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Detection of Thrombi in Left Atrial chamber by Transoesophageal Ecchocardiography in patients suffer from Non-rheumatic Atrial Fibrillation
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Background: Background : Patients with non-rheumatic atrial fibrillation have high risk of thromboembolism especially ischemic stroke usually arising from left atrial appendage .Transoesophageal echocardiography provides useful information for risk stratification in these patients as it detects thrombus in the left atrial or left atrial appendage. Objective : This study was conducted at Al-Kadhimiya Teaching Hospital to assess the prevalence of left atrial chamber thrombi in patients with chronic non-rheumatic atrial fibrillation using transoesophageal echocardiography and its clinical significance as well as to verify the superiority of transoesophageal over transthoracic echocardiography in the detection of these abnormalities. Type of the study: Cross sectional study.Patients and Methods : Forty (40) consecutive patients (11 female and 29 male), at a mean age of 46 ± 9 years (range 28–60) with chronic non-rheumatic Atrial fibrillation were enrolled to this prospective study between March 2006 and December 2006. Tansthoracic and transesophageal two dimensional , M- mode , Doppler, and color- flow echocardiography were obtained with a kretz diagnostic ultrasound system. Results : The prevalence of Left atrium thrombus was 12.5%, 5 patients from the total number which was 40 patients. All of them seen bytransoesophagealechocardiography and non are detected byTansthoracic echocardiography . All the left atrial thrombi were confined to the left atrial appendage (100%). Left atrial spontaneous echo contrast was detected in 10 patients 25% by transoesophageal echocardiography, but was not observed in patient bytransthoracic echocardiography. All the 5 thrombi were found in left atria were significantly associated with spontaneous echo contrast 100% (P-value <0.001), reduced left ventricle ejection fraction (p-value <0.05) , large left atrium diameter ( p-value <0.05) and low LAAV <20 cm/s (p-value <0.001) compared to those without thrombus . Conclusions : The study showed that the prevalence of left atrial thrombus and appendage is not uncommon in patients with non-rheumatic atrial fibrillation and is exclusively seen in patients with left atrial SEC. Low Left ventricle ejection fraction , large Left atrium diameter , and low Left atrial appendages velocity are significantly associated with subsequent thrombus formation , and is more sensitive in the detection of these abnormalities compared with transthoracic echocardiography

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2024
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Types and functions of comparisons (based on Russian and Arabic phraseological units) Типы и функции сравнений (на материале русских и арабских фразеологизмов) انواع ووظائف المقارنات )في االمثال الروسية والعربية
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Comparison is the most common and effective technique for human thinking: the human mind always judges something new based on its comparison with similar things that are already known. Therefore, literary comparisons are always clear and convincing. In our daily lives, we are constantly forced to compare different things in terms of quantity, quality, or other aspects. It is known that comparisons are used in literature in order for speech to be clear and effective, but when these comparisons are used in everyday speech, it is in order to convey the meaning directly and quickly, because many of these expressions used daily are comparisons. In our research, we discussed this comparison as a means of metaphor and expression in Russia

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using a New General Complex Integral Transform for Solving Population Growth and Decay Problems
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The Population growth and decay issues are one of the most pressing issues in many sectors of study. These issues can be found in physics, chemistry, social science, biology, and zoology, among other subjects.

We introduced the solution for these problems in this paper by using the SEJI (Sadiq- Emad- Jinan) integral transform, which has some mathematical properties that we use in our solutions. We also presented the SEJI transform for some functions, followed by the inverse of the SEJI integral transform for these functions. After that, we demonstrate how to use the SEJI transform to tackle population growth and decay problems by presenting two applications that demonstrate how to use this transform to obtain solutions.


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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Proposed Modification to Increase Main Swept Back Wing Efficiency for Aircraft Aermacchi Siai S211
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A winglet is devices attached at the wing tips, used to improve aircraft wing efficiency by reduction influence wing tips vortices and induct drag, increasing lift force at the wing tips and effective aspect ratio without adding greatly to the structural stress and weight in the wing structure. This paper is presented three-dimensional numerical analysis to proposed modification swept back wing by adding Raked winglets devices at the main wing tips belong the two seat trainer aircraft type Aermacchi Siai S211 by using Fluent ANSYS 13 software. CFD numerical analysis process was performed at the same flight boundary conditions indifferent wing angle of attacks with constant air flow velocity V∞ =50 (m/sec), ambient pressure Po=101325 (P

