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Arabic Characters Recognition by Edge Detection Using Connected Component Contour(CO3)
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  In the present paper, Arabic Character Recognition  Edge detection method based on contour and connected components  is proposed. First stage contour extraction feature is introduced to tackle the Arabic characters edge detection problem, where the aim is to extract the edge information presented in the Arabic characters, since it is crucial to understand the character content.         The second stage connected components appling for the same characters to find edge detection. The proposed approach exploits a number of connected components, which move on the character by character intensity values, to establish matrix, which represents the edge information at each pixel location .          The third stage the euclidean distance and vector angle are combined by using a saturation-based combination for edge detection using connected component Contour(CO3) for each character.  The system has been tested on MATLAB environment with satisfactory results. Given a better device the result should increase in accuracy significantly. Fonts show that the accuracy of the proposed method is 97.4% correct characters identification in average. The contour code technique seems to be very promising producing top results. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 17 2019
Journal Name
Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing
A New Arabic Dataset for Emotion Recognition
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In this study, we have created a new Arabic dataset annotated according to Ekman’s basic emotions (Anger, Disgust, Fear, Happiness, Sadness and Surprise). This dataset is composed from Facebook posts written in the Iraqi dialect. We evaluated the quality of this dataset using four external judges which resulted in an average inter-annotation agreement of 0.751. Then we explored six different supervised machine learning methods to test the new dataset. We used Weka standard classifiers ZeroR, J48, Naïve Bayes, Multinomial Naïve Bayes for Text, and SMO. We also used a further compression-based classifier called PPM not included in Weka. Our study reveals that the PPM classifier significantly outperforms other classifiers such as SVM and N

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 05 2025
Journal Name
Science Journal Of University Of Zakho
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Due to the large population of motorway users in the country of Iraq, various approaches have been adopted to manage queues such as implementation of traffic lights, avoidance of illegal parking, amongst others. However, defaulters are recorded daily, hence the need to develop a mean of identifying these defaulters and bring them to book. This article discusses the development of an approach of recognizing Iraqi licence plates such that defaulters of queue management systems are identified. Multiple agencies worldwide have quickly and widely adopted the recognition of a vehicle license plate technology to expand their ability in investigative and security matters. License plate helps detect the vehicle's information automatically ra

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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Many approaches of different complexity already exist to edge detection in
color images. Nevertheless, the question remains of how different are the results
when employing computational costly techniques instead of simple ones. This
paper presents a comparative study on two approaches to color edge detection to
reduce noise in image. The approaches are based on the Sobel operator and the
Laplace operator. Furthermore, an efficient algorithm for implementing the two
operators is presented. The operators have been applied to real images. The results
are presented in this paper. It is shown that the quality of the results increases by
using second derivative operator (Laplace operator). And noise reduced in a good

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications
Human recognition by utilizing voice recognition and visual recognition
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Audio-visual detection and recognition system is thought to become the most promising methods for many applications includes surveillance, speech recognition, eavesdropping devices, intelligence operations, etc. In the recent field of human recognition, the majority of the research be- coming performed presently is focused on the reidentification of various body images taken by several cameras or its focuses on recognized audio-only. However, in some cases these traditional methods can- not be useful when used alone such as in indoor surveillance systems, that are installed close to the ceiling and capture images right from above in a downwards direction and in some cases people don't look straight the cameras or it cannot be added in some

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Image And Data Fusion
Image edge detection operators based on orthogonal polynomials
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 15 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
Text Steganography Based on Arabic Characters Linguistic Features and Word Shifting Method
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In the field of data security, the critical challenge of preserving sensitive information during its transmission through public channels takes centre stage. Steganography, a method employed to conceal data within various carrier objects such as text, can be proposed to address these security challenges. Text, owing to its extensive usage and constrained bandwidth, stands out as an optimal medium for this purpose. Despite the richness of the Arabic language in its linguistic features, only a small number of studies have explored Arabic text steganography. Arabic text, characterized by its distinctive script and linguistic features, has gained notable attention as a promising domain for steganographic ventures. Arabic text steganography harn

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
Studying Hueckel edge detector using binary step edge image
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Boltzmann Machine Neural Network for Arabic Speech Recognition
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Boltzmann mach ine neural network bas been used to recognize the Arabic speech.  Fast Fourier transl(>lmation algorithm has been used t() extract speciral 'features from an a caustic signal .

The  spectral  feature size is reduced by series of operations in

order to make it salable as input for a neural network which is used as a recogni zer by Boltzmann Machine Neural  network which has been used as a recognizer for phonemes . A training set consist of a number of Arabic phoneme repesentations, is used to train lhe neuntl network.

The neural network recognized Arabic. After Boltzmann Machine Neura l    network   training  the  system   with 

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 04 2022
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Plain, Edge, and Texture Detection Based on Orthogonal Moment
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Image pattern classification is considered a significant step for image and video processing.Although various image pattern algorithms have been proposed so far that achieved adequate classification,achieving higher accuracy while reducing the computation time remains challenging to date. A robust imagepattern classification method is essential to obtain the desired accuracy. This method can be accuratelyclassify image blocks into plain, edge, and texture (PET) using an efficient feature extraction mechanism.Moreover, to date, most of the existing studies are focused on evaluating their methods based on specificorthogonal moments, which limits the understanding of their potential application to various DiscreteOrthogonal Moments (DOMs). The

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 18 2022
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Plain, Edge, and Texture Detection Based on Orthogonal Moment
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Image pattern classification is considered a significant step for image and video processing. Although various image pattern algorithms have been proposed so far that achieved adequate classification, achieving higher accuracy while reducing the computation time remains challenging to date. A robust image pattern classification method is essential to obtain the desired accuracy. This method can be accurately classify image blocks into plain, edge, and texture (PET) using an efficient feature extraction mechanism. Moreover, to date, most of the existing studies are focused on evaluating their methods based on specific orthogonal moments, which limits the understanding of their potential application to various Discrete Orthogonal Moments (DOM

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