The thermal evaporation technique is used to investigate the structural and optical properties of ZnIn2(Se1-0.2Te0.2)4 (ZIST) chalcopyrite semiconductors. ZnIn2(Se0.8Te0.2)4 thin films with a thickness of 500 nm are taken into consideration, and the effect of annealing at various temperatures ranged from R.T, 373, 473 K. (ZIST) Thin film is widely regarded as a remarkable semiconductor material for the development of second-generation solar cells. ZnIn2(Se0.8Te0.2)4 films are polycrystalline with excellent stoichiometric composition, as shown by XRD and AFM investigations. According to a structural study, annealing the films after they were deposited increased the average grain size and crystallite size after annealing, as well as one of the favored orientations of the polycrystalline phase is along the (112) direction. The wavelength range used to determine these films' optical characteristics was 400 nm–1000 nm. Semiconductors ZnIn2(Se1-0.2Te0.2)4 have direct band gaps of 1.7, 1.65, and 1.6 eV respectively. The calculated optical constant includes the refractive index. extinction coefficient. real and imaginary components of dielectric constant.