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Genetic –Based Face Retrieval Using Statistical Features
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Content-based image retrieval has been keenly developed in numerous fields. This provides more active management and retrieval of images than the keyword-based method. So the content based image retrieval becomes one of the liveliest researches in the past few years. In a given set of objects, the retrieval of information suggests solutions to search for those in response to a particular description. The set of objects which can be considered are documents, images, videos, or sounds. This paper proposes a method to retrieve a multi-view face from a large face database according to color and texture attributes. Some of the features used for retrieval are color attributes such as the mean, the variance, and the color image's bitmap. In addition, the energy, and the entropy which based on the gray level values in an image is too considered as the features. In addition to statistical approaches, models of artificial intelligence produce a desirable methodology that enhances performance in information retrieval systems, and the genetic algorithm depicts one of them. The GA is preferred for its power and because it can be used without any specific information of the domain. The experimental results conclude that using GA gives a good performance and it decreases the average search time to (60.15 milliseconds) compared with (722.25milliseconds) for traditional search.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New algorithms to Enhanced Fused Images from Auto-Focus Images
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Enhancing quality image fusion was proposed using new algorithms in auto-focus image fusion. The first algorithm is based on determining the standard deviation to combine two images. The second algorithm concentrates on the contrast at edge points and correlation method as the criteria parameter for the resulted image quality. This algorithm considers three blocks with different sizes at the homogenous region and moves it 10 pixels within the same homogenous region. These blocks examine the statistical properties of the block and decide automatically the next step. The resulted combined image is better in the contras

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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This work presents the simulation of a Low density Parity Check (LDPC) coding scheme with
multiuserMulti-Carrier Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA) system over Additive White
Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel and multipath fading channels. The decoding technique used in
the simulation was iterative decoding since it gives maximum efficiency with ten iterations.
Modulation schemes that used are Phase Shift Keying (BPSK, QPSK and 16 PSK), along with the
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). A 12 pilot carrier were used in the estimator
to compensate channel effect. The channel model used is Long Term Evolution (LTE) channel with
Technical Specification TS 25.101v2.10 and 5 MHz bandwidth including the chan

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 17 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Discrete Mathematical Sciences And Cryptography
Minimum spanning tree application in Covid-19 network structure analysis in the countries of the Middle East
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Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) has threatened human life, so it has become necessary to study this disease from many aspects. This study aims to identify the nature of the effect of interdependence between these countries and the impact of each other on each other by designating these countries as heads for the proposed graph and measuring the distance between them using the ultrametric spanning tree. In this paper, a network of countries in the Middle East is described using the tools of graph theory.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 04 2023
Journal Name
Exergy - New Technologies And Applications
High Synthetic Image Coding System
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Compressing an image and reconstructing it without degrading its original quality is one of the challenges that still exist now a day. A coding system that considers both quality and compression rate is implemented in this work. The implemented system applies a high synthetic entropy coding schema to store the compressed image at the smallest size as possible without affecting its original quality. This coding schema is applied with two transform-based techniques, one with Discrete Cosine Transform and the other with Discrete Wavelet Transform. The implemented system was tested with different standard color images and the obtained results with different evaluation metrics have been shown. A comparison was made with some previous rel

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Comparative Study for Estimate Fractional Parameter of ARFIMA Model
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      Long memory analysis is one of the most active areas in econometrics and time series where various methods have been introduced to identify and estimate the long memory parameter in partially integrated time series. One of the most common models used to represent time series that have a long memory is the ARFIMA (Auto Regressive Fractional Integration Moving Average Model) which diffs are a fractional number called the fractional parameter. To analyze and determine the ARFIMA model, the fractal parameter must be estimated. There are many methods for fractional parameter estimation. In this research, the estimation methods were divided into indirect methods, where the Hurst parameter is estimated fir

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Awareness of Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders and Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder among Student Teachers According to Some Variables
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The research aims to identify the level of awareness of student teachers in the behavioral disorders and autism specialization about the diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder and Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder according to some variables. The study was conducted on a sample of (113) student teachers. The researcher employed the awareness scale of a teacher-screening questionnaire for autism spectrum disorder and social pragmatic communication disorder. The results showed that the average of teachers in the total degree of awareness of autism spectrum disorder and social communication have recorded a moderate degree. As for the awareness of autism spectrum disorder was high. Then, the awareness of social communication disorder wa

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Death Scene in the "Ayniyah" Poems of Abi Thuayib Al-Huthali and Suda bint Shamardal: A Contrastive Study
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This study is an objective literary study of the poems of Abu Dhu'ayb Al-Hudhali and Su'da Bint Al-Shamrdal. It aims to shed light on the philosophy of death in the poems, and the way this philosophy is treated by both poets. Thus, the main prominent poetic images have been addressed and the outstanding ones have been singled out. The study further investigates the intertextuality with other poetic verses and Quranic verses and reviews the deviation in their semantic, syntactic, and phonetic types. The study adopts the historical approach to examine the occasion of the poems by referring to several historical sources that indicate the seniority. It also adopts the and descriptive-analytical approach represented by the use of content anal

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Optimal Economic Design of Diversion Structures during Construction of a Dam by Particle Swarm Optimization
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Diverting river flow during construction of a main dam involves the construction of cofferdams, and tunnels, channels or other temporary passages. Diversion channels are commonly used in wide valleys where the high flow makes tunnels or culverts uneconomic. The diversion works must form part of the overall project design since it will have a major impact on its cost, as well as on the design, construction program and overall cost of the permanent works. Construction costs contain of excavation, lining of the channel, and construction of upstream and downstream cofferdams. The optimization model was applied to obtain optimalchannel cross section, height of upstream cofferdam, and height of downstream cofferdamwith minimum construction cost

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 28 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Mathematics And System Science
Simulating Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm to Estimate Likelihood Function of ARMA(1, 1) Model
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Usage of non-linear programming in building a mathematical model for production planning according to discount constraints put on bought amount
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 This research deals will the declared production planning operation in the general company of planting oils, which have  great role in production operations management who had built mathematical model for correct non-linear programming according to discounting operation during raw materials or half-made materials purchasing operation which concentration of six main products by company but discount included just three products of raw materials, and there were six months taken from the 1st half of 2014 as a planning period has been chosen . Simulated annealing algorithm  application on non-linear model which been more difficulty than possible solution when imposed restric

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