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Assessment of Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices on Antibiotic Use and Resistance in Baghdad: A single-hospital study
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Background: There are so many evidences that there was antimicrobial resistance, and there were many strains that emerged which were difficult to treat. We are living in a situation that the dissemination of multiple drug resistant bacteria can lead us to the situation, in which no treatment could be offered for bacterial infection in future.

Aim of study: Assessment of nurses’ knowledge, attitude, and practices on antibiotic use and resistance in Fatima Al Zahra hospital in Baghdad.

Subjects and Methods:  A cross-sectional study. The study was carried on from 1st of February to 31st of March 2021.  A questionnaire was constructed by the research team based on literature review and was adapted to assess the nurses’ knowledge, attitude, and practices on antibiotic use and resistance in Fatima Al Zahra hospital. The adopted questions were mainly based on previous studies carried out in Lebanon, and Ethiopia. It was piloted among 10 nurses. The questionnaire was further revised by the research team. The final questionnaire contained 26 questions on the following: Demographics characteristics (5 questions), Knowledge of antibiotics (7 questions), Attitude towards antibiotic use (7 questions); and practice with regards to antibiotic use (7 questions). Analysis plan: IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) Statistics version 21 Multilingual and Microsoft Excel 2010 were used to analyze the data. The frequencies were stated first then Chi-Square test and Fisher’s exact test were used to investigate the association. The p-value less than 0.05 were considered significant.

Results: One hundred and eight nurses participated in this study, of whom 101 (93.5%) were female, 31(28.7%) of participants at the age group of (18-27) years, 33(30.6%) were at the age group of (28-37) years, with mean age 26± 0.54 SD. Regarding the highest qualification, 41(38%) graduated from the high school of nursing, 35(32.4%) graduated from the midwife school. About 46(42.6%) of the participants were working in pediatric words, and 23(21.3%) were working in gynecology and obstetrics (Gyn & Obs) words. There was gap in the knowledge especially in nurses who had lowest qualification: 44(40%), of them believe that using antibiotic in cold can speed recovery and 41 (38%) believe that antibiotic can cure viral infections, and 42(38.9%), of them consider that newer and more costly antibiotics affect better.

Conclusion: There was a gap in nurse’s knowledge, and practice, towards the antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance, the Current work place was the most effective factor in this gap.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 03 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Bioremediation of contaminated soil with hydrocarbons discharged from liquid petroleum gas filling refineries by Burkholdaria cepatia
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Commercial, industrial, and military activity, largely in the 19th and 20th centuries, have led to  environmental pollution that can threaten human health and ecosystem function, liquid gas petroleum (LPG) products are the major sources of energy for industry and daily life that cause environmental contamination during various stages of production, transportation, refining and use. Screening of bacterial isolate by using clear zone techniques and biomass and optical density. Results revealed that isolate Burkholdaria cepatia showed a high ability for hydrocarbons biodegradation and this isolate identified depending on morphological cultural, gram stain, microscopic features, biochemical tests, and VITEK2 compact.   In this study,

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Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archive
The enhancement of drought tolerance for plant onion (allium cepa l.) inoculated by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
2nd International Conference For Engineering Sciences And Information Technology (esit 2022): Esit2022 Conference Proceedings
Numerical solution to inverse coefficient problem for hyperbolic equation under overspecified condition of general integral type
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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The objective of the current research is to find an optimum design of hybrid laminated moderate thick composite plates with static constraint. The stacking sequence and ply angle is required for optimization to achieve minimum deflection for hybrid laminated composite plates consist of glass and carbon long fibers reinforcements that impeded in epoxy matrix with known plates dimension and loading. The analysis of plate is by adopting the first-order shear deformation theory and using Navier's solution with Genetic Algorithm to approach the current objective. A program written with MATLAB to find best stacking sequence and ply angles that give minimum deflection, and the results comparing with ANSYS.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Astrophysics And Space Science
The compound stream event of March 20-25, 2011 as measured by the STEREO B spacecraft
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Abstract<p>The interaction of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICME) with each other and with co-rotating interaction regions (CIR) changes their configuration, dynamics, magnetic field and plasma characteristics and can make space weather forecasting difficult. During the period of March 20–25, 2011, the Solar Terrestrial Relation Observatory (<italic>STEREO</italic> B) encountered a compound stream containing several interacting structures. Our analysis suggests that the stream consists of two ICMEs followed by an embedded ICME/CIR. The sudden appearance of the third ICME within the fast wind side of the CIR causes the proton temperature(<inline-formula><alternatives><tex-math></tex-math></alternatives></inline-formula></p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Modeling the removal of Cadmium Ions from Aqueous Solutions onto Olive Pips Using Neural Network Technique
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The uptake of Cd(II) ions from simulated wastewater onto olive pips was modeled using artificial neural network (ANN) which consisted of three layers. Based on 112 batch experiments, the effect of contact time (10-240 min), initial pH (2-6), initial concentration (25-250 mg/l), biosorbent dosage (0.05-2 g/100 ml), agitation speed (0-250 rpm) and temperature (20-60ºC) were studied. The maximum uptake (=92 %) of Cd(II) was achieved at optimum parameters of 60 min, 6, 50 mg/l, 1 g/100 ml, 250 rpm and 25ºC respectively.

Tangent sigmoid and linear transfer functions of ANN for hidden and output layers respectively with 7 neurons were sufficient to present good predictions for cadmium removal efficiency with coefficient of correlatio

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Thu Feb 11 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Materials Science: Materials In Electronics
Electrochemical deposition of CdSe-sensitized TiO2 nanotube arrays with enhanced photoelectrochemical performance for solar cell application
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Mon Mar 01 2021
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Solar Energy
Efficient thermal management of the photovoltaic/phase change material system with innovative exterior metal-foam layer
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Pre-Planning of Casing Seat Position to Choose Optimum Equivalent Circulation Density to prevent lost circulation
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Loss of drilling fluid in the Nasiriyah oil field can be considered as a big,
serious, and expensive problem at the same time, therefore accurate and integrated
program must be prepared before start drilling in layers that are likely to get loss
circulation. From the available data of well Ns-13, the area of loss was detected in
five layers, which are Dammam, Um- radoma, Tayarat, Shiranish and Hartha since
these layers contain natural cracks and high porosity represented by vugs.
Methods of prevention have been identified by specifying the minimum values
of drilling parameters to reduce hydrostatic pressure, thus reducing equivalent
density of drilling mud during the circulation, depths of casing shoes is

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Equilibrium Isotherm Removal OF Chromium From Waste Water By Aquatic Plants Using Batch Process Adsorption
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      This study was carried out in Baghdad (Al-Jadiriya) in 2006 by  detecting ability of aquatic reed plant to remove heavy metals (Chromium) from waste water by batch process of adsorption with considering that acidic solution is best selection for such process with constant initial chromium concentration(60 mg/l),speed of shaking(300 rpm), temperature (30 Co) and constant contact time (4 h) but with different weights of adsorbent (reed) (0.5 ,1 ,2 ,3 and 4 )gm for each 100 ml volume of sample .          The results showed that the percentage of the removed chromium were ( 8% ,17.5% ,31% ,40% and 50%) respectively for each sample according to the mass of adsorb

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