Background: Historically the traditional medical program are divided into preclinical basic sciences course which taught separately (subject based) and clinical course which taught also as subject based, spoon feeding ,few delivery modes , no or few interactive session and the assessment solely based on examination and no weightage is given to the continuous assessment.Curricular reform: In the last few decades, there have been increasing pressures on medical educators for curriculum reform, and many accreditation bodies were established a guidelines for the medical schools. In many countries, the traditional approach has largely been modified towards a more integrated approach. An integrated approach is still subject centered but transcends the traditional subject boundaries. Teaching units from subject disciplines are fused together around themes/concepts such as body systems.Conclusions: For medical educators, it is of utmost important to be familiar with the current trends in program and curriculum design. Medical curricula need to be dynamic and responsive to external influences and changes if they are to ensure that the doctors of the future have the knowledge, skills and attitudes required by the communities which they serve