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Roller compacted concrete: Literature review
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Roller compacted concrete (RCC) is a material with no slumps and is made from the same raw materials as conventional concrete. The roller compacted dam method, the high paste technique, the corps of engineers method, and the maximum density method are all ways of designing RCC. The evolution of RCC has resulted in a substantial change in construction projects, most notably in dams, because of the sluggish pace of conventional placement, consolidation, and compacting. The construction process was accelerated by incorporating RCC into dams, resulting in a shorter construction period. Research shows that the dams that used RCC had completed one to two years sooner than the dams that used regular concrete (Bagheri an

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2014
Journal Name
Sino Us
“Actual Experience”: Correcting Misconceptions Through Analyzing Harriet Wilson’s Our Nig
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African-American writers during the 19th century wrote in the shadow of the prominent romance, sentimental, and domestic fiction. Harriet Wilson’s Our Nig (1859) reflects an “alternative social character”, for the female protagonist suffers racism in the free North, because she is a mulatto child. Through depicting the life of free blacks, who supposedly lives a better life than Southern slaves, Wilson exposes how she has actually lived and sensed life in antebellum America. According to Raymond Williams (2011), there are two kinds of literary writings. The first represents the general tendency of the age, and he calls it “dominant social character”; representing the majority content of both the public writing and speaking. But, a

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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Most of the Weibull models studied in the literature were appropriate for modelling a continuous random variable which assumes the variable takes on real values over the interval [0,∞]. One of the new studies in statistics is when the variables take on discrete values. The idea was first introduced by Nakagawa and Osaki, as they introduced discrete Weibull distribution with two shape parameters q and β where      0 < q < 1 and b > 0. Weibull models for modelling discrete random variables assume only non-negative integer values. Such models are useful for modelling for example; the number of cycles to failure when components are subjected to cyclical loading. Discrete Weibull models can be obta

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Publication Date
Thu May 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Comments on Copula Functions and Their Relationship to Probability Density Functions
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Copulas are very efficient functions in the field of statistics and specially in statistical inference. They are fundamental tools in the study of dependence structures and deriving their properties. These reasons motivated us to examine and show  various types of copula functions and their families. Also, we separately explain each method that is used to construct each copula in detail with different examples. There are various outcomes that show the copulas and their densities with respect to the joint distribution functions. The aim is to make copulas available to new researchers and readers who are interested in the modern phenomenon of statistical inferences.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Islam's position on freedom according to John Stuart Mill
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The issue of freedom is the most prominent and distinctive issue of Western thought, which it reached after a long struggle. The English thinker John Stuart Mill is considered the most prominent Western thinker who elaborated on the issue of freedom, until his ideas on the issue of freedom became the semi-final formula for issues of freedom in Western thought, which revolve in their entirety on The individual has complete freedom as long as it does not harm others, and this freedom is controlled by law.

And if the freedoms he offered were not considered an achievement in Western thought; Freedom in Islam is a central and fundamental issue, and the details of freedoms in Islam have not been accomplished by anyone, but rather came

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 25 2022
Journal Name
Modern Sport
استعمال تمرينات خاصة وفق جهاز verti max وتأثيرها في تطوير تحمل الخاص للذراع الرامية وانجاز رمي الرمح للاعبيين دون ال 16 سنة
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تكمن أهمية البحث من الاستفادة من تمرينات الخاصة بمساعدة استعمال أي جهاز تدريبي مثل استعمال جهاز (Vertimax) فإِنَّ هذهِ التدريبات تساعد في تطوير التحمل الخاص وفقًا لما يتطور من قدرات بدنية باستعمال هذا الجهاز، ومن هنا برزت مشكلة البحث انه من المهم  للاعب ان يعمل على الروافع الجسم للحصول على اداء افضل في عملية الرمي والحصول على افضل انجاز لهذة الفعالية باستعمال جهاز تدريبي جديد حيث يسلط مقاومات متعددة في ان وا

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improving IoT Applications Using a Proposed Routing Protocol
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The main objective of this work is to propose a new routing protocol for wireless sensor network employed to serve IoT systems. The routing protocol has to adapt with different requirements in order to enhance the performance of IoT applications. The link quality, node depth and energy are used as metrics to make routing decisions. Comparison with other protocols is essential to show the improvements achieved by this work, thus protocols designed to serve the same purpose such as AODV, REL and LABILE are chosen to compare the proposed routing protocol with. To add integrative and holistic, some of important features are added and tested such as actuating and mobility. These features are greatly required by some of IoT applications and im

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