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On The Double Integral Transform (Complex EE Transform) and Their Properties and Applications
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Due to the importance of solutions of partial differential equations, linear, nonlinear, homogeneous, and non-homogeneous, in important life applications, including engineering applications, physics and astronomy, medical sciences, and life technology, and their importance in solutions to heat transfer equations, wave, Laplace equation, telegraph, etc. In this paper, a new double integral transform has been proposed.

In this work, we have introduced a new double transform ( Double Complex EE Transform ). In addition, we presented the convolution theorem and proved the properties of the proposed transform, which has an effective and useful role in dealing with the solution of two-dimensional partial differential equations. Moreover, two examples of important mathematical equations are solved to illustrate method. This double  integral transformation has a complex kernel.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مقارنة مقدرات بيز لدالة المعولية لتوزيع باريتو من النوع الاول باستعمال دوال معلوماتية مضاعفة مختلفة
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The comparison of double informative priors which are assumed for the reliability function of Pareto type I distribution. To estimate the reliability function of Pareto type I distribution by using Bayes estimation, will be  used two different kind of information in the Bayes estimation; two different priors have been selected for the parameter of Pareto  type I distribution . Assuming distribution of three double prior’s chi- gamma squared distribution, gamma - erlang distribution, and erlang- exponential distribution as double priors. The results of the derivaties of these estimators under the squared error loss function with two different double priors. Using the simulation technique, to compare the performance for

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