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Estimation of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Solid Particles Residue Collected from Baghdad Street Dust
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   The study have been conducted to estimated the  concentration levels of heavy metals  in samples  of solid particles residue which collected randomly from street dust that produced  with neglected municipality wastes  in Baghdad City. Samples were collecting from services and dwelling street in Elmashtal region in Resapha side and Albaya regions in Karkh side at Baghdad City, regions characterized with different activities, a qualities analysis for the compounds doing with the following tests: 1- By using soil sieves was fragmented and limited the particulates of dust especially the dangerous types which associated with dust compounds and air pollution. 2- Digesting and analyzing of samples have been done to limit the concentrations of heavy metals that were expected in mineral part and the dust.             The results revealed that there are 8 heavy elements  ( Cu, Zn, Pb, Fe, Mn, Co, Cr and Cd) with average  (60.718  ØŒ235.25   ØŒ 128.437 ØŒ805.812  ØŒ181 ØŒ11.437  ØŒ24.625ØŒ Ùˆ 2.05   ppm   ) for each element respectively.             From the results of present study we can conclude that the solid residues of street dust actively associate with the increase of the percentage of suspended dust loaded with heavy metals in Baghdad atmospheric air, and caused direct effects on population and Biosystem of the City, so we need to be more careful to apply the rules of the environmental manipulation from the wastes which the problem.      

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 29 2023
Journal Name
Geomatics And Environmental Engineering
Challenges and Issues in Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Development in Iraq
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This paper addresses the nature of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), considered as one of the most important concepts to ensure effective functioning in a modern society. It comprises a set of continually developing methods and procedures providing the geospatial base supporting a country’s governmental, environmental, economic, and social activities. In general, the SDI framework consists of the integration of various elements including standards, policies, networks, data, and end users and application areas. The transformation of previously paper-based map data into a digital format, the emergence of GIS, and the Internet and a host of online applications (e.g., environmental impact analysis, navigation, applications of VGI dat

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Acquired Error in using Antibiotic for Surgery Patients in Iraqi Hospitals
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The use of antibiotics (AB) in surgery focused in either treating established infection or to prevent suspected post-operative infection. Inappropriate use of antibiotic for treatment of patients with common infections is a major problem worldwide, with great implications with regards to cost of treatment and development of resistance to the antimicrobial agent. Moreover, antibiotics may often be dispensed without a clear clinical indication. This study was conducted to estimate the medication errors in using antibiotic for surgery patients which may effect their wound healing. A 260 patients with clean-contaminated and contaminated surgery were included from two teaching hospitals, 160 patient from Medical city hospital and 100 fro

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Crude Oil Spillage and the Impact of Drilling Processes on the Soil at Rumaila Oil Field- Southern Iraq
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The demand on energy sources throughout the world have led to an increase in the production processes of crude oil which is considered to be the main source of energy, without considering the impact on the environment. The objective of this study is to evaluate the environmental impact of drilling processes and crude oil spillage on soil in the Rumaila oil field, Basra, Southern Iraq. An investigation was undertaken to determine the content of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals in the soil. Ten soil samples were collected near oil wells and analyzed. The results showed a high concentration of PAHsin the soil, particularly (Acenaphthene, Fluorene, Anthracene, Fluoranthene and Pyrene) due to crude oil spillage. The he

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 17 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education Online
Following the Parashot Strategy in Developing Reading Understanding Skills among Female Students in the1st Middle Grade in Reading Material
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The research aimed to know the effect of the Parashot strategy in developing the reading comprehension skills of first-grade intermediate students in reading. The researchers put the following two null hypotheses: There is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group students who study the subject Reading with the Parashot strategy in the pre and post-tests in developing reading comprehension skills as a whole. There is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group students who study the reading material using the Parashot strategy and the average scores of the control group students who study the same subje

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Publication Date
Sun May 22 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
The impact of an instructional-learning design based on the brain- compatible model in systemic thinking among first intermediate grade female students in Mathematics
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The research aimed to identify “The impact of an instructional-learning design based on the brain- compatible model in systemic thinking among first intermediate grade female students in Mathematics”, in the day schools of the second Karkh Educational directorate.In order to achieve the research objective, the following null hypothesis was formulated:There is no statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) among the average scores of the experimental group students who will be taught by applying an (instructional- learning) design based to on the brain–compatible model and the average scores of the control group students who will be taught through the traditional method in the systemic thinking test.The resear

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 03 2014
Journal Name
Heat Transfer - Asian Research
CFD Simulation of Heat Transfer Augmentation in a Circular Tube fitted with Alternative Axis Twisted Tape in Laminar Flow under the Constant Heat Flux
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Publication Date
Tue Apr 18 2023
Journal Name
Corporate Reputation Review
The Absorptive Capacity of Knowledge as an Approach for Building Strategic Reliability in the Sponge Organizations/Small Organizations in Kirkuk Governorate as a Model
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 03 2013
Journal Name
Heat Transfer-asian Research
CFD Simulation of Heat Transfer Augmentation in a Circular Tube Fitted with Alternative Axis Twisted Tape in Laminar Flow under a Constant Heat Flux
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Communicable Diseases
The Relation between RT-PCR and Chest CT Scan Sensitivity as Tools in the Diagnosis of COVID-19 Patients in Al-Najaf Province, Iraq
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The typical test for diagnosis of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) technique, but the chest CT scan might play a complementary role at the first detection of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia. Objectives: To determine the sensitivity of CT scan on patients with COVID-19 in Al-Najaf, Iraq, and to compare the accuracy of CT scan with that of RT-PCR technique. Material and Method: This is a prospective study. The patients suspicious of having COVID-19 infection and respiratory symptoms were registered. All patients were diagnosed by RT-PCR and chest CT. Diagnostic performance of CT was intended using RT-PCR as the reference sta

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Managerial Skills and It`s Role in Strengthening the Competitive Edge of Companies: A Case Study in the General Company for Construction Industries
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This research tries to reveal how to manage and control the competitive edge for business by building managerial skills in various organizational levels. Our research aims at finding out the nature of various technical, human and in tellectual skills of a new president whose superiority is his competitive ness in the application field at general company for construe tioual  industriesand testing the surveyed minor and major changes through a questionnaire to collect information from officials. The sample was composed of (45) director. The data was analyzed  using some methods and statistical programs. The most prominent of these is (SPSS) that was used to extract the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient

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