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Comparison in Some Biochemical and Hematological Tests Between Chronic Hepatitis B and C
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  Chronic viral hepatitis is an important health problem in the world, where hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections are the main causes of liver insufficiency. The study included 100 blood samples from patients with chronic viral hepatitis, fifty of them with HBV infection and 50 with HCV infection. Twenty apparently healthy age and gender matched subjects were included as a control group. Out of the 50 patients with HBV, 36(72%) were males and 14(28%) were females. Thirty two (64%) patients with HCV were males and 18(36%) were females. The mean age for HBV patients was 36.9 ± 15.8 year and for HCV patients it was 39.9 ±14.2 year.  The results of the liver function tests showed no significant difference between HBV and HCV patients. Both of HBV and HCV patients showed a significant difference regarding liver function tests when compared with the control group. Total white blood cell count and hemoglobin concentration were lower (4296± 1050.9 cell/ mm3 and 10.9 ± 2.2g/dl respectively) in HCV patients than those in HBV patients (6224 ±  1749.1 cell /mm3 and 13.4 ±1.3 g/dl ) with a significant difference. However there was no significant difference between HBV patients and control regarding total white blood cell count and hemoglobin concentration. Aim of study: to compare between chronic hepatitis B, chronic hepatitis C and control regarding some hematological and biochemical parameters. 

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Publication Date
Thu May 17 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Contractible J-Saces
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Jordan  curve  theorem  is  one  of  the  classical  theorems  of  mathematics, it states  the  following :  If    is a graph of  a  simple  closed curve  in  the complex plane the complement  of   is the union of  two regions,  being the common  boundary of the two regions. One of  the region   is  bounded and the other is unbounded. We introduced in this paper one of Jordan's theorem generalizations. A new type of space is discussed with some properties and new examples. This new space called Contractible -space.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
International Science And Technology Journal
Impact of Concentration of Cow MANURE ON Biogas Production
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In Libya, there are multiple sources of pollution, one of which is animal waste. The anaerobic digestion (AD) of organic wastes to produce biogas has the advantage of producing valuable, renewable energy while reducing the environmental impact of these wastes. Cowmanure have the potential to produce biogas due to their high organic content. This study aimed to study different concentrations for the feedstock (1:1 and 2:1 cow manure: water v/v) to monitor which one gives higher biogas production. A plastic tank with a capacity of 72 liters and a feedstock volume of 60 liters was used to create a pilot scale. The biogas was analyzed using a GC device at the end of the experiment in the Zawiya Oil Refining Company. The result indicated that th

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 16 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Simulations of Four Types of Optical Aberrations using Zernik Polynomials
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In this paper, a computer simulation is implemented to generate of an optical aberration by means of Zernike polynomials. Defocus, astigmatism, coma, and spherical Zernike aberrations were simulated in a subroutine using MATLAB function and applied as a phase error in the aperture function of an imaging system. The studying demonstrated that the Point Spread Function (PSF) and Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) have been affected by these optical aberrations. Areas under MTF for different radii of the aperture of imaging system have been computed to assess the quality and efficiency of optical imaging systems. Phase conjugation of these types aberration has been utilized in order to correct a distorted wavefront. The results showed that

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Images Segmentation Based on Fast Otsu Method Implementing on Various Edge Detection Operators
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The present work aims to study the effect of using an automatic thresholding technique to convert the features edges of the images to binary images in order to split the object from its background, where the features edges of the sampled images obtained from first-order edge detection operators (Roberts, Prewitt and Sobel) and second-order edge detection operators (Laplacian operators). The optimum automatic threshold are calculated using fast Otsu method. The study is applied on a personal image (Roben) and a satellite image to study the compatibility of this procedure with two different kinds of images. The obtained results are discussed.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Dielectric Study of PVC-LiF Composites Films
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PVC-LiF composites films with different lithium fluoride (LiF) concentrations (0, 30, 50, and 70 weight %) were prepared by using the casting method. This research deals with the investigation of dielectric properties for PVC-LiF composite films as a function of frequency and temperature in the ranges of 100 to 107 Hz and 293 - 370 K, respectively. The A.C activation energy values estimated from Arrhenius equation were 0.03820, 0.3174, 0.2009, and 0.1845 eV for the different PVC-LiF films with different LiF concentrations, respectively.  It was found that the activation energy decreases by increasing LiF concentration and frequency. The exponent (s) showed a progressive increase with LiF for PVC-LiF films, while it showed

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Scopus (7)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Potentiality Analysis of Physical Development of International Airports Surrounding Zones
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The areas surrounding Iraqi international airports generally suffer from a lack of interest in their planning in a manner compatible with the airport with the absence of integrated planning between the airport and the city. From here, the search problem appears. It is represented by a lack of interest in the integration of urban planning and airport planning and the lack of a clear policy to deal with the areas surrounding international airports. A desire to achieve the research aims to introduce compatible uses in the vicinity of airports and review the planning and global directions for dealing with the areas surrounding the airports within urban areas. In contrast, the second aspect of the research aims to assess the

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Gas sensitivity properties of TiO2/Ag nanocomposite films prepared by pulse laser deposition
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In this study, a double frequency Q-switching Nd:YAG laser beam (1064 nm and λ= 532 nm, repetition rate 6 Hz and the pulse duration 10ns) have been used, to deposit TiO2 pure and nanocomposites thin films with noble metal (Ag) at various concentration ratios of (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 wt.%) on glass and p-Si wafer (111) substrates using Pulse Laser Deposition (PLD) technique. Many growth parameters have been considered to specify the optimum condition, namely substrate temperature (300˚C), oxygen pressure (2.8×10-4 mbar), laser energy (700) mJ and the number of laser shots was 400 pulses with thickness of about 170 nm. The surface morphology of the thin films has been studied by using atomic force microscopes (AFM). The Root Mean Sq

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Proposal Algorithm to Solve Delay Constraint Least Cost Optimization Problem
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Traditionally, path selection within routing is formulated as a shortest path optimization problem. The objective function for optimization could be any one variety of parameters such as number of hops, delay, cost...etc. The problem of least cost delay constraint routing is studied in this paper since delay constraint is very common requirement of many multimedia applications and cost minimization captures the need to
distribute the network. So an iterative algorithm is proposed in this paper to solve this problem. It is appeared from the results of applying this algorithm that it gave the optimal path (optimal solution) from among multiple feasible paths (feasible solutions).

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal, Ethical And Regulatory Issues
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The research tackles the nature of relationship between the Orthodox Church and the state in the Russian Federation. At the beginning of the nineties of the last century, the church had been performed a different role in its relationship with the state, and it had an effect over the internal and foreign policies for the Russian Federation. In political history of Russia, the church’s existence became an evident too much in comparing with the previous historical period, starting with the educational and political system, whether through a symbolic participating roles as what happened in the inauguration ceremony to take over responsibility of the head of state or taking actual roles such as influencing on the process of holding elections d

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 31 2025
Journal Name
Joiv : International Journal On Informatics Visualization
RC5 Performance Enhancement Based on Parallel Computing
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This study aims to enhance the RC5 algorithm to improve encryption and decryption speeds in devices with limited power and memory resources. These resource-constrained applications, which range in size from wearables and smart cards to microscopic sensors, frequently function in settings where traditional cryptographic techniques because of their high computational overhead and memory requirements are impracticable. The Enhanced RC5 (ERC5) algorithm integrates the PKCS#7 padding method to effectively adapt to various data sizes. Empirical investigation reveals significant improvements in encryption speed with ERC5, ranging from 50.90% to 64.18% for audio files and 46.97% to 56.84% for image files, depending on file size. A substanti

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