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Investigate The Different Effect Of Nicotine On H460 And H441 Lung Cells Viability
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Background: Nicotine is the foremost chemical constituent responsible for addiction in tobacco products, in the non-ionized condition can be easily absorbed via epithelial tissue of the lung, the mouth, the nose  and across the skin

Objective:The study examines the harmful effect of   the nicotine which is an important component of cigarette in vitro.

Type of the study: Cross-sectional study.

Methods: Examines the harmful effect of   the nicotine which is an important component of cigarette in vitro by using two types of lung cancer cell lines (H460 TP53+/+, H441 TP53-/-).

Results: The results showed the total count of H460( TP53+/+) cancer lung cell lines  was (5.2 ×106 cells /ml) , the number  (4.9 ×106 cells /ml)  of them were alive  and (3.6×105 cells /ml) of them  were dead, with percentage  of viability (93.15%), while the total count  of H441( TP53-/-) lung cancer cells was (5.1 ×106 cells /ml), the number (4.1 ×106 cells /ml)  of them were alive, and the number (9.9×105 cells /ml) of them   were dead  with percentage  of viability (80.55%). And it  revealed that the nicotine inhibited viability of H460 lung cancer cell lines in all concentrations (1, 10, 500 and 1000 μ M) and the cells were completely abolished by treatment with (1000 μ M) when the viability reached to minimum percentage (3.43%), while nicotine induced proliferation in H441 lung cancer cell lines even in lowest concentration (1 μ M), whereas the viability reached to maximum percentage (41.04%) at concentration (1000 μ M). Also it noticed that  the treatment with nicotine at concentrations (1,10, 500 and 1000 μ M ) for 24 and 48 hr  induced the apoptosis but not necrosis in H460 lung cancer cell lines, especially at the highest concentrations (1000 μ M) for 48hr when the percentage of apoptosis reached to the maximum value (55.5%), however  it was induced proliferation in H441 lung cancer cell lines with highest proliferation at concentration (1000 μ M), when the percentage apoptosis value reached to the minimum percentage (1.5%) when compared to un treated  cells (control).

Conclusions: the cells lack to TP53(H441 TP53-/-)  will proliferate when exposed to nicotine and some of these cells will suffer from necrosis as a replacement of apoptosis.


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Publication Date
Fri Jun 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Autophagy or Apoptosis: Anticancer Molecular Mechanism of Epigallocatechin Gallate with Natural Polyphenol Effect on HepG2 Cells Viability
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Background: The anticancer impact of Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) the highly active polyphenol of green tea was abundantly studied.  Though, the exact mechanism of its cytotoxicity is still under investigation. Objectives: Hence, the current study designed to investigate the molecular target of EGCG in HepG2 cells on thirteen autophagy- and/or apoptosis- related genes. Methods: The apoptosis detection analyses such as flow cytometry and dual apoptosis assay were used. The genes expression profile was explored by the real-time quantitative-PCR. Results: EGCG increases G0/G1 cell cycle arrest and the real-time apoptosis markers proteins leading to stimulate apoptos

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of Toxic Effect of Crud Colicin Exracted from Escherchia Coli on Viability of Immune Cells.
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Crude-colicin  was extracted from g.coli isolated from urinary tract

infection patients. Toxicity of various concentrations of crudt: colicin

on the viability of immune cells [phagocytic ceUs(M0,PMN) and lymphocytes]  was studied.  Results  indicated  that  toxicity  ciTect of crude colicin is dependent on concentration. Low concentrations (I0,

25, 50  mg/ml)  didn't  have  toxic  effects,  but  when  there  was an increase  in  the  consternation  of  this  extract, the    viability  of  the immune cell s began to decrease.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Different Conditions on Viability and Antagonistic Activity of Saccharomyces boulardii on Enteric Pathogenic Bacteria
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In this part of programme , different bacterial isolates mainly Salmonella spp, Shigella spp and Escherichia coli were used for antagonism with Saccharomyces boulardii under different conditions . S.boulardii was grown under aerobic conditions and antagonized with young overnight nutrient broth cultures of test bacterial isolates and other kept in refrigerator for a week after full growth . Young cultures were more susceptible to antagonistic effect of yeast compared to old cultures and on isolates grown on solid medium for 24 hr. S.boulardii grown under aerobic and microaerobic conditions and antagonized with overnight broth cultures of test bacterial isolates , The results revealed that aerobic cultures of yeast had more inhibito

