Let R be a commutative ring with unity .M an R-Module. M is called coprime module (dual notion of prime module) if ann M =ann M/N for every proper submodule N of M In this paper we study coprime modules we give many basic properties of this concept. Also we give many characterization of it under certain of module.
A non-zero module M is called hollow, if every proper submodule of M is small. In this work we introduce a generalization of this type of modules; we call it prime hollow modules. Some main properties of this kind of modules are investigated and the relation between these modules with hollow modules and some other modules are studied, such as semihollow, amply supplemented and lifting modules.
Let R be a commutative ring with 1 and M be a (left) unitary R – module. This essay gives generalizations for the notions prime module and some concepts related to it. We termed an R – module M as semi-essentially prime if annR (M) = annR (N) for every non-zero semi-essential submodules N of M. Given some of their advantages characterizations and examples, and we study the relation between these and some classes of modules.
Let R be a commutative ring with identity, and W be a unital (left) R-module. In this paper we introduce and study the concept of a quasi-small prime modules as generalization of small prime modules.
In this paper, we study a new concept of fuzzy sub-module, called fuzzy socle semi-prime sub-module that is a generalization the concept of semi-prime fuzzy sub-module and fuzzy of approximately semi-prime sub-module in the ordinary sense. This leads us to introduce level property which studies the relation between the ordinary and fuzzy sense of approximately semi-prime sub-module. Also, some of its characteristics and notions such as the intersection, image and external direct sum of fuzzy socle semi-prime sub-modules are introduced. Furthermore, the relation between the fuzzy socle semi-prime sub-module and other types of fuzzy sub-module presented.
"In this article, "we introduce the concept of a WE-Prime submodule", as a stronger form of a weakly prime submodule". "And as a "generalization of WE-Prime submodule", we introduce the concept of WE-Semi-Prime submodule, which is also a stronger form of a weakly semi-prime submodule". "Various basic properties of these two concepts are discussed. Furthermore, the relationships between "WE-Prime submodules and weakly prime submodules" and studied". "On the other hand the relation between "WE-Prime submodules and WE-Semi-Prime submodules" are consider". "Also" the relation of "WE-Sime-Prime submodules and weakly semi-prime submodules" are explained. Behind that, some characterizations of these concepts are investigated".
... Show MoreLet R be a Г-ring, and σ, τ be two automorphisms of R. An additive mapping d from a Γ-ring R into itself is called a (σ,τ)-derivation on R if d(aαb) = d(a)α σ(b) + τ(a)αd(b), holds for all a,b ∈R and α∈Γ. d is called strong commutativity preserving (SCP) on R if [d(a), d(b)]α = [a,b]α(σ,τ) holds for all a,b∈R and α∈Γ. In this paper, we investigate the commutativity of R by the strong commutativity preserving (σ,τ)-derivation d satisfied some properties, when R is prime and semi prime Г-ring.
Let R be a commutative ring with identity. R is said to be P.P ring if every principle ideal of R is projective. Endo proved that R is P.P ring if and only if Rp is an integral domain for each prime ideal P of R and the total quotient ring Rs of R is regular. Also he proved that R is a semi-hereditary ring if and only if Rp is a valuation domain for each prime ideal P of R and the total quotient Rs of R is regular. , and we study some of properties of these modules. In this paper we study analogue of these results in C.F, C.P, F.G.F, F.G.P R-modules.
In this article, unless otherwise established, all rings are commutative with identity and all modules are unitary left R-module. We offer this concept of WN-prime as new generalization of weakly prime submodules. Some basic properties of weakly nearly prime submodules are given. Many characterizations, examples of this concept are stablished.