steel beam topped with a reinforced concrete slab, exposed to high temperatures (fire flame) of 300, 500, and 700ºC for 1 hour, and then allowed to cool down by leaving them in the lab condition to return to the ambient temperature. The burning results showed that, by exposing them to a fire flame of up to 300ºC, no serious permanent deflection occurred. It was also noticed that the specimen recovered 93% of 19.2 mm of the deflection caused by burning. The recovered deflection of burned composite SB-RC deck floor at 500ºC was 40% of 77.9 mm of the deflection caused by burning with a res

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 02 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Bearing capacity of square footing on geogrid reinforced loose sand to resist eccentric load

This research presents and discuss the results of experimental investigation carried out on geogrids model to study the behavior of geogrid in the loose sandy soil. The effect of location eccentricity, depth of first layer of reinforcement, vertical spacing, number and type of reinforcement layers have been investigated. The results indicated that the percentage of bearing improvement a bout (22 %) at number of reinforced layers N=1 and about (47.5%) at number of reinforced layers N=2 for different Eccentricity values when depth ratio and vertical spacing between layers are (0.5B and 0.75B) respectively

Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering And Technology (ijciet)
Effluent quality assessment of Al-Diwaniyah sewage treatment plant based on wastewater quality index

Treated effluent wastewater is considered an alternative water resource which can provide an important contribution for using it in different purposes, so, the wastewater quality is very important for knowing its suitability for different uses before discharging it into fresh water ecosystems. The wastewater quality index (WWQI) may be considered as a useful and effective tool to assess wastewater quality by indicating one value representing the overall characteristic of the wastewater. It could be used to indicate the suitability of wastewater for different uses in water quality management and decision making. The present study was conducted to evaluate the Al-Diwaniyah sewage treatment plant (STP) effluent quality based on wastewa

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
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Study the Response Of The Wind Turbine System under Realistic Working Conditions Using Simulink
Abstract<p>In recent years, there has been a very rapid development in the field of clean energy due to the huge increase in the demand, which prompted the manufacturers and the designers to increase the efficiency and operating life of the energy systems and especially for wind turbine. It can be considered that the control unit is the main key of the wind turbines. Consequently, it’s essential to understanding the working principle of this unit and spotlight on the factors which influence significantly on the performance of wind turbine system. Simulink technique is proposed to find the response of the wind turbine system under different working conditions. In this paper, it was investigated</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
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The management of water distribution network using GIS application case study: AL-Karada area
Abstract<p>Clean water supply is one of the major factors contributing significantly to society’s socio-economic transformation by improving living standards, health, and increasing productivity. It is imperative to plan and construct appropriate water supply systems in modern society, which supply various segments of society with safe drinking water according to their requirements to ensure adequate and quality water supply. In the current study, here was an attempt to develop a model for geographic information systems to manage the assets of the water distribution networks in the Karrada region and to evaluate the network geometrically, and from the results of the engineering analysis of the</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Performance of Electro-Fenton Process for Phenol Degradation Using Nickel Foam as a Cathode

Toxic substances have been released into water supplies in recent decades because of fast industrialization and population growth. Fenton electrochemical process has been addressed to treat wastewater which is very popular because of its high efficiency and straightforward design. One of the advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) is electro-Fenton (EF) process, and electrode material significantly affects its performance. Nickel foam was chosen as the source of electro-generated hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) due to its good characteristics. In the present study, the main goals were to explore the effects of operation parameters (FeSO4 concentration, current density, and electrolysis time) on the catalytic performance that was optimized by r

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