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 10 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
The Effect of He:Ne Laser on Viability and Growth Rate of Leishmania Major
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An isolate of Leishmania major was grown on the semisolid medium and incubated at 26ºC. The isolate was irradiated by He: Ne laser (632.8 nm, 10 mW) at exposure times (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30) minutes in their respective order. The unirradiated groups represent control group. Growth rate and percentage of viability were examined during six days after irradiation. The change in these two parameters reflects the effect of irradiation on the parasite. The results refers that the general growth effected by irradiation in comparison with un irradiation group, The growth rate of parasite decrease with increasing the exposure time in comparison with control group. Parasite viability decrease with irradiation and the percentage of living cell dec

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of some species of bacteria on viability of human hydatid cysts
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A total of 50 fertile human hydatid cases {33(66%) females and (34%) males}, obtained from Al-Ramadi public Hospital during the period from December 2003 to July 2004 were examined to study any bacterial infections. The specimens were obtained from hydatid fluid and then cultured on appropriate culture media to distinguish some species of bacteria which resulted in obtaining: Staphylococcus aureus (18%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa(12%), Escherichia coli(6%) and Streptococcus pneumonia (4%). These bacteria were confirmed by isolation from interacyst fluid and blood culture technique. The possible routs of infection may be through blood, biliary ducts and bronchioles .The selectivity permeable of the cyst wall may be absent and that may allow

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of temperature on viability of human hydatid cyst & study the volume of hydatid cyst
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The hydatid materials were collected and studied, so they were contained 50 fertile human hydatid cases {33 (66%) females and 17 (34%) males}. They were collected from Al-Ramadi General Hospital during the period from December, 2003 to July, 2004 .Cysts were observed in 40 (80%) from the liver, 5 (10%) from the lungs, 3 (6%) from the kidney and 2 (4%) cysts from urinary bladder. The specimens were taken from patients of different ages. The in vitro viability of protoscoleces was assessed on the basis of flame cell activity and eosein exclusion, which were considered as criteria to determine the death or viability of protoscoleces. In addition to this movement (flame cell activity), another motility like constriction – relaxatio

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Synthesis of Novel Porphyrin Derivatives and Investigate their Application in Sensitized Solar Cells
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Solar energy has significant advantages compared to conventional sources such as coal and natural gas, including no emissions, no need for fuel, and the potential for installation in a wide range of locations with access to sunlight. In this investigation, heterocyclic derivatives were synthesized from several porphyrin derivatives (4,4',4",4"'-(porphyrin-5,10,15,20-tetrayl) tetra benzoic acid) compound (3), obtained by reaction Pyrrole with 4-formyl benzoic acid. Subsequently, porphyrin derivative-component amides 5a, 5b, and 5c were produced by reacting compound (3) with amine derivatives at a 1:4 molar ratio. These derivatives exhibited varying sensitivities for utilization in solar cells, with compound 5a displaying the highest power

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Conference Of Numerical Analysis And Applied Mathematics Icnaam 2019
Investigate of TiO2 and SnO2 as electron transport layer for perovskite solar cells
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 14 2019
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Biology
E2F6 is essential for cell viability in breast cancer cells during replication stress
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Abstract: E2F6 is a member of the E2F family of transcription factors involved in regulation of a wide variety of genes through both activation and repression. E2F6 has been reported as overexpressed in breast cancers but whether or not this is important for tumor development is unclear. We first checked E2F6 expression in tumor cDNAs and the protein level in a range of breast cancer cell lines. RNA interference-mediated depletion was then used to assess the importance of E2F6 expression in cell lines with regard to cell cycle profile using fluorescence-activated cell sorting and a cell survival assay using (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT). The overexpression of E2F6 was confirmed in breast tumor cDNA samp

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 18 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effect of Purified l-Hydroxyphenazine Pigment on Lymphocytes Viability Against Experimental Secondary Hydatidosis
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Objectives: To find out the effect of l-hydroxyphenazine (1-HP) on viability of T-lymphocytes and the reflects of this
effect on experimental hyadatidosis on hydatid cyst protoscoleces infectivity in vivo.
Methodology: Four groups of white male /ه/mice were experimentally infected with four concentrations of (1-HP)
with challenge dose of 2000 protoscoleces /1 ml with negative (9.8.5) and positive (P.H.A) control groups.
Results: It has been found that the higher concentrations (75,100) 1101/111 of the (1-HP) causes significant
decrement in the lymphocytes viability in comparison with negative and positive control groups. (060.01).
Recommendations: The study recommended using concentrations lower than 25 pmole Iml which

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