In this work we run simulation of gas dynamic problems to study the effects of Riemann
problems on the physical properties for this gas.
We studied a normal shock wave travels at a high speed through a medium (shock tube). This
would cause discontinuous change in the characteristics of the medium, such as rapid rise in
velocity, pressure, and density of the flow.
When a shock wave passes through the medium, the total energy is preserved but the energy
which can be extracted as work decreases and entropy increases.
The shock tube is initially divided into a driver and a driven section by a diaphragm. The
shock wave is created by increasing the pressure in the driver section until the diaphragm bursts,
sending normal shock waves down the shock tube into the low pressure driven section and at the
same time sending an expansion wave into the high pressure driver section.
A study to find the optimum separators pressures of separation stations has been performed. Stage separation of oil and gas is accomplished with a series of separators operating at sequentially reduced pressures. Liquid is discharged from a higher-pressure separator into the lower-pressure separator. The set of working separator pressures that yields maximum recovery of liquid hydrocarbon from the well fluid is the optimum set of pressures, which is the target of this work.
A computer model is used to find the optimum separator pressures. The model employs the Peng-Robinson equation of state (Peng and Robinson 1976) for volatile oil. The application of t