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Space Charge Effect for Design Electron Gun Using Five Electrode Immersion Electrostatic Lenses
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 Computer theoretical study has been carried out on the design of five electrode immersion electrostatic lens used in electron gun application. The finite element method (FEM) is used in the solution of the Poisson's equation fro determine axial potential distribution, the electron trajectory under Zero magnification condition .      The optical  properties : focal length ,spherical and chromatic aberrations are calculated,From studying the properties of the designed electron gun. we have good futures for these  electron gun where are abeam current 4*10-4A    can be supplied by using cathode tip of radius 100 nm.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design of six electrode Enzial electrostatic lens low aberrations for electron gun
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A computerized investigation has been carried out on the design of six electrodes electrostatic lenses used in electron gun application. The Finite-Element Method (FEM) was used in the solution of Laplace equation for determine the axial potential distribution. The electron trajectory under zero magnification condition. The optical properties, spherical and chromatic aberrations, the object and image focal length and object and image position are calculated. A very good futures for the electron gun with these lenses have been computed where are a beam current of 8.7*10-7A can be supplied using cathode tip of radius 10nm.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Space-Charge Effect on the Theoretical Design of Electron Gun Operated under Zero Magnification Condition
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A computational investigation is carried out in the field of charged –particle optics with the aid of numerical analysis method using the personal computer. The work is concerned with the design of electron gun with space-charge effect. The Finite element method (FEM) used in the solution of Poison's equation for determine the axial potential distribution of the two-electrode immersion lens operated under zero magnification condition , and from the solution of the paraxial ray equation the optical properties such as the focal length , spherical and chromatic aberration coefficients are determined, also a calculation of the brightness and perveance for the lens. The electrodes geometry was determined in two and three dimensi

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Space-Charge Effect on Theoretical Design of the Electron Gun Operated under Finite Magnification Condition
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A computer theoretical s1udy has been carried out in field of opto - clcctroniccs, to design  an electron  gun using the space charge effect.

The   distribution  of   axial  potential    upon   the  two   -electrode

immersion  lens  of  (L=l4mm)  has been  carried   out   using   Poisons equation and the  tinite  clement  method;  knowing  the first 11nd second derivation  of  the    axial   potential   and  the  solution   of  paraxial   ray equation, the  optical   prop

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Design of an Electron Gun Using two Electrod Low Aberration Immersion Lens
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A two electrode immersion electrostatic lens used in the design
of an electron gun, with small aberration, has been designed using
the finite element method (FEM). By choosing the appropriate
geometrical shape of there electrodes the potential V(r,z) and the
axial potential distribution have been computed using the FEM to
solve Laplace's equation.
The trajectory of the electron beam and the optical properties of
this lens combination of electrodes have been computed under
different magnification conditions (Zero and infinite magnification
conditions) from studying the properties of the designed electron
gun can be supplied with Abeam current of 5.7*10-6 A , electron
gun with half acceptance

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design of Electrostatic immersion Lens Accelerating Operated Under Zero Magnification Conditions
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 Theoretical study computerized has been carried out in electron optics field, to design electrostatic immersion lens , the inverse problem is important method in the design of electrostatic lenses by suggesting an axial electrostatic potential distribution using polynomial function. The paraxial –ray equation is solved to obtain the trajectory particles that satisfy the suggested potential function. In this research, designed immersed lens length L = 10mm operated under zero condition, as it was obtained the electrode shape of this lens solutions using the Laplace equation The results of the search showed low values of spherical and chromatic aberrations, which gives a good indication of the design of the lens.   It was

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design of Immersion Electrostatic LensOperated under Zero Magnification Condition
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The inverse problem is important method in the design of electrostatic lenses which is used in this work, with new technique by suggesting an axial electrostatic potential distribution using polynomial functions of the third order. The paraxial-ray equation is solved to obtain the trajectory of particles that satisfy the suggested potential function.In this work design of immersion electrostatic lens operated under zero magnification condition. The electrode shape of sthe electrostatic lens was the dermined from the solution of laplace equation and plotted in two deimensions . The results showed low values of spherical and chromatic aberrations , which are considered as good criteria for good desigh.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Computer-Aided-Design of low aberration electrostatic Immersion lens
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A computerized investigation has been carried out to design an immersion lens
with low aberration operating under zero magnification condition using inverse problem.
The aberration is highly dependent on the shape of electrodes, for a preassigned electron
beam trajectory the paraxial-ray-equation is solved to determine the electrostatic potential
and field distribution.
From the knowledge of the potential and its first and second derivative the
electron optical properties were computed, the electrode geometry was determined from
the solution of Laplace equation.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Correction of Spherical Aberration of an Immersion Lens Operating Under Space Charge Effect Described by a 2nd Order Equation
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The present work represents a theoretical study for the correction of spherical aberration of an immersion lens of axial symmetry operating under the effect of space charge, represented by a second order function and preassigned magnification conditions in a focusing of high current ion beams. The space charge depends strongly on the value of the ionic beam current which is found to be very effective and represents an important factor effecting the value of spherical aberration .The distribution of the space charge was measured from knowing it's density .It is effect on the trajectory of the ion beam was studied. To obtain the trajectories of the charged particles which satisfy the preassined potential the axial electrostatic potential w

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Space-Charge Effect on the Theoretical Design of Enzil Lens
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The presentwork is a theoretical study in the field of charged particle optics. It concentrates on the design of electrostatic enzil lens for focusing charge particles beams, using inverse method in designingthe electrostatic lens. The paraxial ray equation was solved to obtain the trajectory of the particles, the optical properties such as the focal length and spherical and chromatic aberration coefficients were determined. The shape of the electrode of the electrostatic lens were determined by solving poison equation and the results showed low values of spherical and chromatic aberrations, which are considered as good criteria for good design.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Generated and shifted of Ion beams By Electrostatic Lenses (Einzel lens)
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In this paper, the path of the extracted and focused ions by the electrostatic lense having three electrodes of the same size and shape have been studied. However, the first and third electrodes had a different potential from the second electrode and the distance between any three electrodes was (d).The beams of the charged particles were controlled by using electrostatic fields which are used for accelerating and focusing. This paper focuses also on the effect of electrodes potentials on ion beam focusing. It is found that the best focusing was achieved when the values of the potential of the first and third electrode are equal to half of the value of the second electrode. Concerning transmiting and acumulating the ions beams, the study sh

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