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Arabic Characters Recognition by Edge Detection Using Connected Component Contour(CO3)
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  In the present paper, Arabic Character Recognition  Edge detection method based on contour and connected components  is proposed. First stage contour extraction feature is introduced to tackle the Arabic characters edge detection problem, where the aim is to extract the edge information presented in the Arabic characters, since it is crucial to understand the character content.         The second stage connected components appling for the same characters to find edge detection. The proposed approach exploits a number of connected components, which move on the character by character intensity values, to establish matrix, which represents the edge information at each pixel location .          The third stage the euclidean distance and vector angle are combined by using a saturation-based combination for edge detection using connected component Contour(CO3) for each character.  The system has been tested on MATLAB environment with satisfactory results. Given a better device the result should increase in accuracy significantly. Fonts show that the accuracy of the proposed method is 97.4% correct characters identification in average. The contour code technique seems to be very promising producing top results. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 28 2021
Journal Name
2021 2nd Information Technology To Enhance E-learning And Other Application (it-ela)
Pedestrian and Objects Detection by Using Learning Complexity-Aware Cascades
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Eye Detection using Helmholtz Principle
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            Eye Detection is used in many applications like pattern recognition, biometric, surveillance system and many other systems. In this paper, a new method is presented to detect and extract the overall shape of one eye from image depending on two principles Helmholtz & Gestalt. According to the principle of perception by Helmholz, any observed geometric shape is perceptually "meaningful" if its repetition number is very small in image with random distribution. To achieve this goal, Gestalt Principle states that humans see things either through grouping its similar elements or recognize patterns. In general, according to Gestalt Principle, humans see things through genera

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
مجلة واسط للعلوم والطب
Study of nuclear characters to some 164, 166, 168 68 Er isotopes by using the interacting boson model IBM-1
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The aim of this study is to show the concepts of nuclear shape and the geometrical picture to the even-even nuclei of 164,166,168E isotopes in the context of the Interacting boson Model IBM-1. The energy spectra were calculated and the effective charge values (eB) of the electromagnetic transition strength were obtained and used to calculate the B(E2) values of the electromagnetic transitions and the quadrupole moment Q of 2+ -states. The Hamiltonian parameters were calculated by taking in account the properties of these nuclei. Comparison were made with the available experimental data and included in tables. The geometrical picture of these nuclei were looked at by calculating the deformation which were represented by the potentia

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Early Diagnose Alzheimer's Disease by Convolution Neural Network-based Histogram Features Extracting and Canny Edge
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Alzheimer's disease (AD) increasingly affects the elderly and is a major killer of those 65 and over. Different deep-learning methods are used for automatic diagnosis, yet they have some limitations. Deep Learning is one of the modern methods that were used to detect and classify a medical image because of the ability of deep Learning to extract the features of images automatically. However, there are still limitations to using deep learning to accurately classify medical images because extracting the fine edges of medical images is sometimes considered difficult, and some distortion in the images. Therefore, this research aims to develop A Computer-Aided Brain Diagnosis (CABD) system that can tell if a brain scan exhibits indications of

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Effective Hybrid Deep Neural Network for Arabic Fake News Detection
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Recently, the phenomenon of the spread of fake news or misinformation in most fields has taken on a wide resonance in societies. Combating this phenomenon and detecting misleading information manually is rather boring, takes a long time, and impractical. It is therefore necessary to rely on the fields of artificial intelligence to solve this problem. As such, this study aims to use deep learning techniques to detect Arabic fake news based on Arabic dataset called the AraNews dataset. This dataset contains news articles covering multiple fields such as politics, economy, culture, sports and others. A Hybrid Deep Neural Network has been proposed to improve accuracy. This network focuses on the properties of both the Text-Convolution Neural

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 24 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics
Human Recognition Using Ear Features: A Review
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Over the past few years, ear biometrics has attracted a lot of attention. It is a trusted biometric for the identification and recognition of humans due to its consistent shape and rich texture variation. The ear presents an attractive solution since it is visible, ear images are easily captured, and the ear structure remains relatively stable over time.  In this paper, a comprehensive review of prior research was conducted to establish the efficacy of utilizing ear features for individual identification through the employment of both manually-crafted features and deep-learning approaches. The objective of this model is to present the accuracy rate of person identification systems based on either manually-crafted features such as D

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Isolated Word Speech Recognition Using Mixed Transform
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Methods of speech recognition have been the subject of several studies over the past decade. Speech recognition has been one of the most exciting areas of the signal processing. Mixed transform is a useful tool for speech signal processing; it is developed for its abilities of improvement in feature extraction. Speech recognition includes three important stages, preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification. Recognition accuracy is so affected by the features extraction stage; therefore different models of mixed transform for feature extraction were proposed. The properties of the recorded isolated word will be 1-D, which achieve the conversion of each 1-D word into a 2-D form. The second step of the word recognizer requires, the

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Soft Simply Connected Spaces And Soft Simply Paracompact Spaces
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Abstract<p>We introduce in this paper some new concepts in soft topological spaces such as soft simply separated, soft simply disjoint, soft simply division, soft simply limit point and we define soft simply connected spaces, and we presented soft simply Paracompact spaces and studying some of its properties in soft topological spaces. In addition to introduce a new types of functions known as soft simply <italic>pu</italic>-continuous which are defined between two soft topological spaces.</p>
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2011
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Contour extraction of echocardiographic images based on pre-processing
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In this work we present a technique to extract the heart contours from noisy echocardiograph images. Our technique is based on improving the image before applying contours detection to reduce heavy noise and get better image quality. To perform that, we combine many pre-processing techniques (filtering, morphological operations, and contrast adjustment) to avoid unclear edges and enhance low contrast of echocardiograph images, after implementing these techniques we can get legible detection for heart boundaries and valves movement by traditional edge detection methods.

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparison Between The Performance of Parametric Active Contour Models
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Snakes, or active contours, are used extensively in computer vision and image processing applications, particularly to locate object boundaries.  In this research, for the segmentation of anatomical structures in medical images three approaches were implemented and compared like (original snake model, distance potential force model and Gradient Vector Flow (GVF) snake model). We used Computed Tomography image (CT) for our experiments.  Our experiments show that original snake model has two problems; first is the limited capture range and the second is the poor convergence. Distance potential force model solved only the first problem of original snake and failed with second problem. Gradient Vector Flow (GVF snake) provides a go

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