Background: Emergency contraception (EC) is a general term used to describe drugs and devices that are utilized to prevent pregnancy following unprotected intercourse or in the event of contraceptive failure. This postcoital birth-control option is available by means of hormonal pills or copper-bearing intrauterine device.Objectives: The objectives of the study were to assess the women's knowledge regarding EC, to compare the knowledge of school teachers with other women in the community, as well as assessing the pre-post test knowledge of teachers.Type of the study: A cross sectional and quasi- experimental study.Methods: It was carried out in Duhok during the period from 20th of November 2014 to 6th of January 2015. A Simple and systematic methods of sampling was used to collect 600 married women in their reproductive age group (15-49 years old ), 300 visitors from Primary health Care Centers, and 300 from school teachers.Results: showed that (77%) of study sample were used a natural (withdrawal) contraceptive way, while (3%) heard about emergency contraceptive, (13.2%) of them had unintended pregnancy and (1.2%) had an experience of induced abortion. From those who heard about emergency contraception (2.7%) considered the hormonal pills were the methods of emergency contraceptive and the friends were the source of information in (1.5%). In addition, there is a highly significant difference between the teacher's knowledge in pre and post-test .Conclusions: Our community knowledge toward EC is low, and there is a good benefit after doing the education program about the information regarding emergency contraception
This paper is concerned with the existence of a unique state vector solution of a couple nonlinear hyperbolic equations using the Galerkin method when the continuous classical control vector is given, the existence theorem of a continuous classical optimal control vector with equality and inequality vector state constraints is proved, the existence of a unique solution of the adjoint equations associated with the state equations is studied. The Frcéhet derivative of the Hamiltonian is obtained. Finally the theorems of the necessary conditions and the sufficient conditions of optimality of the constrained problem are proved.
In this paper, our purpose is to study the classical continuous optimal control (CCOC) for quaternary nonlinear parabolic boundary value problems (QNLPBVPs). The existence and uniqueness theorem (EUTh) for the quaternary state vector solution (QSVS) of the weak form (WF) for the QNLPBVPs with a given quaternary classical continuous control vector (QCCCV) is stated and proved via the Galerkin Method (GM) and the first compactness theorem under suitable assumptions(ASSUMS). Furthermore, the continuity operator for the existence theorem of a QCCCV dominated by the QNLPBVPs is stated and proved under suitable conditions.
In this paper the Galerkin method is used to prove the existence and uniqueness theorem for the solution of the state vector of the triple linear elliptic partial differential equations for fixed continuous classical optimal control vector. Also, the existence theorem of a continuous classical optimal control vector related with the triple linear equations of elliptic types is proved. The existence of a unique solution for the triple adjoint equations related with the considered triple of the state equations is studied. The Fréchet derivative of the cost function is derived. Finally the theorem of necessary conditions for optimality of the considered problem is proved.
Storage tanks condition and integrity is maintained by joint application of coating and cathodic protection. Iraq southern region rich in oil and petroleum product refineries need and use plenty of aboveground storage tanks. Iraq went through conflicts over the past thirty five years resulting in holding the oil industry infrastructure behind regarding maintenance and modernization. The primary concern in this work is the design and implementation of cathodic protection systems for the aboveground storage tanks farm in the oil industry.
Storage tank external base area and tank internal surface area are to be protected against corrosion using impressed current and sacrificial anode cathodic protection systems. Int
... Show MoreIn IRAQ, the air conditioners are the principal cause of high electrical demand. In summer, the outer temperature sometimes exceeds 500C which significantly effects on the A/C system performance and power consumed. In the present work, the improvement in mechanical and electrical performance of split A/C system is investigated experimentally and analytically. In this paper, performance and energy saving enhancement of a split-A/C system was experimentally investigated to be efficiently compatible with elevated temperature weathers. This improvement is accomplished via Smart Control System integrate with Proportional-Integral- Differential PID algorithm. The PIC16F877A micro-controller has been programmed with the PID and PWM c
... Show MoreDates are considered one of the most important foods consumed in Arab countries. Dates are commonly infested with the sawtoothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis. Consequently, the date yield, quantity, and quality (economic value and seed viability) are negatively affected. This study was designed to investigate the effectiveness of air evacuation as eco-friendly and safe control method against adult O. surinamensis. Insects were obtained from the infested date purchased from a private store in sakaka city, Aljouf region, Saudi Arabia. Air evacuation (using a vacuum pump) and food deprivation were applied to O. surinamensis, and insect mortality was observed daily in comparison with the control group (a
... Show MoreThe Al Mishraq site has been the subject of many scientific studies for the period before and
after the fire in 2003. Five visits to the site were conducted twice in 2003 for general fact-finding, twice
in 2004, and once in 2005 for detailed sampling and monitoring. Desk-based research and laboratory analysis of soil and water samples results indicate that surface water and groundwater pollution from Al Mishraq site was significant at the time of its operation. The primary pollution source was the superheated water injection process, while the principal receptor is the River Tigris. Now that the plant is idle, this source is absent. Following the June 2003 sulphur fire, initial investigations indicate that short damage to
This paper is concerned with the quaternary nonlinear hyperbolic boundary value problem (QNLHBVP) studding constraints quaternary optimal classical continuous control vector (CQOCCCV), the cost function (CF), and the equality and inequality quaternary state and control constraints vector (EIQSCCV). The existence of a CQOCCCV dominating by the QNLHBVP is stated and demonstrated using the Aubin compactness theorem (ACTH) under appropriate hypotheses (HYPs). Furthermore, mathematical formulation of the quaternary adjoint equations (QAEs) related to the quaternary state equations (QSE) are discovere so as its weak form (WF) . The directional derivative (DD) of the Hamiltonian (Ham) is calculated. The necessary and sufficient conditions for
... Show MoreIn this research, we study the classical continuous Mixed optimal control vector problem dominated by couple nonlinear elliptic PDEs. The existence theorem for the unique state vector solution of the considered couple nonlinear elliptic PDEs for a given continuous classical mixed control vector is stated and proved by applying the Minty-Browder theorem under suitable conditions. Under suitable conditions, the existence theorem of a classical continuous mixed optimal control vector associated with the considered couple nonlinear elliptic PDEs is stated and proved.
Our aim in this work is to study the classical continuous boundary control vector problem for triple nonlinear partial differential equations of elliptic type involving a Neumann boundary control. At first, we prove that the triple nonlinear partial differential equations of elliptic type with a given classical continuous boundary control vector have a unique "state" solution vector, by using the Minty-Browder Theorem. In addition, we prove the existence of a classical continuous boundary optimal control vector ruled by the triple nonlinear partial differential equations of elliptic type with equality and inequality constraints. We study the existence of the unique solution for the triple adjoint equations
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